greenplumn execParallel 源码

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greenplumn execParallel 代码


 * execParallel.c
 *	  Support routines for parallel execution.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * This file contains routines that are intended to support setting up,
 * using, and tearing down a ParallelContext from within the PostgreSQL
 * executor.  The ParallelContext machinery will handle starting the
 * workers and ensuring that their state generally matches that of the
 * leader; see src/backend/access/transam/README.parallel for details.
 * However, we must save and restore relevant executor state, such as
 * any ParamListInfo associated with the query, buffer usage info, and
 * the actual plan to be passed down to the worker.
 *	  src/backend/executor/execParallel.c

#include "postgres.h"

#include "executor/execParallel.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "executor/nodeAppend.h"
#include "executor/nodeBitmapHeapscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeCustom.h"
#include "executor/nodeForeignscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeHash.h"
#include "executor/nodeHashjoin.h"
#include "executor/nodeIndexscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeIndexonlyscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeSeqscan.h"
#include "executor/nodeSort.h"
#include "executor/nodeSubplan.h"
#include "executor/tqueue.h"
#include "jit/jit.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "storage/spin.h"
#include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
#include "utils/datum.h"
#include "utils/dsa.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/snapmgr.h"
#include "pgstat.h"

 * Magic numbers for parallel executor communication.  We use constants
 * greater than any 32-bit integer here so that values < 2^32 can be used
 * by individual parallel nodes to store their own state.
#define PARALLEL_KEY_EXECUTOR_FIXED		UINT64CONST(0xE000000000000001)
#define PARALLEL_KEY_PLANNEDSTMT		UINT64CONST(0xE000000000000002)
#define PARALLEL_KEY_BUFFER_USAGE		UINT64CONST(0xE000000000000004)
#define PARALLEL_KEY_TUPLE_QUEUE		UINT64CONST(0xE000000000000005)
#define PARALLEL_KEY_DSA				UINT64CONST(0xE000000000000007)
#define PARALLEL_KEY_QUERY_TEXT		UINT64CONST(0xE000000000000008)


 * Fixed-size random stuff that we need to pass to parallel workers.
typedef struct FixedParallelExecutorState
	int64		tuples_needed;	/* tuple bound, see ExecSetTupleBound */
	dsa_pointer param_exec;
	int			eflags;
	int			jit_flags;
} FixedParallelExecutorState;

 * DSM structure for accumulating per-PlanState instrumentation.
 * instrument_options: Same meaning here as in instrument.c.
 * instrument_offset: Offset, relative to the start of this structure,
 * of the first Instrumentation object.  This will depend on the length of
 * the plan_node_id array.
 * num_workers: Number of workers.
 * num_plan_nodes: Number of plan nodes.
 * plan_node_id: Array of plan nodes for which we are gathering instrumentation
 * from parallel workers.  The length of this array is given by num_plan_nodes.
struct SharedExecutorInstrumentation
	int			instrument_options;
	int			instrument_offset;
	int			num_workers;
	int			num_plan_nodes;
	int			plan_node_id[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
	/* array of num_plan_nodes * num_workers Instrumentation objects follows */
#define GetInstrumentationArray(sei) \
	(AssertVariableIsOfTypeMacro(sei, SharedExecutorInstrumentation *), \
	 (Instrumentation *) (((char *) sei) + sei->instrument_offset))

/* Context object for ExecParallelEstimate. */
typedef struct ExecParallelEstimateContext
	ParallelContext *pcxt;
	int			nnodes;
} ExecParallelEstimateContext;

/* Context object for ExecParallelInitializeDSM. */
typedef struct ExecParallelInitializeDSMContext
	ParallelContext *pcxt;
	SharedExecutorInstrumentation *instrumentation;
	int			nnodes;
} ExecParallelInitializeDSMContext;

/* Helper functions that run in the parallel leader. */
static char *ExecSerializePlan(Plan *plan, EState *estate);
static bool ExecParallelEstimate(PlanState *node,
								 ExecParallelEstimateContext *e);
static bool ExecParallelInitializeDSM(PlanState *node,
									  ExecParallelInitializeDSMContext *d);
static shm_mq_handle **ExecParallelSetupTupleQueues(ParallelContext *pcxt,
													bool reinitialize);
static bool ExecParallelReInitializeDSM(PlanState *planstate,
										ParallelContext *pcxt);
static bool ExecParallelRetrieveInstrumentation(PlanState *planstate,
												SharedExecutorInstrumentation *instrumentation);

/* Helper function that runs in the parallel worker. */
static DestReceiver *ExecParallelGetReceiver(dsm_segment *seg, shm_toc *toc);

 * Create a serialized representation of the plan to be sent to each worker.
static char *
ExecSerializePlan(Plan *plan, EState *estate)
	PlannedStmt *pstmt;
	ListCell   *lc;

	/* We can't scribble on the original plan, so make a copy. */
	plan = copyObject(plan);

	 * The worker will start its own copy of the executor, and that copy will
	 * insert a junk filter if the toplevel node has any resjunk entries. We
	 * don't want that to happen, because while resjunk columns shouldn't be
	 * sent back to the user, here the tuples are coming back to another
	 * backend which may very well need them.  So mutate the target list
	 * accordingly.  This is sort of a hack; there might be better ways to do
	 * this...
	foreach(lc, plan->targetlist)
		TargetEntry *tle = lfirst_node(TargetEntry, lc);

		tle->resjunk = false;

	 * Create a dummy PlannedStmt.  Most of the fields don't need to be valid
	 * for our purposes, but the worker will need at least a minimal
	 * PlannedStmt to start the executor.
	pstmt = makeNode(PlannedStmt);
	pstmt->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
	pstmt->queryId = UINT64CONST(0);
	pstmt->hasReturning = false;
	pstmt->hasModifyingCTE = false;
	pstmt->canSetTag = true;
	pstmt->transientPlan = false;
	pstmt->dependsOnRole = false;
	pstmt->parallelModeNeeded = false;
	pstmt->planTree = plan;
	pstmt->rtable = estate->es_range_table;
	pstmt->resultRelations = NIL;

	 * Transfer only parallel-safe subplans, leaving a NULL "hole" in the list
	 * for unsafe ones (so that the list indexes of the safe ones are
	 * preserved).  This positively ensures that the worker won't try to run,
	 * or even do ExecInitNode on, an unsafe subplan.  That's important to
	 * protect, eg, non-parallel-aware FDWs from getting into trouble.
	pstmt->subplans = NIL;
	foreach(lc, estate->es_plannedstmt->subplans)
		Plan	   *subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(lc);

		if (subplan && !subplan->parallel_safe)
			subplan = NULL;
		pstmt->subplans = lappend(pstmt->subplans, subplan);

	pstmt->rewindPlanIDs = NULL;
	pstmt->rowMarks = NIL;
	pstmt->relationOids = NIL;
	pstmt->invalItems = NIL;	/* workers can't replan anyway... */
	pstmt->paramExecTypes = estate->es_plannedstmt->paramExecTypes;
	pstmt->utilityStmt = NULL;
	pstmt->stmt_location = -1;
	pstmt->stmt_len = -1;

	/* Return serialized copy of our dummy PlannedStmt. */
	return nodeToString(pstmt);

 * Parallel-aware plan nodes (and occasionally others) may need some state
 * which is shared across all parallel workers.  Before we size the DSM, give
 * them a chance to call shm_toc_estimate_chunk or shm_toc_estimate_keys on
 * &pcxt->estimator.
 * While we're at it, count the number of PlanState nodes in the tree, so
 * we know how many Instrumentation structures we need.
static bool
ExecParallelEstimate(PlanState *planstate, ExecParallelEstimateContext *e)
	if (planstate == NULL)
		return false;

	/* Count this node. */

	switch (nodeTag(planstate))
		case T_SeqScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecSeqScanEstimate((SeqScanState *) planstate,
		case T_IndexScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecIndexScanEstimate((IndexScanState *) planstate,
		case T_IndexOnlyScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecIndexOnlyScanEstimate((IndexOnlyScanState *) planstate,
		case T_ForeignScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecForeignScanEstimate((ForeignScanState *) planstate,
		case T_AppendState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecAppendEstimate((AppendState *) planstate,
		case T_CustomScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecCustomScanEstimate((CustomScanState *) planstate,
		case T_BitmapHeapScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecBitmapHeapEstimate((BitmapHeapScanState *) planstate,
		case T_HashJoinState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecHashJoinEstimate((HashJoinState *) planstate,
		case T_HashState:
			/* even when not parallel-aware, for EXPLAIN ANALYZE */
			ExecHashEstimate((HashState *) planstate, e->pcxt);
		case T_SortState:
			/* even when not parallel-aware, for EXPLAIN ANALYZE */
			ExecSortEstimate((SortState *) planstate, e->pcxt);


	return planstate_tree_walker(planstate, ExecParallelEstimate, e);

 * Estimate the amount of space required to serialize the indicated parameters.
static Size
EstimateParamExecSpace(EState *estate, Bitmapset *params)
	int			paramid;
	Size		sz = sizeof(int);

	paramid = -1;
	while ((paramid = bms_next_member(params, paramid)) >= 0)
		Oid			typeOid;
		int16		typLen;
		bool		typByVal;
		ParamExecData *prm;

		prm = &(estate->es_param_exec_vals[paramid]);
		typeOid = list_nth_oid(estate->es_plannedstmt->paramExecTypes,

		sz = add_size(sz, sizeof(int)); /* space for paramid */

		/* space for datum/isnull */
		if (OidIsValid(typeOid))
			get_typlenbyval(typeOid, &typLen, &typByVal);
			/* If no type OID, assume by-value, like copyParamList does. */
			typLen = sizeof(Datum);
			typByVal = true;
		sz = add_size(sz,
					  datumEstimateSpace(prm->value, prm->isnull,
										 typByVal, typLen));
	return sz;

 * Serialize specified PARAM_EXEC parameters.
 * We write the number of parameters first, as a 4-byte integer, and then
 * write details for each parameter in turn.  The details for each parameter
 * consist of a 4-byte paramid (location of param in execution time internal
 * parameter array) and then the datum as serialized by datumSerialize().
static dsa_pointer
SerializeParamExecParams(EState *estate, Bitmapset *params, dsa_area *area)
	Size		size;
	int			nparams;
	int			paramid;
	ParamExecData *prm;
	dsa_pointer handle;
	char	   *start_address;

	/* Allocate enough space for the current parameter values. */
	size = EstimateParamExecSpace(estate, params);
	handle = dsa_allocate(area, size);
	start_address = dsa_get_address(area, handle);

	/* First write the number of parameters as a 4-byte integer. */
	nparams = bms_num_members(params);
	memcpy(start_address, &nparams, sizeof(int));
	start_address += sizeof(int);

	/* Write details for each parameter in turn. */
	paramid = -1;
	while ((paramid = bms_next_member(params, paramid)) >= 0)
		Oid			typeOid;
		int16		typLen;
		bool		typByVal;

		prm = &(estate->es_param_exec_vals[paramid]);
		typeOid = list_nth_oid(estate->es_plannedstmt->paramExecTypes,

		/* Write paramid. */
		memcpy(start_address, &paramid, sizeof(int));
		start_address += sizeof(int);

		/* Write datum/isnull */
		if (OidIsValid(typeOid))
			get_typlenbyval(typeOid, &typLen, &typByVal);
			/* If no type OID, assume by-value, like copyParamList does. */
			typLen = sizeof(Datum);
			typByVal = true;
		datumSerialize(prm->value, prm->isnull, typByVal, typLen,

	return handle;

 * Restore specified PARAM_EXEC parameters.
static void
RestoreParamExecParams(char *start_address, EState *estate)
	int			nparams;
	int			i;
	int			paramid;

	memcpy(&nparams, start_address, sizeof(int));
	start_address += sizeof(int);

	for (i = 0; i < nparams; i++)
		ParamExecData *prm;

		/* Read paramid */
		memcpy(&paramid, start_address, sizeof(int));
		start_address += sizeof(int);
		prm = &(estate->es_param_exec_vals[paramid]);

		/* Read datum/isnull. */
		prm->value = datumRestore(&start_address, &prm->isnull);
		prm->execPlan = NULL;

 * Initialize the dynamic shared memory segment that will be used to control
 * parallel execution.
static bool
ExecParallelInitializeDSM(PlanState *planstate,
						  ExecParallelInitializeDSMContext *d)
	if (planstate == NULL)
		return false;

	/* If instrumentation is enabled, initialize slot for this node. */
	if (d->instrumentation != NULL)
		d->instrumentation->plan_node_id[d->nnodes] =

	/* Count this node. */

	 * Call initializers for DSM-using plan nodes.
	 * Most plan nodes won't do anything here, but plan nodes that allocated
	 * DSM may need to initialize shared state in the DSM before parallel
	 * workers are launched.  They can allocate the space they previously
	 * estimated using shm_toc_allocate, and add the keys they previously
	 * estimated using shm_toc_insert, in each case targeting pcxt->toc.
	switch (nodeTag(planstate))
		case T_SeqScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecSeqScanInitializeDSM((SeqScanState *) planstate,
		case T_IndexScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecIndexScanInitializeDSM((IndexScanState *) planstate,
		case T_IndexOnlyScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecIndexOnlyScanInitializeDSM((IndexOnlyScanState *) planstate,
		case T_ForeignScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecForeignScanInitializeDSM((ForeignScanState *) planstate,
		case T_AppendState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecAppendInitializeDSM((AppendState *) planstate,
		case T_CustomScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecCustomScanInitializeDSM((CustomScanState *) planstate,
		case T_BitmapHeapScanState:
			/* GPDB_12_MERGE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED: the parallel StreamBitmap scan is not implemented */
			 * if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
			 *     ExecBitmapHeapInitializeDSM((BitmapHeapScanState *) planstate,
			 *                                 d->pcxt);
		case T_HashJoinState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecHashJoinInitializeDSM((HashJoinState *) planstate,
		case T_HashState:
			/* even when not parallel-aware, for EXPLAIN ANALYZE */
			ExecHashInitializeDSM((HashState *) planstate, d->pcxt);
		case T_SortState:
			/* even when not parallel-aware, for EXPLAIN ANALYZE */
			ExecSortInitializeDSM((SortState *) planstate, d->pcxt);


	return planstate_tree_walker(planstate, ExecParallelInitializeDSM, d);

 * It sets up the response queues for backend workers to return tuples
 * to the main backend and start the workers.
static shm_mq_handle **
ExecParallelSetupTupleQueues(ParallelContext *pcxt, bool reinitialize)
	shm_mq_handle **responseq;
	char	   *tqueuespace;
	int			i;

	/* Skip this if no workers. */
	if (pcxt->nworkers == 0)
		return NULL;

	/* Allocate memory for shared memory queue handles. */
	responseq = (shm_mq_handle **)
		palloc(pcxt->nworkers * sizeof(shm_mq_handle *));

	 * If not reinitializing, allocate space from the DSM for the queues;
	 * otherwise, find the already allocated space.
	if (!reinitialize)
		tqueuespace =
		tqueuespace = shm_toc_lookup(pcxt->toc, PARALLEL_KEY_TUPLE_QUEUE, false);

	/* Create the queues, and become the receiver for each. */
	for (i = 0; i < pcxt->nworkers; ++i)
		shm_mq	   *mq;

		mq = shm_mq_create(tqueuespace +
						   ((Size) i) * PARALLEL_TUPLE_QUEUE_SIZE,

		shm_mq_set_receiver(mq, MyProc);
		responseq[i] = shm_mq_attach(mq, pcxt->seg, NULL);

	/* Add array of queues to shm_toc, so others can find it. */
	if (!reinitialize)
		shm_toc_insert(pcxt->toc, PARALLEL_KEY_TUPLE_QUEUE, tqueuespace);

	/* Return array of handles. */
	return responseq;

 * Sets up the required infrastructure for backend workers to perform
 * execution and return results to the main backend.
ParallelExecutorInfo *
ExecInitParallelPlan(PlanState *planstate, EState *estate,
					 Bitmapset *sendParams, int nworkers,
					 int64 tuples_needed)
	ParallelExecutorInfo *pei;
	ParallelContext *pcxt;
	ExecParallelEstimateContext e;
	ExecParallelInitializeDSMContext d;
	FixedParallelExecutorState *fpes;
	char	   *pstmt_data;
	char	   *pstmt_space;
	char	   *paramlistinfo_space;
	BufferUsage *bufusage_space;
	SharedExecutorInstrumentation *instrumentation = NULL;
	SharedJitInstrumentation *jit_instrumentation = NULL;
	int			pstmt_len;
	int			paramlistinfo_len;
	int			instrumentation_len = 0;
	int			jit_instrumentation_len = 0;
	int			instrument_offset = 0;
	Size		dsa_minsize = dsa_minimum_size();
	char	   *query_string;
	int			query_len;

	 * Force any initplan outputs that we're going to pass to workers to be
	 * evaluated, if they weren't already.
	 * For simplicity, we use the EState's per-output-tuple ExprContext here.
	 * That risks intra-query memory leakage, since we might pass through here
	 * many times before that ExprContext gets reset; but ExecSetParamPlan
	 * doesn't normally leak any memory in the context (see its comments), so
	 * it doesn't seem worth complicating this function's API to pass it a
	 * shorter-lived ExprContext.  This might need to change someday.
	ExecSetParamPlanMulti(sendParams, GetPerTupleExprContext(estate), NULL);

	/* Allocate object for return value. */
	pei = palloc0(sizeof(ParallelExecutorInfo));
	pei->finished = false;
	pei->planstate = planstate;

	/* Fix up and serialize plan to be sent to workers. */
	pstmt_data = ExecSerializePlan(planstate->plan, estate);

	/* Create a parallel context. */
	pcxt = CreateParallelContext("postgres", "ParallelQueryMain", nworkers);
	pei->pcxt = pcxt;

	 * Before telling the parallel context to create a dynamic shared memory
	 * segment, we need to figure out how big it should be.  Estimate space
	 * for the various things we need to store.

	/* Estimate space for fixed-size state. */
	shm_toc_estimate_keys(&pcxt->estimator, 1);

	/* Estimate space for query text. */
	query_len = strlen(estate->es_sourceText);
	shm_toc_estimate_chunk(&pcxt->estimator, query_len + 1);
	shm_toc_estimate_keys(&pcxt->estimator, 1);

	/* Estimate space for serialized PlannedStmt. */
	pstmt_len = strlen(pstmt_data) + 1;
	shm_toc_estimate_chunk(&pcxt->estimator, pstmt_len);
	shm_toc_estimate_keys(&pcxt->estimator, 1);

	/* Estimate space for serialized ParamListInfo. */
	paramlistinfo_len = EstimateParamListSpace(estate->es_param_list_info);
	shm_toc_estimate_chunk(&pcxt->estimator, paramlistinfo_len);
	shm_toc_estimate_keys(&pcxt->estimator, 1);

	 * Estimate space for BufferUsage.
	 * If EXPLAIN is not in use and there are no extensions loaded that care,
	 * we could skip this.  But we have no way of knowing whether anyone's
	 * looking at pgBufferUsage, so do it unconditionally.
						   mul_size(sizeof(BufferUsage), pcxt->nworkers));
	shm_toc_estimate_keys(&pcxt->estimator, 1);

	/* Estimate space for tuple queues. */
						   mul_size(PARALLEL_TUPLE_QUEUE_SIZE, pcxt->nworkers));
	shm_toc_estimate_keys(&pcxt->estimator, 1);

	 * Give parallel-aware nodes a chance to add to the estimates, and get a
	 * count of how many PlanState nodes there are.
	e.pcxt = pcxt;
	e.nnodes = 0;
	ExecParallelEstimate(planstate, &e);

	/* Estimate space for instrumentation, if required. */
	if (estate->es_instrument)
		instrumentation_len =
			offsetof(SharedExecutorInstrumentation, plan_node_id) +
			sizeof(int) * e.nnodes;
		instrumentation_len = MAXALIGN(instrumentation_len);
		instrument_offset = instrumentation_len;
		instrumentation_len +=
					 mul_size(e.nnodes, nworkers));
		shm_toc_estimate_chunk(&pcxt->estimator, instrumentation_len);
		shm_toc_estimate_keys(&pcxt->estimator, 1);

		/* Estimate space for JIT instrumentation, if required. */
		if (estate->es_jit_flags != PGJIT_NONE)
			jit_instrumentation_len =
				offsetof(SharedJitInstrumentation, jit_instr) +
				sizeof(JitInstrumentation) * nworkers;
			shm_toc_estimate_chunk(&pcxt->estimator, jit_instrumentation_len);
			shm_toc_estimate_keys(&pcxt->estimator, 1);

	/* Estimate space for DSA area. */
	shm_toc_estimate_chunk(&pcxt->estimator, dsa_minsize);
	shm_toc_estimate_keys(&pcxt->estimator, 1);

	/* Everyone's had a chance to ask for space, so now create the DSM. */

	 * OK, now we have a dynamic shared memory segment, and it should be big
	 * enough to store all of the data we estimated we would want to put into
	 * it, plus whatever general stuff (not specifically executor-related) the
	 * ParallelContext itself needs to store there.  None of the space we
	 * asked for has been allocated or initialized yet, though, so do that.

	/* Store fixed-size state. */
	fpes = shm_toc_allocate(pcxt->toc, sizeof(FixedParallelExecutorState));
	fpes->tuples_needed = tuples_needed;
	fpes->param_exec = InvalidDsaPointer;
	fpes->eflags = estate->es_top_eflags;
	fpes->jit_flags = estate->es_jit_flags;
	shm_toc_insert(pcxt->toc, PARALLEL_KEY_EXECUTOR_FIXED, fpes);

	/* Store query string */
	query_string = shm_toc_allocate(pcxt->toc, query_len + 1);
	memcpy(query_string, estate->es_sourceText, query_len + 1);
	shm_toc_insert(pcxt->toc, PARALLEL_KEY_QUERY_TEXT, query_string);

	/* Store serialized PlannedStmt. */
	pstmt_space = shm_toc_allocate(pcxt->toc, pstmt_len);
	memcpy(pstmt_space, pstmt_data, pstmt_len);
	shm_toc_insert(pcxt->toc, PARALLEL_KEY_PLANNEDSTMT, pstmt_space);

	/* Store serialized ParamListInfo. */
	paramlistinfo_space = shm_toc_allocate(pcxt->toc, paramlistinfo_len);
	shm_toc_insert(pcxt->toc, PARALLEL_KEY_PARAMLISTINFO, paramlistinfo_space);
	SerializeParamList(estate->es_param_list_info, &paramlistinfo_space);

	/* Allocate space for each worker's BufferUsage; no need to initialize. */
	bufusage_space = shm_toc_allocate(pcxt->toc,
									  mul_size(sizeof(BufferUsage), pcxt->nworkers));
	shm_toc_insert(pcxt->toc, PARALLEL_KEY_BUFFER_USAGE, bufusage_space);
	pei->buffer_usage = bufusage_space;

	/* Set up the tuple queues that the workers will write into. */
	pei->tqueue = ExecParallelSetupTupleQueues(pcxt, false);

	/* We don't need the TupleQueueReaders yet, though. */
	pei->reader = NULL;

	 * If instrumentation options were supplied, allocate space for the data.
	 * It only gets partially initialized here; the rest happens during
	 * ExecParallelInitializeDSM.
	if (estate->es_instrument)
		Instrumentation *instrument;
		int			i;

		instrumentation = shm_toc_allocate(pcxt->toc, instrumentation_len);
		instrumentation->instrument_options = estate->es_instrument;
		instrumentation->instrument_offset = instrument_offset;
		instrumentation->num_workers = nworkers;
		instrumentation->num_plan_nodes = e.nnodes;
		instrument = GetInstrumentationArray(instrumentation);
		for (i = 0; i < nworkers * e.nnodes; ++i)
			InstrInit(&instrument[i], estate->es_instrument);
		shm_toc_insert(pcxt->toc, PARALLEL_KEY_INSTRUMENTATION,
		pei->instrumentation = instrumentation;

		if (estate->es_jit_flags != PGJIT_NONE)
			jit_instrumentation = shm_toc_allocate(pcxt->toc,
			jit_instrumentation->num_workers = nworkers;
			memset(jit_instrumentation->jit_instr, 0,
				   sizeof(JitInstrumentation) * nworkers);
			shm_toc_insert(pcxt->toc, PARALLEL_KEY_JIT_INSTRUMENTATION,
			pei->jit_instrumentation = jit_instrumentation;

	 * Create a DSA area that can be used by the leader and all workers.
	 * (However, if we failed to create a DSM and are using private memory
	 * instead, then skip this.)
	if (pcxt->seg != NULL)
		char	   *area_space;

		area_space = shm_toc_allocate(pcxt->toc, dsa_minsize);
		shm_toc_insert(pcxt->toc, PARALLEL_KEY_DSA, area_space);
		pei->area = dsa_create_in_place(area_space, dsa_minsize,

		 * Serialize parameters, if any, using DSA storage.  We don't dare use
		 * the main parallel query DSM for this because we might relaunch
		 * workers after the values have changed (and thus the amount of
		 * storage required has changed).
		if (!bms_is_empty(sendParams))
			pei->param_exec = SerializeParamExecParams(estate, sendParams,
			fpes->param_exec = pei->param_exec;

	 * Give parallel-aware nodes a chance to initialize their shared data.
	 * This also initializes the elements of instrumentation->ps_instrument,
	 * if it exists.
	d.pcxt = pcxt;
	d.instrumentation = instrumentation;
	d.nnodes = 0;

	/* Install our DSA area while initializing the plan. */
	estate->es_query_dsa = pei->area;
	ExecParallelInitializeDSM(planstate, &d);
	estate->es_query_dsa = NULL;

	 * Make sure that the world hasn't shifted under our feet.  This could
	 * probably just be an Assert(), but let's be conservative for now.
	if (e.nnodes != d.nnodes)
		elog(ERROR, "inconsistent count of PlanState nodes");

	/* OK, we're ready to rock and roll. */
	return pei;

 * Set up tuple queue readers to read the results of a parallel subplan.
 * This is separate from ExecInitParallelPlan() because we can launch the
 * worker processes and let them start doing something before we do this.
ExecParallelCreateReaders(ParallelExecutorInfo *pei)
	int			nworkers = pei->pcxt->nworkers_launched;
	int			i;

	Assert(pei->reader == NULL);

	if (nworkers > 0)
		pei->reader = (TupleQueueReader **)
			palloc(nworkers * sizeof(TupleQueueReader *));

		for (i = 0; i < nworkers; i++)
			pei->reader[i] = CreateTupleQueueReader(pei->tqueue[i]);

 * Re-initialize the parallel executor shared memory state before launching
 * a fresh batch of workers.
ExecParallelReinitialize(PlanState *planstate,
						 ParallelExecutorInfo *pei,
						 Bitmapset *sendParams)
	EState	   *estate = planstate->state;
	FixedParallelExecutorState *fpes;

	/* Old workers must already be shut down */

	 * Force any initplan outputs that we're going to pass to workers to be
	 * evaluated, if they weren't already (see comments in
	 * ExecInitParallelPlan).
	ExecSetParamPlanMulti(sendParams, GetPerTupleExprContext(estate), NULL);

	pei->tqueue = ExecParallelSetupTupleQueues(pei->pcxt, true);
	pei->reader = NULL;
	pei->finished = false;

	fpes = shm_toc_lookup(pei->pcxt->toc, PARALLEL_KEY_EXECUTOR_FIXED, false);

	/* Free any serialized parameters from the last round. */
	if (DsaPointerIsValid(fpes->param_exec))
		dsa_free(pei->area, fpes->param_exec);
		fpes->param_exec = InvalidDsaPointer;

	/* Serialize current parameter values if required. */
	if (!bms_is_empty(sendParams))
		pei->param_exec = SerializeParamExecParams(estate, sendParams,
		fpes->param_exec = pei->param_exec;

	/* Traverse plan tree and let each child node reset associated state. */
	estate->es_query_dsa = pei->area;
	ExecParallelReInitializeDSM(planstate, pei->pcxt);
	estate->es_query_dsa = NULL;

 * Traverse plan tree to reinitialize per-node dynamic shared memory state
static bool
ExecParallelReInitializeDSM(PlanState *planstate,
							ParallelContext *pcxt)
	if (planstate == NULL)
		return false;

	 * Call reinitializers for DSM-using plan nodes.
	switch (nodeTag(planstate))
		case T_SeqScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecSeqScanReInitializeDSM((SeqScanState *) planstate,
		case T_IndexScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecIndexScanReInitializeDSM((IndexScanState *) planstate,
		case T_IndexOnlyScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecIndexOnlyScanReInitializeDSM((IndexOnlyScanState *) planstate,
		case T_ForeignScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecForeignScanReInitializeDSM((ForeignScanState *) planstate,
		case T_AppendState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecAppendReInitializeDSM((AppendState *) planstate, pcxt);
		case T_CustomScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecCustomScanReInitializeDSM((CustomScanState *) planstate,
		case T_BitmapHeapScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecBitmapHeapReInitializeDSM((BitmapHeapScanState *) planstate,
		case T_HashJoinState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecHashJoinReInitializeDSM((HashJoinState *) planstate,
		case T_HashState:
		case T_SortState:
			/* these nodes have DSM state, but no reinitialization is required */


	return planstate_tree_walker(planstate, ExecParallelReInitializeDSM, pcxt);

 * Copy instrumentation information about this node and its descendants from
 * dynamic shared memory.
static bool
ExecParallelRetrieveInstrumentation(PlanState *planstate,
									SharedExecutorInstrumentation *instrumentation)
	Instrumentation *instrument;
	int			i;
	int			n;
	int			ibytes;
	int			plan_node_id = planstate->plan->plan_node_id;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;

	/* Find the instrumentation for this node. */
	for (i = 0; i < instrumentation->num_plan_nodes; ++i)
		if (instrumentation->plan_node_id[i] == plan_node_id)
	if (i >= instrumentation->num_plan_nodes)
		elog(ERROR, "plan node %d not found", plan_node_id);

	/* Accumulate the statistics from all workers. */
	instrument = GetInstrumentationArray(instrumentation);
	instrument += i * instrumentation->num_workers;
	for (n = 0; n < instrumentation->num_workers; ++n)
		InstrAggNode(planstate->instrument, &instrument[n]);

	 * Also store the per-worker detail.
	 * Worker instrumentation should be allocated in the same context as the
	 * regular instrumentation information, which is the per-query context.
	 * Switch into per-query memory context.
	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(planstate->state->es_query_cxt);
	ibytes = mul_size(instrumentation->num_workers, sizeof(Instrumentation));
	planstate->worker_instrument =
		palloc(ibytes + offsetof(WorkerInstrumentation, instrument));

	planstate->worker_instrument->num_workers = instrumentation->num_workers;
	memcpy(&planstate->worker_instrument->instrument, instrument, ibytes);

	/* Perform any node-type-specific work that needs to be done. */
	switch (nodeTag(planstate))
		case T_SortState:
			ExecSortRetrieveInstrumentation((SortState *) planstate);
		case T_HashState:
			ExecHashRetrieveInstrumentation((HashState *) planstate);

	return planstate_tree_walker(planstate, ExecParallelRetrieveInstrumentation,

 * Add up the workers' JIT instrumentation from dynamic shared memory.
static void
ExecParallelRetrieveJitInstrumentation(PlanState *planstate,
									   SharedJitInstrumentation *shared_jit)
	JitInstrumentation *combined;
	int			ibytes;

	int			n;

	 * Accumulate worker JIT instrumentation into the combined JIT
	 * instrumentation, allocating it if required.
	if (!planstate->state->es_jit_worker_instr)
		planstate->state->es_jit_worker_instr =
			MemoryContextAllocZero(planstate->state->es_query_cxt, sizeof(JitInstrumentation));
	combined = planstate->state->es_jit_worker_instr;

	/* Accumulate all the workers' instrumentations. */
	for (n = 0; n < shared_jit->num_workers; ++n)
		InstrJitAgg(combined, &shared_jit->jit_instr[n]);

	 * Store the per-worker detail.
	 * Similar to ExecParallelRetrieveInstrumentation(), allocate the
	 * instrumentation in per-query context.
	ibytes = offsetof(SharedJitInstrumentation, jit_instr)
		+ mul_size(shared_jit->num_workers, sizeof(JitInstrumentation));
	planstate->worker_jit_instrument =
		MemoryContextAlloc(planstate->state->es_query_cxt, ibytes);

	memcpy(planstate->worker_jit_instrument, shared_jit, ibytes);

 * Finish parallel execution.  We wait for parallel workers to finish, and
 * accumulate their buffer usage.
ExecParallelFinish(ParallelExecutorInfo *pei)
	int			nworkers = pei->pcxt->nworkers_launched;
	int			i;

	/* Make this be a no-op if called twice in a row. */
	if (pei->finished)

	 * Detach from tuple queues ASAP, so that any still-active workers will
	 * notice that no further results are wanted.
	if (pei->tqueue != NULL)
		for (i = 0; i < nworkers; i++)
		pei->tqueue = NULL;

	 * While we're waiting for the workers to finish, let's get rid of the
	 * tuple queue readers.  (Any other local cleanup could be done here too.)
	if (pei->reader != NULL)
		for (i = 0; i < nworkers; i++)
		pei->reader = NULL;

	/* Now wait for the workers to finish. */

	 * Next, accumulate buffer usage.  (This must wait for the workers to
	 * finish, or we might get incomplete data.)
	for (i = 0; i < nworkers; i++)

	pei->finished = true;

 * Accumulate instrumentation, and then clean up whatever ParallelExecutorInfo
 * resources still exist after ExecParallelFinish.  We separate these
 * routines because someone might want to examine the contents of the DSM
 * after ExecParallelFinish and before calling this routine.
ExecParallelCleanup(ParallelExecutorInfo *pei)
	/* Accumulate instrumentation, if any. */
	if (pei->instrumentation)

	/* Accumulate JIT instrumentation, if any. */
	if (pei->jit_instrumentation)

	/* Free any serialized parameters. */
	if (DsaPointerIsValid(pei->param_exec))
		dsa_free(pei->area, pei->param_exec);
		pei->param_exec = InvalidDsaPointer;
	if (pei->area != NULL)
		pei->area = NULL;
	if (pei->pcxt != NULL)
		pei->pcxt = NULL;

 * Create a DestReceiver to write tuples we produce to the shm_mq designated
 * for that purpose.
static DestReceiver *
ExecParallelGetReceiver(dsm_segment *seg, shm_toc *toc)
	char	   *mqspace;
	shm_mq	   *mq;

	mqspace = shm_toc_lookup(toc, PARALLEL_KEY_TUPLE_QUEUE, false);
	mqspace += ParallelWorkerNumber * PARALLEL_TUPLE_QUEUE_SIZE;
	mq = (shm_mq *) mqspace;
	shm_mq_set_sender(mq, MyProc);
	return CreateTupleQueueDestReceiver(shm_mq_attach(mq, seg, NULL));

 * Create a QueryDesc for the PlannedStmt we are to execute, and return it.
static QueryDesc *
ExecParallelGetQueryDesc(shm_toc *toc, DestReceiver *receiver,
						 int instrument_options)
	char	   *pstmtspace;
	char	   *paramspace;
	PlannedStmt *pstmt;
	ParamListInfo paramLI;
	char	   *queryString;

	/* Get the query string from shared memory */
	queryString = shm_toc_lookup(toc, PARALLEL_KEY_QUERY_TEXT, false);

	/* Reconstruct leader-supplied PlannedStmt. */
	pstmtspace = shm_toc_lookup(toc, PARALLEL_KEY_PLANNEDSTMT, false);
	pstmt = (PlannedStmt *) stringToNode(pstmtspace);

	/* Reconstruct ParamListInfo. */
	paramspace = shm_toc_lookup(toc, PARALLEL_KEY_PARAMLISTINFO, false);
	paramLI = RestoreParamList(&paramspace);

	/* Create a QueryDesc for the query. */
	return CreateQueryDesc(pstmt,
						   GetActiveSnapshot(), InvalidSnapshot,
						   receiver, paramLI, NULL, instrument_options);

 * Copy instrumentation information from this node and its descendants into
 * dynamic shared memory, so that the parallel leader can retrieve it.
static bool
ExecParallelReportInstrumentation(PlanState *planstate,
								  SharedExecutorInstrumentation *instrumentation)
	int			i;
	int			plan_node_id = planstate->plan->plan_node_id;
	Instrumentation *instrument;


	 * If we shuffled the plan_node_id values in ps_instrument into sorted
	 * order, we could use binary search here.  This might matter someday if
	 * we're pushing down sufficiently large plan trees.  For now, do it the
	 * slow, dumb way.
	for (i = 0; i < instrumentation->num_plan_nodes; ++i)
		if (instrumentation->plan_node_id[i] == plan_node_id)
	if (i >= instrumentation->num_plan_nodes)
		elog(ERROR, "plan node %d not found", plan_node_id);

	 * Add our statistics to the per-node, per-worker totals.  It's possible
	 * that this could happen more than once if we relaunched workers.
	instrument = GetInstrumentationArray(instrumentation);
	instrument += i * instrumentation->num_workers;
	Assert(ParallelWorkerNumber < instrumentation->num_workers);
	InstrAggNode(&instrument[ParallelWorkerNumber], planstate->instrument);

	return planstate_tree_walker(planstate, ExecParallelReportInstrumentation,

 * Initialize the PlanState and its descendants with the information
 * retrieved from shared memory.  This has to be done once the PlanState
 * is allocated and initialized by executor; that is, after ExecutorStart().
static bool
ExecParallelInitializeWorker(PlanState *planstate, ParallelWorkerContext *pwcxt)
	if (planstate == NULL)
		return false;

	switch (nodeTag(planstate))
		case T_SeqScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecSeqScanInitializeWorker((SeqScanState *) planstate, pwcxt);
		case T_IndexScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecIndexScanInitializeWorker((IndexScanState *) planstate,
		case T_IndexOnlyScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecIndexOnlyScanInitializeWorker((IndexOnlyScanState *) planstate,
		case T_ForeignScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecForeignScanInitializeWorker((ForeignScanState *) planstate,
		case T_AppendState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecAppendInitializeWorker((AppendState *) planstate, pwcxt);
		case T_CustomScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecCustomScanInitializeWorker((CustomScanState *) planstate,
		case T_BitmapHeapScanState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecBitmapHeapInitializeWorker((BitmapHeapScanState *) planstate,
		case T_HashJoinState:
			if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
				ExecHashJoinInitializeWorker((HashJoinState *) planstate,
		case T_HashState:
			/* even when not parallel-aware, for EXPLAIN ANALYZE */
			ExecHashInitializeWorker((HashState *) planstate, pwcxt);
		case T_SortState:
			/* even when not parallel-aware, for EXPLAIN ANALYZE */
			ExecSortInitializeWorker((SortState *) planstate, pwcxt);


	return planstate_tree_walker(planstate, ExecParallelInitializeWorker,

 * Main entrypoint for parallel query worker processes.
 * We reach this function from ParallelWorkerMain, so the setup necessary to
 * create a sensible parallel environment has already been done;
 * ParallelWorkerMain worries about stuff like the transaction state, combo
 * CID mappings, and GUC values, so we don't need to deal with any of that
 * here.
 * Our job is to deal with concerns specific to the executor.  The parallel
 * group leader will have stored a serialized PlannedStmt, and it's our job
 * to execute that plan and write the resulting tuples to the appropriate
 * tuple queue.  Various bits of supporting information that we need in order
 * to do this are also stored in the dsm_segment and can be accessed through
 * the shm_toc.
ParallelQueryMain(dsm_segment *seg, shm_toc *toc)
	FixedParallelExecutorState *fpes;
	BufferUsage *buffer_usage;
	DestReceiver *receiver;
	QueryDesc  *queryDesc;
	SharedExecutorInstrumentation *instrumentation;
	SharedJitInstrumentation *jit_instrumentation;
	int			instrument_options = 0;
	void	   *area_space;
	dsa_area   *area;
	ParallelWorkerContext pwcxt;

	/* Get fixed-size state. */
	fpes = shm_toc_lookup(toc, PARALLEL_KEY_EXECUTOR_FIXED, false);

	/* Set up DestReceiver, SharedExecutorInstrumentation, and QueryDesc. */
	receiver = ExecParallelGetReceiver(seg, toc);
	instrumentation = shm_toc_lookup(toc, PARALLEL_KEY_INSTRUMENTATION, true);
	if (instrumentation != NULL)
		instrument_options = instrumentation->instrument_options;
	jit_instrumentation = shm_toc_lookup(toc, PARALLEL_KEY_JIT_INSTRUMENTATION,
	queryDesc = ExecParallelGetQueryDesc(toc, receiver, instrument_options);

	/* Setting debug_query_string for individual workers */
	debug_query_string = queryDesc->sourceText;

	/* Report workers' query for monitoring purposes */
	pgstat_report_activity(STATE_RUNNING, debug_query_string);

	/* Attach to the dynamic shared memory area. */
	area_space = shm_toc_lookup(toc, PARALLEL_KEY_DSA, false);
	area = dsa_attach_in_place(area_space, seg);

	/* Start up the executor */
	queryDesc->plannedstmt->jitFlags = fpes->jit_flags;
	ExecutorStart(queryDesc, fpes->eflags);

	/* Special executor initialization steps for parallel workers */
	queryDesc->planstate->state->es_query_dsa = area;
	if (DsaPointerIsValid(fpes->param_exec))
		char	   *paramexec_space;

		paramexec_space = dsa_get_address(area, fpes->param_exec);
		RestoreParamExecParams(paramexec_space, queryDesc->estate);

	pwcxt.toc = toc;
	pwcxt.seg = seg;
	ExecParallelInitializeWorker(queryDesc->planstate, &pwcxt);

	/* Pass down any tuple bound */
	ExecSetTupleBound(fpes->tuples_needed, queryDesc->planstate);

	 * Prepare to track buffer usage during query execution.
	 * We do this after starting up the executor to match what happens in the
	 * leader, which also doesn't count buffer accesses that occur during
	 * executor startup.

	 * Run the plan.  If we specified a tuple bound, be careful not to demand
	 * more tuples than that.
				fpes->tuples_needed < 0 ? (int64) 0 : fpes->tuples_needed,

	/* Shut down the executor */

	/* Report buffer usage during parallel execution. */
	buffer_usage = shm_toc_lookup(toc, PARALLEL_KEY_BUFFER_USAGE, false);

	/* Report instrumentation data if any instrumentation options are set. */
	if (instrumentation != NULL)

	/* Report JIT instrumentation data if any */
	if (queryDesc->estate->es_jit && jit_instrumentation != NULL)
		Assert(ParallelWorkerNumber < jit_instrumentation->num_workers);
		jit_instrumentation->jit_instr[ParallelWorkerNumber] =

	/* Must do this after capturing instrumentation. */

	/* Cleanup. */


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn execAmi 源码

greenplumn execCurrent 源码

greenplumn execExpr 源码

greenplumn execExprInterp 源码

greenplumn execGrouping 源码

greenplumn execIndexing 源码

greenplumn execJunk 源码

greenplumn execMain 源码

greenplumn execPartition 源码

greenplumn execProcnode 源码

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