spring-data-redis StreamInfo 源码

  • 2022-08-16
  • 浏览 (538)

spring-data-redis StreamInfo 代码


 * Copyright 2020-2022 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.data.redis.connection.stream;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.convert.Converters;
import org.springframework.data.util.Streamable;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;

 * @author Christoph Strobl
 * @author Mark Paluch
 * @since 2.3
public class StreamInfo {

	public static class XInfoObject {

		protected static final Map<String, Class<?>> DEFAULT_TYPE_HINTS;

		static {

			Map<String, Class<?>> defaults = new HashMap<>(2);
			defaults.put("root", Map.class);
			defaults.put("root.*", String.class);

			DEFAULT_TYPE_HINTS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(defaults);

		private Map<String, Object> raw;

		private XInfoObject(List<Object> raw, Map<String, Class<?>> typeHints) {
			this((Map<String, Object>) Converters.parse(raw, "root", typeHints));

		private XInfoObject(Map<String, Object> raw) {
			this.raw = raw;

		<T> T get(String entry, Class<T> type) {

			Object value = raw.get(entry);

			return value == null ? null : type.cast(value);

		<T> T getRequired(String entry, Class<T> type) {

			T value = get(entry, type);

			if (value == null) {
				throw new IllegalStateException("Value for entry '%s' is null".formatted(entry));
			return value;

		<I, T> T getAndMap(String entry, Class<I> type, Function<I, T> f) {

			I value = get(entry, type);

			return value == null ? null : f.apply(value);

		public Map<String, Object> getRaw() {
			return raw;

		public String toString() {
			return "XInfoStream" + raw;

	 * Value object holding general information about a {@literal Redis Stream}.
	 * @author Christoph Strobl
	public static class XInfoStream extends XInfoObject {

		private static final Map<String, Class<?>> typeHints;

		static {

			typeHints = new HashMap<>(DEFAULT_TYPE_HINTS);
			typeHints.put("root.first-entry", Map.class);
			typeHints.put("root.first-entry.*", Map.class);
			typeHints.put("root.first-entry.*.*", Object.class);
			typeHints.put("root.last-entry", Map.class);
			typeHints.put("root.last-entry.*", Map.class);
			typeHints.put("root.last-entry.*.*", Object.class);

		private XInfoStream(List<Object> raw) {
			super(raw, typeHints);

		 * Factory method to create a new instance of {@link XInfoStream}.
		 * @param source the raw value source.
		 * @return
		public static XInfoStream fromList(List<Object> source) {
			return new XInfoStream(source);

		 * Total number of element in the stream. Corresponds to {@literal length}.
		 * @return
		public long streamLength() {
			return getRequired("length", Long.class);

		 * The streams radix tree key size. Corresponds to {@literal radix-tree-keys}.
		 * @return
		public long radixTreeKeySize() {
			return getRequired("radix-tree-keys", Long.class);

		 * Total number of element radix tree nodes. Corresponds to {@literal radix-tree-nodes}.
		 * @return
		public long radixTreeNodesSize() {
			return getRequired("radix-tree-nodes", Long.class);

		 * The number of associated {@literal consumer groups}. Corresponds to {@literal groups}.
		 * @return
		public long groupCount() {
			return getRequired("groups", Long.class);

		 * The last generated id. May not be the same as {@link #lastEntryId()}. Corresponds to
		 * {@literal last-generated-id}.
		 * @return
		public String lastGeneratedId() {
			return getRequired("last-generated-id", String.class);

		 * The id of the streams first entry. Corresponds to {@literal first-entry 1)}.
		 * @return
		public String firstEntryId() {
			return getAndMap("first-entry", Map.class, it -> it.keySet().iterator().next().toString());

		 * The streams first entry. Corresponds to {@literal first-entry}.
		 * @return
		public Map<Object, Object> getFirstEntry() {
			return getAndMap("first-entry", Map.class, Collections::unmodifiableMap);

		 * The id of the streams last entry. Corresponds to {@literal last-entry 1)}.
		 * @return
		public String lastEntryId() {
			return getAndMap("last-entry", Map.class, it -> it.keySet().iterator().next().toString());

		 * The streams first entry. Corresponds to {@literal last-entry}.
		 * @return
		public Map<Object, Object> getLastEntry() {
			return getAndMap("last-entry", Map.class, Collections::unmodifiableMap);


	 * Value object holding general information about {@literal consumer groups} associated with a
	 * {@literal Redis Stream}.
	 * @author Christoph Strobl
	public static class XInfoGroups implements Streamable<XInfoGroup> {

		private final List<XInfoGroup> groupInfoList;

		private XInfoGroups(List<Object> raw) {

			groupInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
			for (Object entry : raw) {
				groupInfoList.add(new XInfoGroup((List<Object>) entry));

		 * Factory method to create a new instance of {@link XInfoGroups}.
		 * @param source the raw value source.
		 * @return
		public static XInfoGroups fromList(List<Object> source) {
			return new XInfoGroups(source);

		 * Total number of associated {@literal consumer groups}.
		 * @return zero if none available.
		public int groupCount() {
			return size();

		 * Returns the number of {@link XInfoGroup} available.
		 * @return zero if none available.
		 * @see #groupCount()
		public int size() {
			return groupInfoList.size();

		 * @return {@literal true} if no groups associated.
		public boolean isEmpty() {
			return groupInfoList.isEmpty();

		 * Returns an iterator over the {@link XInfoGroup} elements.
		 * @return
		public Iterator<XInfoGroup> iterator() {
			return groupInfoList.iterator();

		 * Returns the {@link XInfoGroup} element at the given {@literal index}.
		 * @return the element at the specified position.
		 * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range.
		public XInfoGroup get(int index) {
			return groupInfoList.get(index);

		 * Returns a sequential {@code Stream} of {@link XInfoGroup}.
		 * @return
		public Stream<XInfoGroup> stream() {
			return groupInfoList.stream();

		 * Performs the given {@literal action} on every available {@link XInfoGroup} of this {@link XInfoGroups}.
		 * @param action
		public void forEach(Consumer<? super XInfoGroup> action) {

		public String toString() {
			return "XInfoGroups" + groupInfoList;


	public static class XInfoGroup extends XInfoObject {

		private XInfoGroup(List<Object> raw) {
			super(raw, DEFAULT_TYPE_HINTS);

		public static XInfoGroup fromList(List<Object> raw) {
			return new XInfoGroup(raw);

		 * The {@literal consumer group} name. Corresponds to {@literal name}.
		 * @return
		public String groupName() {
			return getRequired("name", String.class);

		 * The total number of consumers in the {@literal consumer group}. Corresponds to {@literal consumers}.
		 * @return
		public Long consumerCount() {
			return getRequired("consumers", Long.class);

		 * The total number of pending messages in the {@literal consumer group}. Corresponds to {@literal pending}.
		 * @return
		public Long pendingCount() {
			return getRequired("pending", Long.class);

		 * The id of the last delivered message. Corresponds to {@literal last-delivered-id}.
		 * @return
		public String lastDeliveredId() {
			return getRequired("last-delivered-id", String.class);

	public static class XInfoConsumers implements Streamable<XInfoConsumer> {

		private final List<XInfoConsumer> consumerInfoList;

		public XInfoConsumers(String groupName, List<Object> raw) {

			consumerInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
			for (Object entry : raw) {
				consumerInfoList.add(new XInfoConsumer(groupName, (List<Object>) entry));

		public static XInfoConsumers fromList(String groupName, List<Object> source) {
			return new XInfoConsumers(groupName, source);

		 * Total number of {@literal consumers} in the {@literal consumer group}.
		 * @return zero if none available.
		public int getConsumerCount() {
			return consumerInfoList.size();

		 * Returns the number of {@link XInfoConsumer} available.
		 * @return zero if none available.
		 * @see #getConsumerCount()
		public int size() {
			return consumerInfoList.size();

		 * @return {@literal true} if no groups associated.
		public boolean isEmpty() {
			return consumerInfoList.isEmpty();

		 * Returns an iterator over the {@link XInfoConsumer} elements.
		 * @return
		public Iterator<XInfoConsumer> iterator() {
			return consumerInfoList.iterator();

		 * Returns the {@link XInfoConsumer} element at the given {@literal index}.
		 * @return the element at the specified position.
		 * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range.
		public XInfoConsumer get(int index) {
			return consumerInfoList.get(index);

		 * Returns a sequential {@code Stream} of {@link XInfoConsumer}.
		 * @return
		public Stream<XInfoConsumer> stream() {
			return consumerInfoList.stream();

		 * Performs the given {@literal action} on every available {@link XInfoConsumer} of this {@link XInfoConsumers}.
		 * @param action
		public void forEach(Consumer<? super XInfoConsumer> action) {

		public String toString() {
			return "XInfoConsumers" + consumerInfoList;

	public static class XInfoConsumer extends XInfoObject {

		private final String groupName;

		public XInfoConsumer(String groupName, List<Object> raw) {

			super(raw, DEFAULT_TYPE_HINTS);
			this.groupName = groupName;

		 * The {@literal consumer group} name.
		 * @return
		public String groupName() {
			return groupName;

		 * The {@literal consumer} name. Corresponds to {@literal name}.
		 * @return
		public String consumerName() {
			return getRequired("name", String.class);

		 * The idle time (in millis). Corresponds to {@literal idle}.
		 * @return
		public long idleTimeMs() {
			return getRequired("idle", Long.class);

		 * The idle time. Corresponds to {@literal idle}.
		 * @return
		public Duration idleTime() {
			return Duration.ofMillis(idleTimeMs());

		 * The number of pending messages. Corresponds to {@literal pending}.
		 * @return
		public long pendingCount() {
			return getRequired("pending", Long.class);


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