greenplumn comment 源码

  • 2022-08-18
  • 浏览 (309)

greenplumn comment 代码


 * src/include/commands/comment.h
 * comment.h
 * Prototypes for functions in commands/comment.c
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group

#ifndef COMMENT_H
#define COMMENT_H

#include "catalog/objectaddress.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"

 * Function Prototypes --
 * The following prototypes define the public functions of the comment
 * related routines.  CommentObject() implements the SQL "COMMENT ON"
 * command.  DeleteComments() deletes all comments for an object.
 * CreateComments creates (or deletes, if comment is NULL) a comment
 * for a specific key.  There are versions of these two methods for
 * both normal and shared objects.

extern ObjectAddress CommentObject(CommentStmt *stmt);

extern void DeleteComments(Oid oid, Oid classoid, int32 subid);

extern void CreateComments(Oid oid, Oid classoid, int32 subid, const char *comment);

extern void DeleteSharedComments(Oid oid, Oid classoid);

extern void CreateSharedComments(Oid oid, Oid classoid, const char *comment);

extern char *GetComment(Oid oid, Oid classoid, int32 subid);

#endif							/* COMMENT_H */


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