greenplumn cdbaocsam 源码
greenplumn cdbaocsam 代码
* cdbaocsam.h
* append-only columnar relation access method definitions.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2009, Greenplum Inc.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
* src/include/cdb/cdbaocsam.h
#ifndef CDB_AOCSAM_H
#define CDB_AOCSAM_H
#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "access/sdir.h"
#include "access/tableam.h"
#include "access/tupmacs.h"
#include "access/xlogutils.h"
#include "access/appendonlytid.h"
#include "access/appendonly_visimap.h"
#include "executor/tuptable.h"
#include "nodes/primnodes.h"
#include "storage/block.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
#include "utils/snapshot.h"
#include "cdb/cdbappendonlyblockdirectory.h"
#include "cdb/cdbappendonlystoragelayer.h"
#include "cdb/cdbappendonlystorageread.h"
#include "cdb/cdbappendonlystoragewrite.h"
#include "utils/datumstream.h"
#include "nodes/execnodes.h"
* AOCSInsertDescData is used for inserting data into append-only columnar
* relations. It serves an equivalent purpose as AOCSScanDescData
* only that the later is used for scanning append-only columnar
* relations.
struct DatumStream;
struct AOCSFileSegInfo;
typedef struct AOCSInsertDescData
Relation aoi_rel;
Snapshot appendOnlyMetaDataSnapshot;
AOCSFileSegInfo *fsInfo;
int64 insertCount;
int64 varblockCount;
int64 rowCount; /* total row count before insert */
int64 numSequences; /* total number of available sequences */
int64 lastSequence; /* last used sequence */
int32 cur_segno;
char *compType;
int32 compLevel;
int32 blocksz;
bool checksum;
bool skipModCountIncrement;
Oid segrelid;
Oid blkdirrelid;
Oid visimaprelid;
Oid visimapidxid;
struct DatumStreamWrite **ds;
AppendOnlyBlockDirectory blockDirectory;
} AOCSInsertDescData;
typedef AOCSInsertDescData *AOCSInsertDesc;
* Scan descriptors
* AOCS relations do not have a direct access to TID's. In order to scan via
* TID's the blockdirectory is used and a distinct scan descriptor that is
* closer to an index scan than a relation scan is needed. This is different
* from heap relations where the same descriptor is used for all scans.
* Likewise the tableam API always expects the same TableScanDescData extended
* structure to be used for all scans. However, for bitmapheapscans on AOCS
* relations, a distinct descriptor is needed and a different method to
* initialize it is used, (table_beginscan_bm_ecs).
* This enum is used by the aocsam_handler to distiguish between the different
* TableScanDescData structures internaly in the aocsam_handler.
enum AOCSScanDescIdentifier
* Used for scan of appendoptimized column oriented relations, should be used in
* the tableam api related code and under it.
typedef struct AOCSScanDescData
TableScanDescData rs_base; /* AM independent part of the descriptor */
/* AM dependant part of the descriptor */
enum AOCSScanDescIdentifier descIdentifier;
/* synthetic system attributes */
ItemPointerData cdb_fake_ctid;
int64 total_row;
int64 cur_seg_row;
* Only used by `analyze`
int64 nextTupleId;
int64 targetTupleId;
* Part of the struct to be used only inside aocsam.c
* Snapshot to use for metadata operations.
* Usually snapshot = appendOnlyMetaDataSnapshot, but they
* differ e.g. if gp_select_invisible is set.
Snapshot appendOnlyMetaDataSnapshot;
* Anonymous struct containing column level informations. In AOCS relations,
* it is possible to only scan a subset of the columns. That subset is
* recorderd in the proj_atts array. If all the columns are required, then
* is populated from the relation's tuple descriptor.
* The tuple descriptor for the scan can be different from the tuple
* descriptor of the relation as held in rs_base. Such a scenario occurs
* during some ALTER TABLE operations. In all cases, it is the caller's
* responsibility to provide a valid tuple descriptor for the scan. It will
* get acquired from the slot.
* The proj_atts array if empty, and the datumstreams, will get initialized in
* relation to the tuple descriptor, when it becomes available.
struct {
* Used during lazy initialization since at that moment, the context is the
* per tuple context, we need to keep a reference to the context used in
* begin_scan
MemoryContext scanCtx;
TupleDesc relationTupleDesc;
/* Column numbers (zero based) of columns we need to fetch */
AttrNumber *proj_atts;
AttrNumber num_proj_atts;
struct DatumStreamRead **ds;
} columnScanInfo;
struct AOCSFileSegInfo **seginfo;
int32 total_seg;
int32 cur_seg;
* The only relation wide Storage Option, the rest are aquired in a per
* column basis and there is no need to keep track of.
bool checksum;
* The block directory info.
* For CO tables the block directory is built during the first index
* creation. If set indicates whether to build block directory while
* scanning.
AppendOnlyBlockDirectory *blockDirectory;
AppendOnlyVisimap visibilityMap;
} AOCSScanDescData;
typedef AOCSScanDescData *AOCSScanDesc;
* Used for fetch individual tuples from specified by TID of append only relations
* using the AO Block Directory.
typedef struct AOCSFetchDescData
Relation relation;
Snapshot appendOnlyMetaDataSnapshot;
* Snapshot to use for non-metadata operations.
* Usually snapshot = appendOnlyMetaDataSnapshot, but they
* differ e.g. if gp_select_invisible is set.
Snapshot snapshot;
MemoryContext initContext;
int totalSegfiles;
struct AOCSFileSegInfo **segmentFileInfo;
* Array containing the maximum row number in each aoseg (to be consulted
* during fetch). This is a sparse array as not all segments are involved
* in a scan. Sparse entries are marked with InvalidAORowNum.
* Note:
* If we have no updates and deletes, the total_tupcount is equal to the
* maximum row number. But after some updates and deletes, the maximum row
* number is always much bigger than total_tupcount, so this carries the
* last sequence from gp_fastsequence.
int64 lastSequence[AOTupleId_MultiplierSegmentFileNum];
char *segmentFileName;
int segmentFileNameMaxLen;
char *basepath;
AppendOnlyBlockDirectory blockDirectory;
DatumStreamFetchDesc *datumStreamFetchDesc;
int64 skipBlockCount;
AppendOnlyVisimap visibilityMap;
Oid segrelid;
} AOCSFetchDescData;
typedef AOCSFetchDescData *AOCSFetchDesc;
typedef struct AOCSUpdateDescData *AOCSUpdateDesc;
typedef struct AOCSDeleteDescData *AOCSDeleteDesc;
* Descriptor for fetches from table via an index.
typedef struct IndexFetchAOCOData
IndexFetchTableData xs_base; /* AM independent part of the descriptor */
AOCSFetchDesc aocofetch;
bool *proj;
} IndexFetchAOCOData;
* Descriptor for fetches from table via bitmap. In upstream the code goes
* through table_beginscan() and it should be the same struct in all cases.
* However in GPDB extra info is needed which should not be initialized or
* computed for all scan calls. A new method has been added (with a MERGE_FIXME)
* which is only used for bitmap scans. Take advantage of it and create a new
* struct to contain only the information needed.
typedef struct AOCSHeaderScanDescData
int32 colno; /* chosen column number to read headers from */
AppendOnlyStorageRead ao_read;
} AOCSHeaderScanDescData;
typedef AOCSHeaderScanDescData *AOCSHeaderScanDesc;
typedef struct AOCSAddColumnDescData
Relation rel;
AppendOnlyBlockDirectory blockDirectory;
DatumStreamWrite **dsw;
/* array of datum stream write objects, one per new column */
int num_newcols;
int32 cur_segno;
} AOCSAddColumnDescData;
typedef AOCSAddColumnDescData *AOCSAddColumnDesc;
/* ----------------
* function prototypes for appendoptimized columnar access method
* ----------------
extern AOCSScanDesc aocs_beginscan(Relation relation, Snapshot snapshot,
bool *proj, uint32 flags);
extern AOCSScanDesc aocs_beginrangescan(Relation relation, Snapshot snapshot,
Snapshot appendOnlyMetaDataSnapshot,
int *segfile_no_arr, int segfile_count);
extern void aocs_rescan(AOCSScanDesc scan);
extern void aocs_endscan(AOCSScanDesc scan);
extern bool aocs_getnext(AOCSScanDesc scan, ScanDirection direction, TupleTableSlot *slot);
extern AOCSInsertDesc aocs_insert_init(Relation rel, int segno);
extern void aocs_insert_values(AOCSInsertDesc idesc, Datum *d, bool *null, AOTupleId *aoTupleId);
static inline void aocs_insert(AOCSInsertDesc idesc, TupleTableSlot *slot)
aocs_insert_values(idesc, slot->tts_values, slot->tts_isnull, (AOTupleId *) &slot->tts_tid);
extern void aocs_insert_finish(AOCSInsertDesc idesc);
extern AOCSFetchDesc aocs_fetch_init(Relation relation,
Snapshot snapshot,
Snapshot appendOnlyMetaDataSnapshot,
bool *proj);
extern bool aocs_fetch(AOCSFetchDesc aocsFetchDesc,
AOTupleId *aoTupleId,
TupleTableSlot *slot);
extern void aocs_fetch_finish(AOCSFetchDesc aocsFetchDesc);
extern AOCSUpdateDesc aocs_update_init(Relation rel, int segno);
extern void aocs_update_finish(AOCSUpdateDesc desc);
extern TM_Result aocs_update(AOCSUpdateDesc desc, TupleTableSlot *slot,
AOTupleId *oldTupleId, AOTupleId *newTupleId);
extern AOCSDeleteDesc aocs_delete_init(Relation rel);
extern TM_Result aocs_delete(AOCSDeleteDesc desc,
AOTupleId *aoTupleId);
extern void aocs_delete_finish(AOCSDeleteDesc desc);
extern AOCSHeaderScanDesc aocs_begin_headerscan(
Relation rel, int colno);
extern void aocs_headerscan_opensegfile(
AOCSHeaderScanDesc hdesc, AOCSFileSegInfo *seginfo, char *basepath);
extern bool aocs_get_nextheader(AOCSHeaderScanDesc hdesc);
extern void aocs_end_headerscan(AOCSHeaderScanDesc hdesc);
extern AOCSAddColumnDesc aocs_addcol_init(
Relation rel, int num_newcols);
extern void aocs_addcol_newsegfile(
AOCSAddColumnDesc desc, AOCSFileSegInfo *seginfo, char *basepath,
RelFileNodeBackend relfilenode);
extern void aocs_addcol_closefiles(AOCSAddColumnDesc desc);
extern void aocs_addcol_endblock(AOCSAddColumnDesc desc, int64 firstRowNum);
extern void aocs_addcol_insert_datum(AOCSAddColumnDesc desc,
Datum *d, bool *isnull);
extern void aocs_addcol_finish(AOCSAddColumnDesc desc);
extern void aocs_addcol_emptyvpe(
Relation rel, AOCSFileSegInfo **segInfos,
int32 nseg, int num_newcols);
extern void aocs_addcol_setfirstrownum(AOCSAddColumnDesc desc,
int64 firstRowNum);
extern void aoco_dml_init(Relation relation, CmdType operation);
extern void aoco_dml_finish(Relation relation, CmdType operation);
#endif /* AOCSAM_H */
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