greenplumn CRewindabilitySpec 源码
greenplumn CRewindabilitySpec 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2011 EMC Corp.
// @filename:
// CRewindabilitySpec.h
// @doc:
// Rewindability of intermediate query results;
// Can be used as required or derived property;
#ifndef GPOPT_CRewindabilitySpec_H
#define GPOPT_CRewindabilitySpec_H
#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/common/CRefCount.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CPropSpec.h"
namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;
// @class:
// CRewindabilitySpec
// @doc:
// Rewindability specification
class CRewindabilitySpec : public CPropSpec
// From the perspective of the operator, the enum values mean the
// following (in required & derived contexts):
// 1. ErtMarkRestore:
// require:
// I require my child to be mark-restorable. This is required by MJ of
// its inner child.
// derive:
// I am mark-restorable. (e.g Spool, Sort, Scan)
// (NB: I cannot derive mark-restorable just because my child is mark-restorable.
// However, I can derive rewindable.)
// 2. ErtRewindable:
// require:
// I require my child to be rewindable. This is required by NLJ of
// its inner child.
// derive:
// I am rewindable. (e.g Spool, Sort, Scan)
// 3. ErtRescannable:
// require:
// I require my child to be rescannable, so that I can re-execute
// the entire subtree if needed. This is required by correlated
// joins of their inner child.
// derive:
// I am not rewindable, but I am rescannable. (e.g TVF containing a
// volatile function)
// 4. ErtNone
// require:
// I do not require my child to be rewindable or rescannable. (e.g
// Sort that is not on the inner side of a correlated join)
// derive:
// I am neither rewindable nor rescannable. (e.g Motions, External
// table scans)
enum ERewindabilityType
ErtMarkRestore, // rewindability with mark & restore support
ErtRewindable, // rewindability of all intermediate query results
ErtRescannable, // not rewindable, but can be reexecuted from scratch
ErtNone, // neither rewindability nor rescannable
// From the perspective of the operator, the enum values mean the
// following (in required & derived contexts):
// 1. EmhtMotion:
// require:
// I require my child to handle motion hazard (if necessary)
// derive:
// I impose a motion hazard (for example, a streaming spool with a
// motion underneath it, will derive this)
// 2. EmhtNoMotion:
// require:
// Motion hazard handling is unnecessary.
// derive:
// I do not impose motion hazard (derived by a rewindable operator
// without no motion in its subtree or a blocking spool with or
// without a motion underneath it)
enum EMotionHazardType
EmhtMotion, // motion hazard in the tree
EmhtNoMotion, // no motion hazard in the tree
// rewindability support
ERewindabilityType m_rewindability;
// Motion Hazard
EMotionHazardType m_motion_hazard;
// Is NL Join
BOOL m_origin_nl_join;
// ctor
explicit CRewindabilitySpec(ERewindabilityType rewindability_type,
EMotionHazardType motion_hazard,
BOOL origin_nl_join = false);
// dtor
~CRewindabilitySpec() override;
// check if rewindability specs match
BOOL Matches(const CRewindabilitySpec *prs) const;
// check if rewindability spec satisfies a req'd rewindability spec
BOOL FSatisfies(const CRewindabilitySpec *prs) const;
// append enforcers to dynamic array for the given plan properties
void AppendEnforcers(CMemoryPool *mp, CExpressionHandle &exprhdl,
CReqdPropPlan *prpp, CExpressionArray *pdrgpexpr,
CExpression *pexpr) override;
// hash function
ULONG HashValue() const override;
// extract columns used by the rewindability spec
CColRefSet *
PcrsUsed(CMemoryPool *mp) const override
// return an empty set
return GPOS_NEW(mp) CColRefSet(mp);
// property type
Epst() const override
return EpstRewindability;
// print
IOstream &OsPrint(IOstream &os) const override;
Ert() const
return m_rewindability;
Emht() const
return m_motion_hazard;
IsOriginNLJoin() const
return m_origin_nl_join;
IsRewindable() const
return Ert() == ErtRewindable || Ert() == ErtMarkRestore;
IsRescannable() const
return Ert() == ErtRescannable;
IsCheckRequired() const
return Ert() != ErtNone;
HasMotionHazard() const
return Emht() == EmhtMotion;
}; // class CRewindabilitySpec
} // namespace gpopt
#endif // !GPOPT_CRewindabilitySpec_H
// EOF
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