greenplumn CCTEInfo 源码

  • 2022-08-18
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greenplumn CCTEInfo 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2012 EMC Corp.
//	@filename:
//		CCTEInfo.h
//	@doc:
//		Information about CTEs in a query
#ifndef GPOPT_CCTEInfo_H
#define GPOPT_CCTEInfo_H

#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/common/CHashMap.h"
#include "gpos/common/CStack.h"

#include "gpopt/base/CColRef.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CColRefSet.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CColumnFactory.h"
#include "gpopt/operators/CExpression.h"

namespace gpopt
// fwd declarations
class CLogicalCTEConsumer;

//	@class:
//		CCTEInfo
//	@doc:
//		Global information about common table expressions (CTEs) including:
//		- the expression tree that defines each CTE
//		- the number of consumers created by the optimizer
//		- a mapping from consumer columns to producer columns
class CCTEInfo : public CRefCount
	//	@struct:
	//		SConsumerCounter
	//	@doc:
	//		Representation of the number of consumers of a given CTE inside
	// 		a specific context (e.g. inside the main query, inside another CTE, etc.)
	struct SConsumerCounter
		// consumer ID
		ULONG m_ulCTEId;

		// number of occurrences
		ULONG m_ulCount;

		// ctor
		explicit SConsumerCounter(ULONG ulCTEId)
			: m_ulCTEId(ulCTEId), m_ulCount(1)

		// consumer ID
		UlCTEId() const
			return m_ulCTEId;

		// number of consumers
		UlCount() const
			return m_ulCount;

		// increment number of consumers

	// hash map mapping ULONG -> SConsumerCounter
	using UlongToConsumerCounterMap =
		CHashMap<ULONG, SConsumerCounter, gpos::HashValue<ULONG>,
				 gpos::Equals<ULONG>, CleanupDelete<ULONG>,

	// map iterator
	using UlongToConsumerCounterMapIter =
		CHashMapIter<ULONG, SConsumerCounter, gpos::HashValue<ULONG>,
					 gpos::Equals<ULONG>, CleanupDelete<ULONG>,

	// hash map mapping ULONG -> UlongToConsumerCounterMap: maps from CTE producer ID to all consumers inside this CTE
	using UlongToProducerConsumerMap =
		CHashMap<ULONG, UlongToConsumerCounterMap, gpos::HashValue<ULONG>,
				 gpos::Equals<ULONG>, CleanupDelete<ULONG>,

	//	@struct:
	//		CCTEInfoEntry
	//	@doc:
	//		A single entry for CTEInfo, representing a single CTE producer
	class CCTEInfoEntry : public CRefCount
		// memory pool
		CMemoryPool *m_mp;

		// logical producer expression
		CExpression *m_pexprCTEProducer;

		// map columns of all created consumers of current CTE to their positions in consumer output
		ColRefToUlongMap *m_phmcrulConsumers;

		// is this CTE used
		BOOL m_fUsed;

		// ctors
		CCTEInfoEntry(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprCTEProducer);
		CCTEInfoEntry(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpression *pexprCTEProducer,
					  BOOL fUsed);

		// dtor
		~CCTEInfoEntry() override;

		// CTE expression
		CExpression *
		Pexpr() const
			return m_pexprCTEProducer;

		// is this CTE used?
		FUsed() const
			return m_fUsed;

		// CTE id
		ULONG UlCTEId() const;

		// mark CTE as unused
			m_fUsed = false;

		// add given columns to consumers column map
		void AddConsumerCols(CColRefArray *colref_array);

		// return position of given consumer column in consumer output
		ULONG UlConsumerColPos(CColRef *colref);

	};	//class CCTEInfoEntry

	// hash maps mapping ULONG -> CCTEInfoEntry
	using UlongToCTEInfoEntryMap =
		CHashMap<ULONG, CCTEInfoEntry, gpos::HashValue<ULONG>,
				 gpos::Equals<ULONG>, CleanupDelete<ULONG>,

	// map iterator
	using UlongToCTEInfoEntryMapIter =
		CHashMapIter<ULONG, CCTEInfoEntry, gpos::HashValue<ULONG>,
					 gpos::Equals<ULONG>, CleanupDelete<ULONG>,

	// memory pool
	CMemoryPool *m_mp;

	// mapping from cte producer id -> cte info entry
	UlongToCTEInfoEntryMap *m_phmulcteinfoentry;

	// next available CTE Id
	ULONG m_ulNextCTEId;

	// whether or not to inline CTE consumers
	BOOL m_fEnableInlining;

	// consumers inside each cte/main query
	UlongToProducerConsumerMap *m_phmulprodconsmap;

	// initialize default statistics for a given CTE Producer
	void InitDefaultStats(CExpression *pexprCTEProducer);

	// preprocess CTE producer expression
	CExpression *PexprPreprocessCTEProducer(
		const CExpression *pexprCTEProducer);

	// number of consumers of given CTE inside a given parent
	ULONG UlConsumersInParent(ULONG ulConsumerId, ULONG ulParentId) const;

	// find all CTE consumers inside given parent, and push them to the given stack
	void FindConsumersInParent(ULONG ulParentId, CBitSet *pbsUnusedConsumers,
							   CStack<ULONG> *pstack);

	CCTEInfo(const CCTEInfo &) = delete;

	// ctor
	explicit CCTEInfo(CMemoryPool *mp);

	~CCTEInfo() override;

	// logical cte producer with given id
	CExpression *PexprCTEProducer(ULONG ulCTEId) const;

	// number of CTE consumers of given CTE
	ULONG UlConsumers(ULONG ulCTEId) const;

	// check if given CTE is used
	BOOL FUsed(ULONG ulCTEId) const;

	// increment number of CTE consumers
	void IncrementConsumers(ULONG ulConsumerId,
							ULONG ulParentCTEId = gpos::ulong_max);

	// add cte producer to hashmap
	void AddCTEProducer(CExpression *pexprCTEProducer);

	// replace cte producer with given expression
	void ReplaceCTEProducer(CExpression *pexprCTEProducer);

	// next available CTE id
		return m_ulNextCTEId++;

	// derive the statistics on the CTE producer
	void DeriveProducerStats(
		CLogicalCTEConsumer *popConsumer,  // CTE Consumer operator
		CColRefSet *pcrsStat  // required stat columns on the CTE Consumer

	// return a CTE requirement with all the producers as optional
	CCTEReq *PcterProducers(CMemoryPool *mp) const;

	// return an array of all stored CTE expressions
	CExpressionArray *PdrgPexpr(CMemoryPool *mp) const;

	// disable CTE inlining
		m_fEnableInlining = false;

	// whether or not to inline CTE consumers
	FEnableInlining() const
		return m_fEnableInlining;

	// mark unused CTEs
	void MarkUnusedCTEs();

	// walk the producer expressions and add the mapping between computed column
	// and their corresponding used column(s)
	void MapComputedToUsedCols(CColumnFactory *col_factory) const;

	// add given columns to consumers column map
	void AddConsumerCols(ULONG ulCTEId, CColRefArray *colref_array);

	// return position of given consumer column in consumer output
	ULONG UlConsumerColPos(ULONG ulCTEId, CColRef *colref);

	// return a map from Id's of consumer columns in the given column set to their corresponding producer columns
	UlongToColRefMap *PhmulcrConsumerToProducer(CMemoryPool *mp, ULONG ulCTEId,
												CColRefSet *pcrs,
												CColRefArray *pdrgpcrProducer);

};	// CCTEInfo
}  // namespace gpopt

#endif	// !GPOPT_CCTEInfo_H

// EOF


greenplumn 源码目录


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