greenplumn CCTEMap 源码

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greenplumn CCTEMap 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2012 EMC Corp.
//	@filename:
//		CCTEMap.cpp
//	@doc:
//		Implementation of CTE map

#include "gpopt/base/CCTEMap.h"

#include "gpos/base.h"

#include "gpopt/base/CCTEReq.h"

using namespace gpopt;


//	@function:
//		CCTEMap::CCTEMap
//	@doc:
//		Ctor
CCTEMap::CCTEMap(CMemoryPool *mp) : m_mp(mp), m_phmcm(nullptr)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != mp);

	m_phmcm = GPOS_NEW(m_mp) UlongToCTEMapEntryMap(m_mp);

//	@function:
//		CCTEMap::~CCTEMap
//	@doc:
//		Dtor

//	@function:
//		CCTEMap::Insert
//	@doc:
//		Insert a new map entry. No entry with the same id can already exist
CCTEMap::Insert(ULONG ulCteId, ECteType ect, CDrvdPropPlan *pdpplan)
	GPOS_ASSERT(EctSentinel > ect);

	if (nullptr != pdpplan)

	CCTEMapEntry *pcme = GPOS_NEW(m_mp) CCTEMapEntry(ulCteId, ect, pdpplan);
		m_phmcm->Insert(GPOS_NEW(m_mp) ULONG(ulCteId), pcme);

//	@function:
//		CCTEMap::PdpplanProducer
//	@doc:
//		At any point in a query plan, derived plan properties must contain
//		at most one CTE producer;
//		this function returns plan properties of that producer if found, otherwise
//		return NULL;
//		the function also asserts that map has no other producer entries
CDrvdPropPlan *
		pulId  // output: CTE producer Id, set to gpos::ulong_max if no producer found
) const
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pulId);

	CDrvdPropPlan *pdpplanProducer = nullptr;
	*pulId = gpos::ulong_max;
	UlongToCTEMapEntryMapIter hmcmi(m_phmcm);
	while (nullptr == pdpplanProducer && hmcmi.Advance())
		const CCTEMapEntry *pcme = hmcmi.Value();
		CCTEMap::ECteType ect = pcme->Ect();
		CDrvdPropPlan *pdpplan = pcme->Pdpplan();
		if (CCTEMap::EctProducer == ect)
			GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pdpplan);
			pdpplanProducer = pdpplan;
			*pulId = pcme->Id();

	while (hmcmi.Advance())
		const CCTEMapEntry *pcme = hmcmi.Value();
		CCTEMap::ECteType ect = pcme->Ect();
		GPOS_ASSERT(CCTEMap::EctConsumer == ect &&
					"CTE map has properties of more than one producer");
#endif	// GPOS_DEBUG

	return pdpplanProducer;

//	@function:
//		CCTEMap::AddUnresolved
//	@doc:
//		Helper to add entries found in the first map and are
//		unresolved based on the second map
CCTEMap::AddUnresolved(const CCTEMap &cmFirst, const CCTEMap &cmSecond,
					   CCTEMap *pcmResult)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pcmResult);
	// iterate on first map and lookup entries in second map
	UlongToCTEMapEntryMapIter hmcmi(cmFirst.m_phmcm);
	while (hmcmi.Advance())
		const CCTEMapEntry *pcme = hmcmi.Value();
		ULONG id = pcme->Id();
		ECteType ectFirst = pcme->Ect();
		CDrvdPropPlan *pdpplanFirst = pcme->Pdpplan();

		if (nullptr != pcmResult->PcmeLookup(id))
			// skip entries already in the result map

		// check if entry exists in second map
		CCTEMapEntry *pcmeSecond = cmSecond.PcmeLookup(id);

		// if entry does not exist in second map, or exists with the same cte type
		// then it should be in the result
		if (nullptr == pcmeSecond || ectFirst == pcmeSecond->Ect())
			pcmResult->Insert(id, ectFirst, pdpplanFirst);

//	@function:
//		CCTEMap::PcmeLookup
//	@doc:
//		Lookup info for given cte id
CCTEMap::CCTEMapEntry *
CCTEMap::PcmeLookup(ULONG ulCteId) const
	return m_phmcm->Find(&ulCteId);

//	@function:
//		CCTEMap::FSubset
//	@doc:
//		Check if the current map is a subset of the given one
CCTEMap::FSubset(const CCTEMap *pcm) const
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pcm);

	if (m_phmcm->Size() > pcm->m_phmcm->Size())
		return false;

	UlongToCTEMapEntryMapIter hmcmi(m_phmcm);
	while (hmcmi.Advance())
		const CCTEMapEntry *pcme = hmcmi.Value();
		CCTEMapEntry *pcmeOther = pcm->PcmeLookup(pcme->Id());
		if (nullptr == pcmeOther || pcmeOther->Ect() != pcme->Ect())
			return false;

	return true;

//	@function:
//		CCTEMap::HashValue
//	@doc:
//		Hash of components
CCTEMap::HashValue() const
	ULONG ulHash = 0;

	// how many map entries to use for hash computation
	ULONG ulMaxEntries = 5;
	ULONG ul = 0;

	UlongToCTEMapEntryMapIter hmcmi(m_phmcm);
	while (hmcmi.Advance() && ul < ulMaxEntries)
		const CCTEMapEntry *pcme = hmcmi.Value();
		ulHash = gpos::CombineHashes(ulHash, pcme->HashValue());

	return ulHash;

//	@function:
//		CCTEMap::Ect
//	@doc:
//		Return the CTE type associated with the given ID in the derived map
CCTEMap::Ect(const ULONG id) const
	CCTEMapEntry *pcme = PcmeLookup(id);
	if (nullptr == pcme)
		return EctSentinel;

	return pcme->Ect();

//	@function:
//		CCTEMap::PcmCombine
//	@doc:
//		Combine the two given maps and return the result
CCTEMap::PcmCombine(CMemoryPool *mp, const CCTEMap &cmFirst,
					const CCTEMap &cmSecond)
	CCTEMap *pcmResult = GPOS_NEW(mp) CCTEMap(mp);

	// add entries from first map that are not resolvable based on second map
	AddUnresolved(cmFirst, cmSecond, pcmResult);

	// add entries from second map that are not resolvable based on first map
	AddUnresolved(cmSecond, cmFirst, pcmResult);

	return pcmResult;

//	@function:
//		CCTEMap::FSatisfies
//	@doc:
//		Check whether the current CTE map satisfies the given CTE requirements
CCTEMap::FSatisfies(const CCTEReq *pcter) const
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pcter);
	// every CTE marked as "Required" must be in the current map
	ULongPtrArray *pdrgpul = pcter->PdrgpulRequired();
	const ULONG ulReqd = pdrgpul->Size();
	for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < ulReqd; ul++)
		ULONG *pulId = (*pdrgpul)[ul];
		ECteType ect = pcter->Ect(*pulId);

		CCTEMapEntry *pcme = this->PcmeLookup(*pulId);
		if (nullptr == pcme || pcme->Ect() != ect)
			return false;

	// every CTE consumer in the current map must be in the requirements (does not
	// matter whether it is marked as required or optional)
	UlongToCTEMapEntryMapIter hmcmi(m_phmcm);
	while (hmcmi.Advance())
		const CCTEMapEntry *pcme = hmcmi.Value();
		ECteType ect = pcme->Ect();
		if (CCTEMap::EctConsumer == ect &&
			!pcter->FContainsRequirement(pcme->Id(), ect))
			return false;

	return true;

//	@function:
//		CCTEMap::PdrgpulAdditionalProducers
//	@doc:
//		Return producer ids that are in this map but not in the given requirement
ULongPtrArray *
CCTEMap::PdrgpulAdditionalProducers(CMemoryPool *mp, const CCTEReq *pcter) const
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pcter);
	ULongPtrArray *pdrgpul = GPOS_NEW(mp) ULongPtrArray(mp);

	UlongToCTEMapEntryMapIter hmcmi(m_phmcm);
	while (hmcmi.Advance())
		const CCTEMapEntry *pcme = hmcmi.Value();
		ULONG id = pcme->Id();
		ECteType ect = pcme->Ect();

		if (CCTEMap::EctProducer == ect &&
			!pcter->FContainsRequirement(id, ect))
			pdrgpul->Append(GPOS_NEW(mp) ULONG(id));

	return pdrgpul;

//	@function:
//		CCTEMap::OsPrint
//	@doc:
//		debug print
IOstream &
CCTEMap::OsPrint(IOstream &os) const
	UlongToCTEMapEntryMapIter hmcmi(m_phmcm);
	while (hmcmi.Advance())
		CCTEMapEntry *pcme = const_cast<CCTEMapEntry *>(hmcmi.Value());
		os << " ";

	return os;

namespace gpopt
IOstream &
operator<<(IOstream &os, CCTEMap &cm)
	return cm.OsPrint(os);

}  // namespace gpopt

// EOF


greenplumn 源码目录


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greenplumn CCTEReq 源码

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