greenplumn CTranslatorDXLToExpr 源码
greenplumn CTranslatorDXLToExpr 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2011 EMC Corp.
// @filename:
// CTranslatorDXLToExpr.h
// @doc:
// Class providing methods for translating from DXL tree to Expr Tree.
#ifndef GPOPT_CTranslatorDXLToExpr_H
#define GPOPT_CTranslatorDXLToExpr_H
#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/common/CHashMap.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CQueryContext.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CWindowFrame.h"
#include "gpopt/mdcache/CMDAccessor.h"
#include "gpopt/metadata/CTableDescriptor.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CExpression.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CScalarArrayRefIndexList.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CScalarBoolOp.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CScalarCmp.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CScalarWindowFunc.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CTranslatorDXLToExprUtils.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLColDescr.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLNode.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLScalarArrayRefIndexList.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLScalarBoolExpr.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLScalarWindowFrameEdge.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLScalarWindowRef.h"
#include "naucrates/dxl/operators/CDXLWindowFrame.h"
// fwd decl
namespace gpdxl
class CDXLTableDescr;
class CDXLLogicalCTAS;
} // namespace gpdxl
class CColumnFactory;
namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;
using namespace gpmd;
using namespace gpdxl;
// hash maps
using UlongToExprArrayMap =
CHashMap<ULONG, CExpressionArray, gpos::HashValue<ULONG>,
gpos::Equals<ULONG>, CleanupDelete<ULONG>, CleanupNULL>;
// iterator
using UlongToExprArrayMapIter =
CHashMapIter<ULONG, CExpressionArray, gpos::HashValue<ULONG>,
gpos::Equals<ULONG>, CleanupDelete<ULONG>, CleanupNULL>;
// @class:
// CTranslatorDXLToExpr
// @doc:
// Class providing methods for translating from DXL tree to Expr Tree.
class CTranslatorDXLToExpr
// memory pool
CMemoryPool *m_mp;
// source system id
CSystemId m_sysid;
CMDAccessor *m_pmda;
// mappings DXL ColId -> CColRef used to process scalar expressions
UlongToColRefMap *m_phmulcr;
// mappings CTE Id (in DXL) -> CTE Id (in expr)
UlongToUlongMap *m_phmululCTE;
// array of output ColRefId
ULongPtrArray *m_pdrgpulOutputColRefs;
// array of output column names
CMDNameArray *m_pdrgpmdname;
// maintains the mapping between CTE identifier and DXL representation of the corresponding CTE producer
IdToCDXLNodeMap *m_phmulpdxlnCTEProducer;
// id of CTE that we are currently processing (gpos::ulong_max for main query)
// a copy of the pointer to column factory, obtained at construction time
CColumnFactory *m_pcf;
// private copy ctor
CTranslatorDXLToExpr(const CTranslatorDXLToExpr &);
// collapse a not node based on its child, return NULL if it is not collapsible.
CExpression *PexprCollapseNot(const CDXLNode *pdxlnBoolExpr);
// helper for creating quantified subquery
CExpression *PexprScalarSubqueryQuantified(
Edxlopid edxlopid, IMDId *scalar_op_mdid, const CWStringConst *str,
ULONG colid, CDXLNode *pdxlnLogicalChild, CDXLNode *pdxlnScalarChild);
// translate a logical DXL operator into an optimizer expression
CExpression *PexprLogical(const CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// translate a DXL logical select into an expr logical select
CExpression *PexprLogicalSelect(const CDXLNode *pdxlnLgSelect);
// translate a DXL logical project into an expr logical project
CExpression *PexprLogicalProject(const CDXLNode *pdxlnLgProject);
// translate a DXL logical window into an expr logical project
CExpression *PexprLogicalSeqPr(const CDXLNode *pdxlnLgProject);
// create the array of column reference used in the partition by column
// list of a window specification
CColRefArray *PdrgpcrPartitionByCol(
const ULongPtrArray *partition_by_colid_array);
// translate a DXL logical window into an expr logical project
CExpression *PexprCreateWindow(const CDXLNode *pdxlnLgProject);
// translate a DXL logical set op into an expr logical set op
CExpression *PexprLogicalSetOp(const CDXLNode *pdxlnLgProject);
// return a project element on a cast expression
CExpression *PexprCastPrjElem(IMDId *pmdidSource, IMDId *mdid_dest,
const CColRef *pcrToCast,
CColRef *pcrToReturn);
// build expression and columns of SetOpChild
void BuildSetOpChild(
const CDXLNode *pdxlnSetOp, ULONG child_index,
CExpression **ppexprChild, // output: generated child expression
CColRefArray **ppdrgpcrChild, // output: generated child input columns
CExpressionArray **
ppdrgpexprChildProjElems // output: project elements to remap child input columns
// preprocess inputs to the set operator (adding casts to columns when needed)
CExpressionArray *PdrgpexprPreprocessSetOpInputs(
const CDXLNode *dxlnode, CColRef2dArray *pdrgdrgpcrInput,
ULongPtrArray *pdrgpulOutput);
// create new column reference and add to the hashmap maintaining
// the mapping between DXL ColIds and column reference.
CColRef *PcrCreate(const CColRef *colref, const IMDType *pmdtype,
INT type_modifier, BOOL fStoreMapping, ULONG colid);
// check if we currently support the casting of such column types
static BOOL FCastingUnknownType(IMDId *pmdidSource, IMDId *mdid_dest);
// translate a DXL logical get into an expr logical get
CExpression *PexprLogicalGet(const CDXLNode *pdxlnLgGet);
// translate a DXL logical func get into an expr logical TVF
CExpression *PexprLogicalTVF(const CDXLNode *pdxlnLgTVF);
// translate a DXL logical group by into an expr logical group by
CExpression *PexprLogicalGroupBy(const CDXLNode *pdxlnLgSelect);
// translate a DXL limit node into an expr logical limit expression
CExpression *PexprLogicalLimit(const CDXLNode *pdxlnLgLimit);
// translate a DXL logical join into an expr logical join
CExpression *PexprLogicalJoin(const CDXLNode *pdxlnLgJoin);
// translate a DXL right outer join
CExpression *PexprRightOuterJoin(const CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// translate a DXL logical CTE anchor into an expr logical CTE anchor
CExpression *PexprLogicalCTEAnchor(const CDXLNode *pdxlnLgCTEAnchor);
// translate a DXL logical CTE producer into an expr logical CTE producer
CExpression *PexprLogicalCTEProducer(const CDXLNode *pdxlnLgCTEProducer);
// translate a DXL logical CTE consumer into an expr logical CTE consumer
CExpression *PexprLogicalCTEConsumer(const CDXLNode *pdxlnLgCTEConsumer);
// get cte id for the given dxl cte id
ULONG UlMapCTEId(const ULONG ulIdOld);
// translate a DXL logical insert into expression
CExpression *PexprLogicalInsert(const CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// translate a DXL logical delete into expression
CExpression *PexprLogicalDelete(const CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// translate a DXL logical update into expression
CExpression *PexprLogicalUpdate(const CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// translate a DXL logical CTAS into an INSERT expression
CExpression *PexprLogicalCTAS(const CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// translate existential subquery
CExpression *PexprScalarSubqueryExistential(Edxlopid edxlopid,
CDXLNode *pdxlnLogicalChild);
// translate a DXL logical const table into the corresponding optimizer object
CExpression *PexprLogicalConstTableGet(const CDXLNode *pdxlnConstTableGet);
// translate a DXL ANY/ALL-quantified subquery into the corresponding subquery expression
CExpression *PexprScalarSubqueryQuantified(
const CDXLNode *pdxlnSubqueryAny);
// translate a DXL scalar into an expr scalar
CExpression *PexprScalar(const CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// translate a DXL scalar if stmt into a scalar if
CExpression *PexprScalarIf(const CDXLNode *pdxlnIf);
// translate a DXL scalar switch into a scalar switch
CExpression *PexprScalarSwitch(const CDXLNode *pdxlnSwitch);
// translate a DXL scalar switch case into a scalar switch case
CExpression *PexprScalarSwitchCase(const CDXLNode *pdxlnSwitchCase);
// translate a DXL scalar case test into a scalar case test
CExpression *PexprScalarCaseTest(const CDXLNode *pdxlnCaseTest);
// translate a DXL scalar coalesce into a scalar coalesce
CExpression *PexprScalarCoalesce(const CDXLNode *pdxlnCoalesce);
// translate a DXL scalar Min/Max into a scalar Min/Max
CExpression *PexprScalarMinMax(const CDXLNode *pdxlnMinMax);
// translate a DXL scalar compare into an expr scalar compare
CExpression *PexprScalarCmp(const CDXLNode *pdxlnCmp);
// translate a DXL scalar distinct compare into an expr scalar is distinct from
CExpression *PexprScalarIsDistinctFrom(const CDXLNode *pdxlnDistCmp);
// translate a DXL scalar bool expr into scalar bool operator in the optimizer
CExpression *PexprScalarBoolOp(const CDXLNode *pdxlnBoolExpr);
// translate a DXL scalar operation into an expr scalar op
CExpression *PexprScalarOp(const CDXLNode *pdxlnOpExpr);
// translate a DXL scalar func expr into scalar func operator in the optimizer
CExpression *PexprScalarFunc(const CDXLNode *pdxlnFuncExpr);
// translate a DXL scalar agg ref expr into scalar agg func operator in the optimizer
CExpression *PexprAggFunc(const CDXLNode *pdxlnAggref);
// translate a DXL scalar window ref expr into scalar window function operator in the optimizer
CExpression *PexprWindowFunc(const CDXLNode *pdxlnWindowRef);
// translate the DXL representation of the window stage
static CScalarWindowFunc::EWinStage Ews(EdxlWinStage edxlws);
// translate the DXL representation of window frame into its respective representation in the optimizer
CWindowFrame *Pwf(const CDXLWindowFrame *window_frame);
// translate the DXL representation of window frame boundary into its respective representation in the optimizer
static CWindowFrame::EFrameBoundary Efb(EdxlFrameBoundary frame_boundary);
// translate the DXL representation of window frame exclusion strategy into its respective representation in the optimizer
static CWindowFrame::EFrameExclusionStrategy Efes(
EdxlFrameExclusionStrategy edxlfeb);
// translate a DXL scalar array
CExpression *PexprArray(const CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// translate a DXL scalar arrayref
CExpression *PexprArrayRef(const CDXLNode *dxlnode);
CExpression *PexprValuesList(const CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// translate a DXL scalar arrayref index list
CExpression *PexprArrayRefIndexList(const CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// translate the arrayref index list type
static CScalarArrayRefIndexList::EIndexListType Eilt(
const CDXLScalarArrayRefIndexList::EIndexListBound eilb);
// translate a DXL scalar array compare
CExpression *PexprArrayCmp(const CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// translate a DXL scalar ident into an expr scalar ident
CExpression *PexprScalarIdent(const CDXLNode *pdxlnIdent);
// translate a DXL scalar nullif into a scalar nullif expression
CExpression *PexprScalarNullIf(const CDXLNode *pdxlnNullIf);
// translate a DXL scalar null test into a scalar null test
CExpression *PexprScalarNullTest(const CDXLNode *pdxlnNullTest);
// translate a DXL scalar boolean test into a scalar boolean test
CExpression *PexprScalarBooleanTest(const CDXLNode *pdxlnScBoolTest);
// translate a DXL scalar cast type into a scalar cast type
CExpression *PexprScalarCast(const CDXLNode *pdxlnCast);
// translate a DXL scalar coerce a scalar coerce
CExpression *PexprScalarCoerceToDomain(const CDXLNode *pdxlnCoerce);
// translate a DXL scalar coerce a scalar coerce using I/O functions
CExpression *PexprScalarCoerceViaIO(const CDXLNode *pdxlnCoerce);
// translate a DXL scalar array coerce expression using given element coerce function
CExpression *PexprScalarArrayCoerceExpr(
const CDXLNode *pdxlnArrayCoerceExpr);
// translate a DXL scalar subquery operator into a scalar subquery expression
CExpression *PexprScalarSubquery(const CDXLNode *pdxlnSubquery);
// translate a DXL scalar const value into a
// scalar constant representation in optimizer
CExpression *PexprScalarConst(const CDXLNode *pdxlnConst);
CExpression *PexprSortGroupClause(const CDXLNode *pdxlnSortGroupClause);
// translate a DXL project list node into a project list expression
CExpression *PexprScalarProjList(const CDXLNode *proj_list_dxlnode);
// translate a DXL project elem node into a project elem expression
CExpression *PexprScalarProjElem(const CDXLNode *pdxlnProjElem);
// construct an order spec from a dxl sort col list node
COrderSpec *Pos(const CDXLNode *sort_col_list_dxlnode);
// translate a dxl node into an expression tree
CExpression *Pexpr(const CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// update table descriptor's distribution columns from the MD cache object
static void AddDistributionColumns(CTableDescriptor *ptabdesc,
const IMDRelation *pmdrel,
IntToUlongMap *phmiulAttnoColMapping);
// main translation routine for DXL tree -> Expr tree
CExpression *Pexpr(const CDXLNode *dxlnode,
const CDXLNodeArray *query_output_dxlnode_array,
const CDXLNodeArray *cte_producers);
// translate children of a DXL node
CExpressionArray *PdrgpexprChildren(const CDXLNode *dxlnode);
// construct a table descriptor from DXL
CTableDescriptor *Ptabdesc(CDXLTableDescr *table_descr);
// construct a table descriptor for a CTAS operator
CTableDescriptor *PtabdescFromCTAS(CDXLLogicalCTAS *pdxlopCTAS);
// register MD provider for serving MD relation entry for CTAS
void RegisterMDRelationCtas(CDXLLogicalCTAS *pdxlopCTAS);
// create an array of column references from an array of dxl column references
CColRefArray *Pdrgpcr(const CDXLColDescrArray *dxl_col_descr_array);
// construct the mapping between the DXL ColId and CColRef
void ConstructDXLColId2ColRefMapping(
const CDXLColDescrArray *dxl_col_descr_array,
const CColRefArray *colref_array);
void MarkUnknownColsAsUnused();
// look up the column reference in the hash map. We raise an exception if
// the column is not found
static CColRef *LookupColRef(UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping, ULONG colid);
// ctor
CTranslatorDXLToExpr(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
BOOL fInitColumnFactory = true);
// dtor
// translate the dxl query with its associated output column and CTEs
CExpression *PexprTranslateQuery(
const CDXLNode *dxlnode,
const CDXLNodeArray *query_output_dxlnode_array,
const CDXLNodeArray *cte_producers);
// translate a dxl scalar expression
CExpression *PexprTranslateScalar(const CDXLNode *dxlnode,
CColRefArray *colref_array,
ULongPtrArray *colids = nullptr);
// return the array of query output column reference id
ULongPtrArray *PdrgpulOutputColRefs();
// return the array of output column names
CMDNameArray *
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != m_pdrgpmdname);
return m_pdrgpmdname;
} // namespace gpopt
#endif // !GPOPT_CTranslatorDXLToExpr_H
// EOF
greenplumn CTranslatorDXLToExprUtils 源码
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