greenplumn cdbbufferedappend 源码

  • 2022-08-18
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greenplumn cdbbufferedappend 代码


 * cdbbufferedappend.h
 *	  Write buffers to the end of a file efficiently.
 * The client is given direct access to the write buffer for appending
 * buffers efficiency.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2007, greenplum inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 *	    src/include/cdb/cdbbufferedappend.h

#include "storage/fd.h"
#include "storage/relfilenode.h"

typedef struct BufferedAppend
	 * Init level.
	char				*relationName;

	 * Large-write memory level members.

    /* AO block size plus additional space cost of compression algorithm */
    int32      			 maxBufferWithCompressionOverrrunLen;
    /* buffer will be flushed to disk when maxLargeWriteLen is reached  */
    int32      			 maxLargeWriteLen;

    uint8                *memory;
    int32                memoryLen;

    uint8                *largeWriteMemory;

    uint8                *afterBufferMemory;
							 * We allocate maxBufferLen bytes after largeWriteMemory
							 * to support buffers that cross large write boundaries.
	int64				 largeWritePosition;
    int32                largeWriteLen;
							 * The position within the current file for the next write
							 * and the number of bytes buffered up in largeWriteMemory
							 * for the next write.
							 * NOTE: The currently allocated buffer (see bufferLen)
							 * may spill across into afterBufferMemory.
	 * Buffer level members.
    int32                bufferLen;
							 * The buffer within largeWriteMemory given to the caller to
							 * fill in.  It starts after largeWriteLen bytes (i.e. the
							 * offset) and is bufferLen bytes long.

	 * File level members.
	File 				 file;
	RelFileNodeBackend	relFileNode;
	int32				segmentFileNum;
    char				 *filePathName;
    int64                fileLen;
    int64				 fileLen_uncompressed; /* for calculating compress ratio */

} BufferedAppend;

 * Determines the amount of memory to supply for
 * BufferedAppend given the desired buffer and
 * large write lengths.
extern int32 BufferedAppendMemoryLen(
    int32                maxBufferWithCompressionOverrrunLen,
    int32                maxLargeWriteLen);

 * Initialize BufferedAppend.
 * Use the BufferedAppendMemoryLen procedure to
 * determine the amount of memory to supply.
extern void BufferedAppendInit(
	BufferedAppend *bufferedAppend,
	uint8          *memory,
	int32          memoryLen,
	int32          maxBufferWithCompressionOverrrunLen,
	int32          maxLargeWriteLen,
	char           *relationName);

 * Takes an open file handle for the next file.
extern void BufferedAppendSetFile(
    BufferedAppend       *bufferedAppend,
    File 				 file,
	RelFileNodeBackend	 relfilenode,
	int32				 segmentFileNum,
    char				 *filePathName,
    int64				 eof,
    int64				 eof_uncompressed);

 * Return the position of the current write buffer in bytes.
extern int64 BufferedAppendCurrentBufferPosition(
    BufferedAppend     *bufferedAppend);

 * Return the position of the next write buffer in bytes.
extern int64 BufferedAppendNextBufferPosition(
    BufferedAppend     *bufferedAppend);

 * Get the next buffer space for appending with a specified length.
 * Returns NULL when the current file does not have enough
 * room for another buffer.
extern uint8 *BufferedAppendGetBuffer(
    BufferedAppend       *bufferedAppend,
    int32				 bufferLen);

 * Get the address of the current buffer space being used appending.
extern uint8 *BufferedAppendGetCurrentBuffer(
    BufferedAppend       *bufferedAppend);

 * Get the next maximum length buffer space for appending.
 * Returns NULL when the current file does not have enough
 * room for another buffer.
extern uint8 *BufferedAppendGetMaxBuffer(
    BufferedAppend       *bufferedAppend);

 * Cancel the last GetBuffer or GetMaxBuffer.
extern void BufferedAppendCancelLastBuffer(
    BufferedAppend       *bufferedAppend);

 * Indicate the current buffer is finished.
extern void BufferedAppendFinishBuffer(
    BufferedAppend       *bufferedAppend,
    int32                usedLen,
    int32				 usedLen_uncompressed,
    bool 				 needsWAL);

 * Flushes the current file for append.  Caller is responsible for closing
 * the file afterwards.
extern void BufferedAppendCompleteFile(
    BufferedAppend	*bufferedAppend,
    int64 			*fileLen,
    int64 			*fileLen_uncompressed,
    bool 			needsWAL);

 * Finish with writing all together.
extern void BufferedAppendFinish(
    BufferedAppend *bufferedAppend);



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