greenplumn nodeSequence 源码

  • 2022-08-18
  • 浏览 (494)

greenplumn nodeSequence 代码


 * nodeSequence.c
 *   Routines to handle Sequence node.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012 - present, EMC/Greenplum
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 *	    src/backend/executor/nodeSequence.c
 * Sequence node contains a list of subplans, which will be processed in the 
 * order of left-to-right. Result tuples from the last subplan will be outputted
 * as the results of the Sequence node.
 * Sequence does not make use of its left and right subtrees, and instead it
 * maintains a list of subplans explicitly.

#include "postgres.h"

#include "executor/nodeSequence.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"

SequenceState *
ExecInitSequence(Sequence *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
	SequenceState *sequenceState;
	PlanState  *lastPlanState;

	/* Check for unsupported flags */
	Assert(!(eflags & EXEC_FLAG_MARK));

	/* Sequence should not contain 'qual'. */
	Assert(node->plan.qual == NIL);

	sequenceState = makeNode(SequenceState);
	sequenceState->ps.plan = (Plan *)node;
	sequenceState->ps.state = estate;
	sequenceState->ps.ExecProcNode = ExecSequence;

	int numSubplans = list_length(node->subplans);
	Assert(numSubplans >= 1);
	sequenceState->subplans = (PlanState **)palloc0(numSubplans * sizeof(PlanState *));
	sequenceState->numSubplans = numSubplans;
	/* Initialize subplans */
	ListCell *lc;
	int no = 0;
	foreach (lc, node->subplans)
		Plan *subplan = (Plan *)lfirst(lc);
		Assert(subplan != NULL);
		Assert(no < numSubplans);
		sequenceState->subplans[no] = ExecInitNode(subplan, estate, eflags);

	sequenceState->initState = true;
	/* Sequence does not need projection. */
	sequenceState->ps.ps_ProjInfo = NULL;

	 * Initialize result type. We will pass through the last child slot.
	lastPlanState = sequenceState->subplans[numSubplans - 1];
	sequenceState->ps.resultopsset = true;
	sequenceState->ps.resultops = ExecGetResultSlotOps(lastPlanState,

	return sequenceState;

 * completeSubplan
 *   Execute a given subplan to completion.
 * The outputs from the given subplan will be discarded.
static void
completeSubplan(PlanState *subplan)
	while (ExecProcNode(subplan) != NULL)

TupleTableSlot *
ExecSequence(PlanState *pstate)
	SequenceState *node = castNode(SequenceState, pstate);
	 * If no subplan has been executed yet, execute them here, except for
	 * the last subplan.
	if (node->initState)
		for(int no = 0; no < node->numSubplans - 1; no++)


		node->initState = false;


	PlanState *lastPlan = node->subplans[node->numSubplans - 1];
	TupleTableSlot *result = ExecProcNode(lastPlan);

	 * Return the tuple as returned by the subplan as-is. We do
	 * NOT make use of the result slot that was set up in
	 * ExecInitSequence, because there's no reason to.
	return result;

ExecEndSequence(SequenceState *node)
	/* shutdown subplans */
	for(int no = 0; no < node->numSubplans; no++)
		Assert(node->subplans[no] != NULL);

ExecReScanSequence(SequenceState *node)
	for (int i = 0; i < node->numSubplans; i++)
		PlanState  *subnode = node->subplans[i];

		 * ExecReScan doesn't know about my subplans, so I have to do
		 * changed-parameter signaling myself.
		if (node->ps.chgParam != NULL)
			UpdateChangedParamSet(subnode, node->ps.chgParam);

		 * Always rescan the inputs immediately, to ensure we can pass down
		 * any outer tuple that might be used in index quals.

	node->initState = true;

ExecSquelchSequence(SequenceState *node)
	for (int i = 0; i < node->numSubplans; i++)


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