greenplumn tqueue 源码

  • 2022-08-18
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greenplumn tqueue 代码


 * tqueue.c
 *	  Use shm_mq to send & receive tuples between parallel backends
 * A DestReceiver of type DestTupleQueue, which is a TQueueDestReceiver
 * under the hood, writes tuples from the executor to a shm_mq.
 * A TupleQueueReader reads tuples from a shm_mq and returns the tuples.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  src/backend/executor/tqueue.c

#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/htup_details.h"
#include "executor/tqueue.h"

 * DestReceiver object's private contents
 * queue is a pointer to data supplied by DestReceiver's caller.
typedef struct TQueueDestReceiver
	DestReceiver pub;			/* public fields */
	shm_mq_handle *queue;		/* shm_mq to send to */
} TQueueDestReceiver;

 * TupleQueueReader object's private contents
 * queue is a pointer to data supplied by reader's caller.
 * "typedef struct TupleQueueReader TupleQueueReader" is in tqueue.h
struct TupleQueueReader
	shm_mq_handle *queue;		/* shm_mq to receive from */

 * Receive a tuple from a query, and send it to the designated shm_mq.
 * Returns true if successful, false if shm_mq has been detached.
static bool
tqueueReceiveSlot(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self)
	TQueueDestReceiver *tqueue = (TQueueDestReceiver *) self;
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	shm_mq_result result;
	bool		should_free;

	/* Send the tuple itself. */
	tuple = ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(slot, true, &should_free);
	result = shm_mq_send(tqueue->queue, tuple->t_len, tuple->t_data, false);

	if (should_free)

	/* Check for failure. */
	if (result == SHM_MQ_DETACHED)
		return false;
	else if (result != SHM_MQ_SUCCESS && result != SHM_MQ_QUERY_FINISH)
				 errmsg("could not send tuple to shared-memory queue")));

	return true;

 * Prepare to receive tuples from executor.
static void
tqueueStartupReceiver(DestReceiver *self, int operation, TupleDesc typeinfo)
	/* do nothing */

 * Clean up at end of an executor run
static void
tqueueShutdownReceiver(DestReceiver *self)
	TQueueDestReceiver *tqueue = (TQueueDestReceiver *) self;

	if (tqueue->queue != NULL)
	tqueue->queue = NULL;

 * Destroy receiver when done with it
static void
tqueueDestroyReceiver(DestReceiver *self)
	TQueueDestReceiver *tqueue = (TQueueDestReceiver *) self;

	/* We probably already detached from queue, but let's be sure */
	if (tqueue->queue != NULL)

 * Create a DestReceiver that writes tuples to a tuple queue.
DestReceiver *
CreateTupleQueueDestReceiver(shm_mq_handle *handle)
	TQueueDestReceiver *self;

	self = (TQueueDestReceiver *) palloc0(sizeof(TQueueDestReceiver));

	self->pub.receiveSlot = tqueueReceiveSlot;
	self->pub.rStartup = tqueueStartupReceiver;
	self->pub.rShutdown = tqueueShutdownReceiver;
	self->pub.rDestroy = tqueueDestroyReceiver;
	self->pub.mydest = DestTupleQueue;
	self->queue = handle;

	return (DestReceiver *) self;

 * Create a tuple queue reader.
TupleQueueReader *
CreateTupleQueueReader(shm_mq_handle *handle)
	TupleQueueReader *reader = palloc0(sizeof(TupleQueueReader));

	reader->queue = handle;

	return reader;

 * Destroy a tuple queue reader.
 * Note: cleaning up the underlying shm_mq is the caller's responsibility.
 * We won't access it here, as it may be detached already.
DestroyTupleQueueReader(TupleQueueReader *reader)

 * Fetch a tuple from a tuple queue reader.
 * The return value is NULL if there are no remaining tuples or if
 * nowait = true and no tuple is ready to return.  *done, if not NULL,
 * is set to true when there are no remaining tuples and otherwise to false.
 * The returned tuple, if any, is allocated in CurrentMemoryContext.
 * Note that this routine must not leak memory!  (We used to allow that,
 * but not any more.)
 * Even when shm_mq_receive() returns SHM_MQ_WOULD_BLOCK, this can still
 * accumulate bytes from a partially-read message, so it's useful to call
 * this with nowait = true even if nothing is returned.
TupleQueueReaderNext(TupleQueueReader *reader, bool nowait, bool *done)
	HeapTupleData htup;
	shm_mq_result result;
	Size		nbytes;
	void	   *data;

	if (done != NULL)
		*done = false;

	/* Attempt to read a message. */
	result = shm_mq_receive(reader->queue, &nbytes, &data, nowait);

	/* If queue is detached, set *done and return NULL. */
	if (result == SHM_MQ_DETACHED)
		if (done != NULL)
			*done = true;
		return NULL;

	/* In non-blocking mode, bail out if no message ready yet. */
	if (result == SHM_MQ_WOULD_BLOCK)
		return NULL;
	Assert(result == SHM_MQ_SUCCESS);

	 * Set up a dummy HeapTupleData pointing to the data from the shm_mq
	 * (which had better be sufficiently aligned).
	htup.t_tableOid = InvalidOid;
	htup.t_len = nbytes;
	htup.t_data = data;

	return heap_copytuple(&htup);


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