greenplumn bitmapset 源码

  • 2022-08-18
  • 浏览 (326)

greenplumn bitmapset 代码


 * bitmapset.h
 *	  PostgreSQL generic bitmap set package
 * A bitmap set can represent any set of nonnegative integers, although
 * it is mainly intended for sets where the maximum value is not large,
 * say at most a few hundred.  By convention, a NULL pointer is always
 * accepted by all operations to represent the empty set.  (But beware
 * that this is not the only representation of the empty set.  Use
 * bms_is_empty() in preference to testing for NULL.)
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * src/include/nodes/bitmapset.h

 * Forward decl to save including pg_list.h
struct List;

 * Data representation
 * Larger bitmap word sizes generally give better performance, so long as
 * they're not wider than the processor can handle efficiently.  We use
 * 64-bit words if pointers are that large, else 32-bit words.
 * GPDB_12_MERGE_FIXME Disable 64-bit word size for bitmap sets.
 * Appenoptimized tables use bitmapset interface to encode tuple visibility.
 * These bitmap sets make their way to disk, inside aovisimap tuples.
 * Increasing word size will affect the ability to interpret existing
 * appendoptimized visibility data written with 32-bit word size.  Therefore,
 * we must continue to use 32-bit bitmap words or rewrite all existing
 * appendoptimized tables during upgrade (not viable).  The goal of this fixme
 * is to explore if the performance benefit of larger bitmapwords can still be
 * availed by distinguishing on-disk bitmap usage from strictly in-memory
 * bitmap usage.  E.g. define a new type bitmapword32 and use it in
 * appendoptimized code.  On a related note, tbm_bitmapword is Greenplum
 * specific 64-bit wide type used for TID bitmaps.  Can we start using
 * bitmapword for TID bitmaps, just like upastream, and eliminate
 * tbm_bitmapword?
#if false && SIZEOF_VOID_P >= 8

typedef uint64 bitmapword;		/* must be an unsigned type */
typedef int64 signedbitmapword; /* must be the matching signed type */


typedef uint32 bitmapword;		/* must be an unsigned type */
typedef int32 signedbitmapword; /* must be the matching signed type */


typedef struct Bitmapset
	int			nwords;			/* number of words in array */
	bitmapword	words[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];	/* really [nwords] */
} Bitmapset;

/* result of bms_subset_compare */
typedef enum
	BMS_EQUAL,					/* sets are equal */
	BMS_SUBSET1,				/* first set is a subset of the second */
	BMS_SUBSET2,				/* second set is a subset of the first */
	BMS_DIFFERENT				/* neither set is a subset of the other */
} BMS_Comparison;

/* result of bms_membership */
typedef enum
	BMS_EMPTY_SET,				/* 0 members */
	BMS_SINGLETON,				/* 1 member */
	BMS_MULTIPLE				/* >1 member */
} BMS_Membership;

 * function prototypes in nodes/bitmapset.c

extern Bitmapset *bms_copy(const Bitmapset *a);
extern bool bms_equal(const Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b);
extern int	bms_compare(const Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b);
extern Bitmapset *bms_make_singleton(int x);
extern void bms_free(Bitmapset *a);

extern Bitmapset *bms_union(const Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b);
extern Bitmapset *bms_intersect(const Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b);
extern Bitmapset *bms_difference(const Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b);
extern bool bms_is_subset(const Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b);
extern BMS_Comparison bms_subset_compare(const Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b);
extern bool bms_is_member(int x, const Bitmapset *a);
extern int	bms_member_index(Bitmapset *a, int x);
extern bool bms_overlap(const Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b);
extern bool bms_overlap_list(const Bitmapset *a, const struct List *b);
extern bool bms_nonempty_difference(const Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b);
extern int	bms_singleton_member(const Bitmapset *a);
extern bool bms_get_singleton_member(const Bitmapset *a, int *member);
extern int	bms_num_members(const Bitmapset *a);

/* optimized tests when we don't need to know exact membership count: */
extern BMS_Membership bms_membership(const Bitmapset *a);
extern bool bms_is_empty(const Bitmapset *a);

/* these routines recycle (modify or free) their non-const inputs: */

extern Bitmapset *bms_add_member(Bitmapset *a, int x);
extern Bitmapset *bms_del_member(Bitmapset *a, int x);
extern Bitmapset *bms_add_members(Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b);
extern Bitmapset *bms_add_range(Bitmapset *a, int lower, int upper);
extern Bitmapset *bms_int_members(Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b);
extern Bitmapset *bms_del_members(Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b);
extern Bitmapset *bms_join(Bitmapset *a, Bitmapset *b);

/* support for iterating through the integer elements of a set: */
extern int	bms_first_member(Bitmapset *a);
extern int	bms_next_member(const Bitmapset *a, int prevbit);
extern int	bms_prev_member(const Bitmapset *a, int prevbit);

/* support for hashtables using Bitmapsets as keys: */
extern uint32 bms_hash_value(const Bitmapset *a);
extern uint32 bitmap_hash(const void *key, Size keysize);
extern int	bitmap_match(const void *key1, const void *key2, Size keysize);

 * returns true iff the bitmap is sufficently large that
 * it stores the bit for member x
extern bool bms_covers_member(const Bitmapset *a, int x);

 * Extend the bitmap a to have at least wc number of words.
 * If wc is smaller than the bitmap a, the bitmap a
 * is returned
extern Bitmapset *bms_resize(Bitmapset *a, int wc);

#endif							/* BITMAPSET_H */


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