greenplumn gist 源码

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greenplumn gist 代码


 * gist.c
 *	  interface routines for the postgres GiST index access method.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  src/backend/access/gist/gist.c
#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/gist_private.h"
#include "access/gistscan.h"
#include "catalog/pg_collation.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "storage/lmgr.h"
#include "storage/predicate.h"
#include "nodes/execnodes.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/index_selfuncs.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"

/* non-export function prototypes */
static void gistfixsplit(GISTInsertState *state, GISTSTATE *giststate);
static bool gistinserttuple(GISTInsertState *state, GISTInsertStack *stack,
							GISTSTATE *giststate, IndexTuple tuple, OffsetNumber oldoffnum);
static bool gistinserttuples(GISTInsertState *state, GISTInsertStack *stack,
							 GISTSTATE *giststate,
							 IndexTuple *tuples, int ntup, OffsetNumber oldoffnum,
							 Buffer leftchild, Buffer rightchild,
							 bool unlockbuf, bool unlockleftchild);
static void gistfinishsplit(GISTInsertState *state, GISTInsertStack *stack,
							GISTSTATE *giststate, List *splitinfo, bool releasebuf);
static void gistprunepage(Relation rel, Page page, Buffer buffer,
						  Relation heapRel);

#define ROTATEDIST(d) do { \
	SplitedPageLayout *tmp=(SplitedPageLayout*)palloc0(sizeof(SplitedPageLayout)); \
	tmp->block.blkno = InvalidBlockNumber;	\
	tmp->buffer = InvalidBuffer;	\
	tmp->next = (d); \
	(d)=tmp; \
} while(0)

 * GiST handler function: return IndexAmRoutine with access method parameters
 * and callbacks.
	IndexAmRoutine *amroutine = makeNode(IndexAmRoutine);

	amroutine->amstrategies = 0;
	amroutine->amsupport = GISTNProcs;
	amroutine->amcanorder = false;
	amroutine->amcanorderbyop = true;
	amroutine->amcanbackward = false;
	amroutine->amcanunique = false;
	amroutine->amcanmulticol = true;
	amroutine->amoptionalkey = true;
	amroutine->amsearcharray = false;
	amroutine->amsearchnulls = true;
	amroutine->amstorage = true;
	amroutine->amclusterable = true;
	amroutine->ampredlocks = true;
	amroutine->amcanparallel = false;
	amroutine->amcaninclude = true;
	amroutine->amkeytype = InvalidOid;

	amroutine->ambuild = gistbuild;
	amroutine->ambuildempty = gistbuildempty;
	amroutine->aminsert = gistinsert;
	amroutine->ambulkdelete = gistbulkdelete;
	amroutine->amvacuumcleanup = gistvacuumcleanup;
	amroutine->amcanreturn = gistcanreturn;
	amroutine->amcostestimate = gistcostestimate;
	amroutine->amoptions = gistoptions;
	amroutine->amproperty = gistproperty;
	amroutine->ambuildphasename = NULL;
	amroutine->amvalidate = gistvalidate;
	amroutine->ambeginscan = gistbeginscan;
	amroutine->amrescan = gistrescan;
	amroutine->amgettuple = gistgettuple;
	amroutine->amgetbitmap = gistgetbitmap;
	amroutine->amendscan = gistendscan;
	amroutine->ammarkpos = NULL;
	amroutine->amrestrpos = NULL;
	amroutine->amestimateparallelscan = NULL;
	amroutine->aminitparallelscan = NULL;
	amroutine->amparallelrescan = NULL;


 * Create and return a temporary memory context for use by GiST. We
 * _always_ invoke user-provided methods in a temporary memory
 * context, so that memory leaks in those functions cannot cause
 * problems. Also, we use some additional temporary contexts in the
 * GiST code itself, to avoid the need to do some awkward manual
 * memory management.
	return AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
								 "GiST temporary context",

 *	gistbuildempty() -- build an empty gist index in the initialization fork
gistbuildempty(Relation index)
	Buffer		buffer;

	/* Initialize the root page */
	buffer = ReadBufferExtended(index, INIT_FORKNUM, P_NEW, RBM_NORMAL, NULL);
	LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);

	/* Initialize and xlog buffer */
	GISTInitBuffer(buffer, F_LEAF);
	log_newpage_buffer(buffer, true);

	/* Unlock and release the buffer */

 *	gistinsert -- wrapper for GiST tuple insertion.
 *	  This is the public interface routine for tuple insertion in GiSTs.
 *	  It doesn't do any work; just locks the relation and passes the buck.
gistinsert(Relation r, Datum *values, bool *isnull,
		   ItemPointer ht_ctid, Relation heapRel,
		   IndexUniqueCheck checkUnique,
		   IndexInfo *indexInfo)
	GISTSTATE  *giststate = (GISTSTATE *) indexInfo->ii_AmCache;
	IndexTuple	itup;
	MemoryContext oldCxt;

	/* Initialize GISTSTATE cache if first call in this statement */
	if (giststate == NULL)
		oldCxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(indexInfo->ii_Context);
		giststate = initGISTstate(r);
		giststate->tempCxt = createTempGistContext();
		indexInfo->ii_AmCache = (void *) giststate;

	oldCxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(giststate->tempCxt);

	itup = gistFormTuple(giststate, r,
						 values, isnull, true /* size is currently bogus */ );
	itup->t_tid = *ht_ctid;

	gistdoinsert(r, itup, 0, giststate, heapRel, false);

	/* cleanup */

	return false;

 * Place tuples from 'itup' to 'buffer'. If 'oldoffnum' is valid, the tuple
 * at that offset is atomically removed along with inserting the new tuples.
 * This is used to replace a tuple with a new one.
 * If 'leftchildbuf' is valid, we're inserting the downlink for the page
 * to the right of 'leftchildbuf', or updating the downlink for 'leftchildbuf'.
 * F_FOLLOW_RIGHT flag on 'leftchildbuf' is cleared and NSN is set.
 * If 'markfollowright' is true and the page is split, the left child is
 * marked with F_FOLLOW_RIGHT flag. That is the normal case. During buffered
 * index build, however, there is no concurrent access and the page splitting
 * is done in a slightly simpler fashion, and false is passed.
 * If there is not enough room on the page, it is split. All the split
 * pages are kept pinned and locked and returned in *splitinfo, the caller
 * is responsible for inserting the downlinks for them. However, if
 * 'buffer' is the root page and it needs to be split, gistplacetopage()
 * performs the split as one atomic operation, and *splitinfo is set to NIL.
 * In that case, we continue to hold the root page locked, and the child
 * pages are released; note that new tuple(s) are *not* on the root page
 * but in one of the new child pages.
 * If 'newblkno' is not NULL, returns the block number of page the first
 * new/updated tuple was inserted to. Usually it's the given page, but could
 * be its right sibling if the page was split.
 * Returns 'true' if the page was split, 'false' otherwise.
gistplacetopage(Relation rel, Size freespace, GISTSTATE *giststate,
				Buffer buffer,
				IndexTuple *itup, int ntup, OffsetNumber oldoffnum,
				BlockNumber *newblkno,
				Buffer leftchildbuf,
				List **splitinfo,
				bool markfollowright,
				Relation heapRel,
				bool is_build)
	BlockNumber blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer);
	Page		page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
	bool		is_leaf = (GistPageIsLeaf(page)) ? true : false;
	XLogRecPtr	recptr;
	int			i;
	bool		is_split;

	 * Refuse to modify a page that's incompletely split. This should not
	 * happen because we finish any incomplete splits while we walk down the
	 * tree. However, it's remotely possible that another concurrent inserter
	 * splits a parent page, and errors out before completing the split. We
	 * will just throw an error in that case, and leave any split we had in
	 * progress unfinished too. The next insert that comes along will clean up
	 * the mess.
	if (GistFollowRight(page))
		elog(ERROR, "concurrent GiST page split was incomplete");

	*splitinfo = NIL;

	 * if isupdate, remove old key: This node's key has been modified, either
	 * because a child split occurred or because we needed to adjust our key
	 * for an insert in a child node. Therefore, remove the old version of
	 * this node's key.
	 * for WAL replay, in the non-split case we handle this by setting up a
	 * one-element todelete array; in the split case, it's handled implicitly
	 * because the tuple vector passed to gistSplit won't include this tuple.
	is_split = gistnospace(page, itup, ntup, oldoffnum, freespace);

	 * If leaf page is full, try at first to delete dead tuples. And then
	 * check again.
	if (is_split && GistPageIsLeaf(page) && GistPageHasGarbage(page))
		gistprunepage(rel, page, buffer, heapRel);
		is_split = gistnospace(page, itup, ntup, oldoffnum, freespace);

	if (is_split)
		/* no space for insertion */
		IndexTuple *itvec;
		int			tlen;
		SplitedPageLayout *dist = NULL,
		BlockNumber oldrlink = InvalidBlockNumber;
		GistNSN		oldnsn = 0;
		SplitedPageLayout rootpg;
		bool		is_rootsplit;
		int			npage;

		is_rootsplit = (blkno == GIST_ROOT_BLKNO);

		 * Form index tuples vector to split. If we're replacing an old tuple,
		 * remove the old version from the vector.
		itvec = gistextractpage(page, &tlen);
		if (OffsetNumberIsValid(oldoffnum))
			/* on inner page we should remove old tuple */
			int			pos = oldoffnum - FirstOffsetNumber;

			if (pos != tlen)
				memmove(itvec + pos, itvec + pos + 1, sizeof(IndexTuple) * (tlen - pos));
		itvec = gistjoinvector(itvec, &tlen, itup, ntup);
		dist = gistSplit(rel, page, itvec, tlen, giststate);

		 * Check that split didn't produce too many pages.
		npage = 0;
		for (ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
		/* in a root split, we'll add one more page to the list below */
		if (is_rootsplit)
		if (npage > GIST_MAX_SPLIT_PAGES)
			elog(ERROR, "GiST page split into too many halves (%d, maximum %d)",
				 npage, GIST_MAX_SPLIT_PAGES);

		 * Set up pages to work with. Allocate new buffers for all but the
		 * leftmost page. The original page becomes the new leftmost page, and
		 * is just replaced with the new contents.
		 * For a root-split, allocate new buffers for all child pages, the
		 * original page is overwritten with new root page containing
		 * downlinks to the new child pages.
		ptr = dist;
		if (!is_rootsplit)
			/* save old rightlink and NSN */
			oldrlink = GistPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;
			oldnsn = GistPageGetNSN(page);

			dist->buffer = buffer;
			dist->block.blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer);
			dist->page = PageGetTempPageCopySpecial(BufferGetPage(buffer));

			/* clean all flags except F_LEAF */
			GistPageGetOpaque(dist->page)->flags = (is_leaf) ? F_LEAF : 0;

			ptr = ptr->next;
		for (; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
			/* Allocate new page */
			ptr->buffer = gistNewBuffer(rel);
			GISTInitBuffer(ptr->buffer, (is_leaf) ? F_LEAF : 0);
			ptr->page = BufferGetPage(ptr->buffer);
			ptr->block.blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(ptr->buffer);

		 * Now that we know which blocks the new pages go to, set up downlink
		 * tuples to point to them.
		for (ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
			ItemPointerSetBlockNumber(&(ptr->itup->t_tid), ptr->block.blkno);

		 * If this is a root split, we construct the new root page with the
		 * downlinks here directly, instead of requiring the caller to insert
		 * them. Add the new root page to the list along with the child pages.
		if (is_rootsplit)
			IndexTuple *downlinks;
			int			ndownlinks = 0;
			int			i;

			rootpg.buffer = buffer; = PageGetTempPageCopySpecial(BufferGetPage(rootpg.buffer));
			GistPageGetOpaque(>flags = 0;

			/* Prepare a vector of all the downlinks */
			for (ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
			downlinks = palloc(sizeof(IndexTuple) * ndownlinks);
			for (i = 0, ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
				downlinks[i++] = ptr->itup;

			rootpg.block.blkno = GIST_ROOT_BLKNO;
			rootpg.block.num = ndownlinks;
			rootpg.list = gistfillitupvec(downlinks, ndownlinks,
			rootpg.itup = NULL; = dist;
			dist = &rootpg;
			/* Prepare split-info to be returned to caller */
			for (ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
				GISTPageSplitInfo *si = palloc(sizeof(GISTPageSplitInfo));

				si->buf = ptr->buffer;
				si->downlink = ptr->itup;
				*splitinfo = lappend(*splitinfo, si);

		 * Fill all pages. All the pages are new, ie. freshly allocated empty
		 * pages, or a temporary copy of the old page.
		for (ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
			char	   *data = (char *) (ptr->list);

			for (i = 0; i < ptr->block.num; i++)
				IndexTuple	thistup = (IndexTuple) data;

				if (PageAddItem(ptr->page, (Item) data, IndexTupleSize(thistup), i + FirstOffsetNumber, false, false) == InvalidOffsetNumber)
					elog(ERROR, "failed to add item to index page in \"%s\"", RelationGetRelationName(rel));

				 * If this is the first inserted/updated tuple, let the caller
				 * know which page it landed on.
				if (newblkno && ItemPointerEquals(&thistup->t_tid, &(*itup)->t_tid))
					*newblkno = ptr->block.blkno;

				data += IndexTupleSize(thistup);

			/* Set up rightlinks */
			if (ptr->next && ptr->block.blkno != GIST_ROOT_BLKNO)
				GistPageGetOpaque(ptr->page)->rightlink =
				GistPageGetOpaque(ptr->page)->rightlink = oldrlink;

			 * Mark the all but the right-most page with the follow-right
			 * flag. It will be cleared as soon as the downlink is inserted
			 * into the parent, but this ensures that if we error out before
			 * that, the index is still consistent. (in buffering build mode,
			 * any error will abort the index build anyway, so this is not
			 * needed.)
			if (ptr->next && !is_rootsplit && markfollowright)

			 * Copy the NSN of the original page to all pages. The
			 * F_FOLLOW_RIGHT flags ensure that scans will follow the
			 * rightlinks until the downlinks are inserted.
			GistPageSetNSN(ptr->page, oldnsn);

		 * gistXLogSplit() needs to WAL log a lot of pages, prepare WAL
		 * insertion for that. NB: The number of pages and data segments
		 * specified here must match the calculations in gistXLogSplit()!
		if (!is_build && RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
			XLogEnsureRecordSpace(npage, 1 + npage * 2);


		 * Must mark buffers dirty before XLogInsert, even though we'll still
		 * be changing their opaque fields below.
		for (ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
		if (BufferIsValid(leftchildbuf))

		 * The first page in the chain was a temporary working copy meant to
		 * replace the old page. Copy it over the old page.
		PageRestoreTempPage(dist->page, BufferGetPage(dist->buffer));
		dist->page = BufferGetPage(dist->buffer);

		 * Write the WAL record.
		 * If we're building a new index, however, we don't WAL-log changes
		 * yet. The LSN-NSN interlock between parent and child requires that
		 * LSNs never move backwards, so set the LSNs to a value that's
		 * smaller than any real or fake unlogged LSN that might be generated
		 * later. (There can't be any concurrent scans during index build, so
		 * we don't need to be able to detect concurrent splits yet.)
		if (is_build)
			recptr = GistBuildLSN;
			if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
				recptr = gistXLogSplit(is_leaf,
									   dist, oldrlink, oldnsn, leftchildbuf,
				recptr = gistGetFakeLSN(rel);

		for (ptr = dist; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
			PageSetLSN(ptr->page, recptr);

		 * Return the new child buffers to the caller.
		 * If this was a root split, we've already inserted the downlink
		 * pointers, in the form of a new root page. Therefore we can release
		 * all the new buffers, and keep just the root page locked.
		if (is_rootsplit)
			for (ptr = dist->next; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
		 * Enough space.  We always get here if ntup==0.

		 * Delete old tuple if any, then insert new tuple(s) if any.  If
		 * possible, use the fast path of PageIndexTupleOverwrite.
		if (OffsetNumberIsValid(oldoffnum))
			if (ntup == 1)
				/* One-for-one replacement, so use PageIndexTupleOverwrite */
				if (!PageIndexTupleOverwrite(page, oldoffnum, (Item) *itup,
					elog(ERROR, "failed to add item to index page in \"%s\"",
				/* Delete old, then append new tuple(s) to page */
				PageIndexTupleDelete(page, oldoffnum);
				gistfillbuffer(page, itup, ntup, InvalidOffsetNumber);
			/* Just append new tuples at the end of the page */
			gistfillbuffer(page, itup, ntup, InvalidOffsetNumber);


		if (BufferIsValid(leftchildbuf))

		if (is_build)
			recptr = GistBuildLSN;
			if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
				OffsetNumber ndeloffs = 0,

				if (OffsetNumberIsValid(oldoffnum))
					deloffs[0] = oldoffnum;
					ndeloffs = 1;

				recptr = gistXLogUpdate(buffer,
										deloffs, ndeloffs, itup, ntup,
				recptr = gistGetFakeLSN(rel);
		PageSetLSN(page, recptr);

		if (newblkno)
			*newblkno = blkno;

	 * If we inserted the downlink for a child page, set NSN and clear
	 * F_FOLLOW_RIGHT flag on the left child, so that concurrent scans know to
	 * follow the rightlink if and only if they looked at the parent page
	 * before we inserted the downlink.
	 * Note that we do this *after* writing the WAL record. That means that
	 * the possible full page image in the WAL record does not include these
	 * changes, and they must be replayed even if the page is restored from
	 * the full page image. There's a chicken-and-egg problem: if we updated
	 * the child pages first, we wouldn't know the recptr of the WAL record
	 * we're about to write.
	if (BufferIsValid(leftchildbuf))
		Page		leftpg = BufferGetPage(leftchildbuf);

		GistPageSetNSN(leftpg, recptr);

		PageSetLSN(leftpg, recptr);


	return is_split;

 * Workhouse routine for doing insertion into a GiST index. Note that
 * this routine assumes it is invoked in a short-lived memory context,
 * so it does not bother releasing palloc'd allocations.
gistdoinsert(Relation r, IndexTuple itup, Size freespace,
			 GISTSTATE *giststate, Relation heapRel, bool is_build)
	ItemId		iid;
	IndexTuple	idxtuple;
	GISTInsertStack firststack;
	GISTInsertStack *stack;
	GISTInsertState state;
	bool		xlocked = false;

	memset(&state, 0, sizeof(GISTInsertState));
	state.freespace = freespace;
	state.r = r;
	state.heapRel = heapRel;
	state.is_build = is_build;

	/* Start from the root */
	firststack.blkno = GIST_ROOT_BLKNO;
	firststack.lsn = 0;
	firststack.retry_from_parent = false;
	firststack.parent = NULL;
	firststack.downlinkoffnum = InvalidOffsetNumber;
	state.stack = stack = &firststack;

	 * Walk down along the path of smallest penalty, updating the parent
	 * pointers with the key we're inserting as we go. If we crash in the
	 * middle, the tree is consistent, although the possible parent updates
	 * were a waste.
	for (;;)
		 * If we split an internal page while descending the tree, we have to
		 * retry at the parent. (Normally, the LSN-NSN interlock below would
		 * also catch this and cause us to retry. But LSNs are not updated
		 * during index build.)
		while (stack->retry_from_parent)
			if (xlocked)
				LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
			xlocked = false;
			state.stack = stack = stack->parent;

		if (XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(stack->lsn))
			stack->buffer = ReadBuffer(state.r, stack->blkno);

		 * Be optimistic and grab shared lock first. Swap it for an exclusive
		 * lock later if we need to update the page.
		if (!xlocked)
			LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_SHARE);
			gistcheckpage(state.r, stack->buffer);

		stack->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);
		stack->lsn = xlocked ?
			PageGetLSN(stack->page) : BufferGetLSNAtomic(stack->buffer);
		Assert(!RelationNeedsWAL(state.r) || !XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(stack->lsn));

		 * If this page was split but the downlink was never inserted to the
		 * parent because the inserting backend crashed before doing that, fix
		 * that now.
		if (GistFollowRight(stack->page))
			if (!xlocked)
				LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
				LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
				xlocked = true;
				/* someone might've completed the split when we unlocked */
				if (!GistFollowRight(stack->page))
			gistfixsplit(&state, giststate);

			xlocked = false;
			state.stack = stack = stack->parent;

		if (stack->blkno != GIST_ROOT_BLKNO &&
			stack->parent->lsn < GistPageGetNSN(stack->page))
			 * Concurrent split detected. There's no guarantee that the
			 * downlink for this page is consistent with the tuple we're
			 * inserting anymore, so go back to parent and rechoose the best
			 * child.
			xlocked = false;
			state.stack = stack = stack->parent;

		if (!GistPageIsLeaf(stack->page))
			 * This is an internal page so continue to walk down the tree.
			 * Find the child node that has the minimum insertion penalty.
			BlockNumber childblkno;
			IndexTuple	newtup;
			GISTInsertStack *item;
			OffsetNumber downlinkoffnum;

			/* currently, internal pages are never deleted */

			downlinkoffnum = gistchoose(state.r, stack->page, itup, giststate);
			iid = PageGetItemId(stack->page, downlinkoffnum);
			idxtuple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(stack->page, iid);
			childblkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(idxtuple->t_tid));

			 * Check that it's not a leftover invalid tuple from pre-9.1
			if (GistTupleIsInvalid(idxtuple))
						(errmsg("index \"%s\" contains an inner tuple marked as invalid",
						 errdetail("This is caused by an incomplete page split at crash recovery before upgrading to PostgreSQL 9.1."),
						 errhint("Please REINDEX it.")));

			 * Check that the key representing the target child node is
			 * consistent with the key we're inserting. Update it if it's not.
			newtup = gistgetadjusted(state.r, idxtuple, itup, giststate);
			if (newtup)
				 * Swap shared lock for an exclusive one. Beware, the page may
				 * change while we unlock/lock the page...
				if (!xlocked)
					LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
					LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
					xlocked = true;
					stack->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);

					if (PageGetLSN(stack->page) != stack->lsn)
						/* the page was changed while we unlocked it, retry */

				 * Update the tuple.
				 * We still hold the lock after gistinserttuple(), but it
				 * might have to split the page to make the updated tuple fit.
				 * In that case the updated tuple might migrate to the other
				 * half of the split, so we have to go back to the parent and
				 * descend back to the half that's a better fit for the new
				 * tuple.
				if (gistinserttuple(&state, stack, giststate, newtup,
					 * If this was a root split, the root page continues to be
					 * the parent and the updated tuple went to one of the
					 * child pages, so we just need to retry from the root
					 * page.
					if (stack->blkno != GIST_ROOT_BLKNO)
						xlocked = false;
						state.stack = stack = stack->parent;
			LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
			xlocked = false;

			/* descend to the chosen child */
			item = (GISTInsertStack *) palloc0(sizeof(GISTInsertStack));
			item->blkno = childblkno;
			item->parent = stack;
			item->downlinkoffnum = downlinkoffnum;
			state.stack = stack = item;
			 * Leaf page. Insert the new key. We've already updated all the
			 * parents on the way down, but we might have to split the page if
			 * it doesn't fit. gistinserthere() will take care of that.

			 * Swap shared lock for an exclusive one. Be careful, the page may
			 * change while we unlock/lock the page...
			if (!xlocked)
				LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
				LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
				xlocked = true;
				stack->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);
				stack->lsn = PageGetLSN(stack->page);

				if (stack->blkno == GIST_ROOT_BLKNO)
					 * the only page that can become inner instead of leaf is
					 * the root page, so for root we should recheck it
					if (!GistPageIsLeaf(stack->page))
						 * very rare situation: during unlock/lock index with
						 * number of pages = 1 was increased
						LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
						xlocked = false;

					 * we don't need to check root split, because checking
					 * leaf/inner is enough to recognize split for root
				else if (GistFollowRight(stack->page) ||
						 stack->parent->lsn < GistPageGetNSN(stack->page))
					 * The page was split while we momentarily unlocked the
					 * page. Go back to parent.
					xlocked = false;
					state.stack = stack = stack->parent;

			 * The page might have been deleted after we scanned the parent
			 * and saw the downlink.
			if (GistPageIsDeleted(stack->page))
				xlocked = false;
				state.stack = stack = stack->parent;

			/* now state.stack->(page, buffer and blkno) points to leaf page */

			gistinserttuple(&state, stack, giststate, itup,
			LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);

			/* Release any pins we might still hold before exiting */
			for (; stack; stack = stack->parent)

 * Traverse the tree to find path from root page to specified "child" block.
 * returns a new insertion stack, starting from the parent of "child", up
 * to the root. *downlinkoffnum is set to the offset of the downlink in the
 * direct parent of child.
 * To prevent deadlocks, this should lock only one page at a time.
static GISTInsertStack *
gistFindPath(Relation r, BlockNumber child, OffsetNumber *downlinkoffnum)
	Page		page;
	Buffer		buffer;
	OffsetNumber i,
	ItemId		iid;
	IndexTuple	idxtuple;
	List	   *fifo;
	GISTInsertStack *top,
	BlockNumber blkno;

	top = (GISTInsertStack *) palloc0(sizeof(GISTInsertStack));
	top->blkno = GIST_ROOT_BLKNO;
	top->downlinkoffnum = InvalidOffsetNumber;

	fifo = list_make1(top);
	while (fifo != NIL)
		/* Get next page to visit */
		top = linitial(fifo);
		fifo = list_delete_first(fifo);

		buffer = ReadBuffer(r, top->blkno);
		LockBuffer(buffer, GIST_SHARE);
		gistcheckpage(r, buffer);
		page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer);

		if (GistPageIsLeaf(page))
			 * Because we scan the index top-down, all the rest of the pages
			 * in the queue must be leaf pages as well.

		top->lsn = BufferGetLSNAtomic(buffer);

		 * If F_FOLLOW_RIGHT is set, the page to the right doesn't have a
		 * downlink. This should not normally happen..
		if (GistFollowRight(page))
			elog(ERROR, "concurrent GiST page split was incomplete");

		if (top->parent && top->parent->lsn < GistPageGetNSN(page) &&
			GistPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink != InvalidBlockNumber /* sanity check */ )
			 * Page was split while we looked elsewhere. We didn't see the
			 * downlink to the right page when we scanned the parent, so add
			 * it to the queue now.
			 * Put the right page ahead of the queue, so that we visit it
			 * next. That's important, because if this is the lowest internal
			 * level, just above leaves, we might already have queued up some
			 * leaf pages, and we assume that there can't be any non-leaf
			 * pages behind leaf pages.
			ptr = (GISTInsertStack *) palloc0(sizeof(GISTInsertStack));
			ptr->blkno = GistPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;
			ptr->downlinkoffnum = InvalidOffsetNumber;
			ptr->parent = top->parent;

			fifo = lcons(ptr, fifo);

		maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);

		for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
			iid = PageGetItemId(page, i);
			idxtuple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, iid);
			blkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(idxtuple->t_tid));
			if (blkno == child)
				/* Found it! */
				*downlinkoffnum = i;
				return top;
				/* Append this child to the list of pages to visit later */
				ptr = (GISTInsertStack *) palloc0(sizeof(GISTInsertStack));
				ptr->blkno = blkno;
				ptr->downlinkoffnum = i;
				ptr->parent = top;

				fifo = lappend(fifo, ptr);


	elog(ERROR, "failed to re-find parent of a page in index \"%s\", block %u",
		 RelationGetRelationName(r), child);
	return NULL;				/* keep compiler quiet */

 * Updates the stack so that child->parent is the correct parent of the
 * child. child->parent must be exclusively locked on entry, and will
 * remain so at exit, but it might not be the same page anymore.
static void
gistFindCorrectParent(Relation r, GISTInsertStack *child)
	GISTInsertStack *parent = child->parent;

	gistcheckpage(r, parent->buffer);
	parent->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(parent->buffer);

	/* here we don't need to distinguish between split and page update */
	if (child->downlinkoffnum == InvalidOffsetNumber ||
		parent->lsn != PageGetLSN(parent->page))
		/* parent is changed, look child in right links until found */
		OffsetNumber i,
		ItemId		iid;
		IndexTuple	idxtuple;
		GISTInsertStack *ptr;

		while (true)
			maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(parent->page);
			for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
				iid = PageGetItemId(parent->page, i);
				idxtuple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(parent->page, iid);
				if (ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(idxtuple->t_tid)) == child->blkno)
					/* yes!!, found */
					child->downlinkoffnum = i;

			parent->blkno = GistPageGetOpaque(parent->page)->rightlink;
			if (parent->blkno == InvalidBlockNumber)
				 * End of chain and still didn't find parent. It's a very-very
				 * rare situation when root splited.
			parent->buffer = ReadBuffer(r, parent->blkno);
			LockBuffer(parent->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
			gistcheckpage(r, parent->buffer);
			parent->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(parent->buffer);

		 * awful!!, we need search tree to find parent ... , but before we
		 * should release all old parent

		ptr = child->parent->parent;	/* child->parent already released
										 * above */
		while (ptr)
			ptr = ptr->parent;

		/* ok, find new path */
		ptr = parent = gistFindPath(r, child->blkno, &child->downlinkoffnum);

		/* read all buffers as expected by caller */
		/* note we don't lock them or gistcheckpage them here! */
		while (ptr)
			ptr->buffer = ReadBuffer(r, ptr->blkno);
			ptr->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(ptr->buffer);
			ptr = ptr->parent;

		/* install new chain of parents to stack */
		child->parent = parent;

		/* make recursive call to normal processing */
		LockBuffer(child->parent->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
		gistFindCorrectParent(r, child);


 * Form a downlink pointer for the page in 'buf'.
static IndexTuple
gistformdownlink(Relation rel, Buffer buf, GISTSTATE *giststate,
				 GISTInsertStack *stack)
	Page		page = BufferGetPage(buf);
	OffsetNumber maxoff;
	OffsetNumber offset;
	IndexTuple	downlink = NULL;

	maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
	for (offset = FirstOffsetNumber; offset <= maxoff; offset = OffsetNumberNext(offset))
		IndexTuple	ituple = (IndexTuple)
		PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, offset));

		if (downlink == NULL)
			downlink = CopyIndexTuple(ituple);
			IndexTuple	newdownlink;

			newdownlink = gistgetadjusted(rel, downlink, ituple,
			if (newdownlink)
				downlink = newdownlink;

	 * If the page is completely empty, we can't form a meaningful downlink
	 * for it. But we have to insert a downlink for the page. Any key will do,
	 * as long as its consistent with the downlink of parent page, so that we
	 * can legally insert it to the parent. A minimal one that matches as few
	 * scans as possible would be best, to keep scans from doing useless work,
	 * but we don't know how to construct that. So we just use the downlink of
	 * the original page that was split - that's as far from optimal as it can
	 * get but will do..
	if (!downlink)
		ItemId		iid;

		LockBuffer(stack->parent->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
		gistFindCorrectParent(rel, stack);
		iid = PageGetItemId(stack->parent->page, stack->downlinkoffnum);
		downlink = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(stack->parent->page, iid);
		downlink = CopyIndexTuple(downlink);
		LockBuffer(stack->parent->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);

	ItemPointerSetBlockNumber(&(downlink->t_tid), BufferGetBlockNumber(buf));

	return downlink;

 * Complete the incomplete split of state->stack->page.
static void
gistfixsplit(GISTInsertState *state, GISTSTATE *giststate)
	GISTInsertStack *stack = state->stack;
	Buffer		buf;
	Page		page;
	List	   *splitinfo = NIL;

	elog(LOG, "fixing incomplete split in index \"%s\", block %u",
		 RelationGetRelationName(state->r), stack->blkno);


	buf = stack->buffer;

	 * Read the chain of split pages, following the rightlinks. Construct a
	 * downlink tuple for each page.
	for (;;)
		GISTPageSplitInfo *si = palloc(sizeof(GISTPageSplitInfo));
		IndexTuple	downlink;

		page = BufferGetPage(buf);

		/* Form the new downlink tuples to insert to parent */
		downlink = gistformdownlink(state->r, buf, giststate, stack);

		si->buf = buf;
		si->downlink = downlink;

		splitinfo = lappend(splitinfo, si);

		if (GistFollowRight(page))
			/* lock next page */
			buf = ReadBuffer(state->r, GistPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink);
			LockBuffer(buf, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);

	/* Insert the downlinks */
	gistfinishsplit(state, stack, giststate, splitinfo, false);

 * Insert or replace a tuple in stack->buffer. If 'oldoffnum' is valid, the
 * tuple at 'oldoffnum' is replaced, otherwise the tuple is inserted as new.
 * 'stack' represents the path from the root to the page being updated.
 * The caller must hold an exclusive lock on stack->buffer.  The lock is still
 * held on return, but the page might not contain the inserted tuple if the
 * page was split. The function returns true if the page was split, false
 * otherwise.
static bool
gistinserttuple(GISTInsertState *state, GISTInsertStack *stack,
				GISTSTATE *giststate, IndexTuple tuple, OffsetNumber oldoffnum)
	return gistinserttuples(state, stack, giststate, &tuple, 1, oldoffnum,
							InvalidBuffer, InvalidBuffer, false, false);

/* ----------------
 * An extended workhorse version of gistinserttuple(). This version allows
 * inserting multiple tuples, or replacing a single tuple with multiple tuples.
 * This is used to recursively update the downlinks in the parent when a page
 * is split.
 * If leftchild and rightchild are valid, we're inserting/replacing the
 * downlink for rightchild, and leftchild is its left sibling. We clear the
 * F_FOLLOW_RIGHT flag and update NSN on leftchild, atomically with the
 * insertion of the downlink.
 * To avoid holding locks for longer than necessary, when recursing up the
 * tree to update the parents, the locking is a bit peculiar here. On entry,
 * the caller must hold an exclusive lock on stack->buffer, as well as
 * leftchild and rightchild if given. On return:
 *	- Lock on stack->buffer is released, if 'unlockbuf' is true. The page is
 *	  always kept pinned, however.
 *	- Lock on 'leftchild' is released, if 'unlockleftchild' is true. The page
 *	  is kept pinned.
 *	- Lock and pin on 'rightchild' are always released.
 * Returns 'true' if the page had to be split. Note that if the page was
 * split, the inserted/updated tuples might've been inserted to a right
 * sibling of stack->buffer instead of stack->buffer itself.
static bool
gistinserttuples(GISTInsertState *state, GISTInsertStack *stack,
				 GISTSTATE *giststate,
				 IndexTuple *tuples, int ntup, OffsetNumber oldoffnum,
				 Buffer leftchild, Buffer rightchild,
				 bool unlockbuf, bool unlockleftchild)
	List	   *splitinfo;
	bool		is_split;

	 * Check for any rw conflicts (in serializable isolation level) just
	 * before we intend to modify the page
	CheckForSerializableConflictIn(state->r, NULL, stack->buffer);

	/* Insert the tuple(s) to the page, splitting the page if necessary */
	is_split = gistplacetopage(state->r, state->freespace, giststate,
							   tuples, ntup,
							   oldoffnum, NULL,

	 * Before recursing up in case the page was split, release locks on the
	 * child pages. We don't need to keep them locked when updating the
	 * parent.
	if (BufferIsValid(rightchild))
	if (BufferIsValid(leftchild) && unlockleftchild)
		LockBuffer(leftchild, GIST_UNLOCK);

	 * If we had to split, insert/update the downlinks in the parent. If the
	 * caller requested us to release the lock on stack->buffer, tell
	 * gistfinishsplit() to do that as soon as it's safe to do so. If we
	 * didn't have to split, release it ourselves.
	if (splitinfo)
		gistfinishsplit(state, stack, giststate, splitinfo, unlockbuf);
	else if (unlockbuf)
		LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);

	return is_split;

 * Finish an incomplete split by inserting/updating the downlinks in parent
 * page. 'splitinfo' contains all the child pages involved in the split,
 * from left-to-right.
 * On entry, the caller must hold a lock on stack->buffer and all the child
 * pages in 'splitinfo'. If 'unlockbuf' is true, the lock on stack->buffer is
 * released on return. The child pages are always unlocked and unpinned.
static void
gistfinishsplit(GISTInsertState *state, GISTInsertStack *stack,
				GISTSTATE *giststate, List *splitinfo, bool unlockbuf)
	ListCell   *lc;
	List	   *reversed;
	GISTPageSplitInfo *right;
	GISTPageSplitInfo *left;
	IndexTuple	tuples[2];

	/* A split always contains at least two halves */
	Assert(list_length(splitinfo) >= 2);

	 * We need to insert downlinks for each new page, and update the downlink
	 * for the original (leftmost) page in the split. Begin at the rightmost
	 * page, inserting one downlink at a time until there's only two pages
	 * left. Finally insert the downlink for the last new page and update the
	 * downlink for the original page as one operation.

	/* for convenience, create a copy of the list in reverse order */
	reversed = NIL;
	foreach(lc, splitinfo)
		reversed = lcons(lfirst(lc), reversed);

	LockBuffer(stack->parent->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
	gistFindCorrectParent(state->r, stack);

	 * insert downlinks for the siblings from right to left, until there are
	 * only two siblings left.
	while (list_length(reversed) > 2)
		right = (GISTPageSplitInfo *) linitial(reversed);
		left = (GISTPageSplitInfo *) lsecond(reversed);

		if (gistinserttuples(state, stack->parent, giststate,
							 &right->downlink, 1,
							 left->buf, right->buf, false, false))
			 * If the parent page was split, need to relocate the original
			 * parent pointer.
			gistFindCorrectParent(state->r, stack);
		/* gistinserttuples() released the lock on right->buf. */
		reversed = list_delete_first(reversed);

	right = (GISTPageSplitInfo *) linitial(reversed);
	left = (GISTPageSplitInfo *) lsecond(reversed);

	 * Finally insert downlink for the remaining right page and update the
	 * downlink for the original page to not contain the tuples that were
	 * moved to the new pages.
	tuples[0] = left->downlink;
	tuples[1] = right->downlink;
	gistinserttuples(state, stack->parent, giststate,
					 tuples, 2,
					 left->buf, right->buf,
					 true,		/* Unlock parent */
					 unlockbuf	/* Unlock stack->buffer if caller wants that */
	Assert(left->buf == stack->buffer);

	 * If we split the page because we had to adjust the downlink on an
	 * internal page, while descending the tree for inserting a new tuple,
	 * then this might no longer be the correct page for the new tuple. The
	 * downlink to this page might not cover the new tuple anymore, it might
	 * need to go to the newly-created right sibling instead. Tell the caller
	 * to walk back up the stack, to re-check at the parent which page to
	 * insert to.
	 * Normally, the LSN-NSN interlock during the tree descend would also
	 * detect that a concurrent split happened (by ourselves), and cause us to
	 * retry at the parent. But that mechanism doesn't work during index
	 * build, because we don't do WAL-logging, and don't update LSNs, during
	 * index build.
	stack->retry_from_parent = true;

 * gistSplit -- split a page in the tree and fill struct
 * used for XLOG and real writes buffers. Function is recursive, ie
 * it will split page until keys will fit in every page.
SplitedPageLayout *
gistSplit(Relation r,
		  Page page,
		  IndexTuple *itup,		/* contains compressed entry */
		  int len,
		  GISTSTATE *giststate)
	IndexTuple *lvectup,
	GistSplitVector v;
	int			i;
	SplitedPageLayout *res = NULL;

	/* this should never recurse very deeply, but better safe than sorry */

	/* there's no point in splitting an empty page */
	Assert(len > 0);

	 * If a single tuple doesn't fit on a page, no amount of splitting will
	 * help.
	if (len == 1)
				 errmsg("index row size %zu exceeds maximum %zu for index \"%s\"",
						IndexTupleSize(itup[0]), GiSTPageSize,

	memset(v.spl_lisnull, true,
		   sizeof(bool) * giststate->nonLeafTupdesc->natts);
	memset(v.spl_risnull, true,
		   sizeof(bool) * giststate->nonLeafTupdesc->natts);
	gistSplitByKey(r, page, itup, len, giststate, &v, 0);

	/* form left and right vector */
	lvectup = (IndexTuple *) palloc(sizeof(IndexTuple) * (len + 1));
	rvectup = (IndexTuple *) palloc(sizeof(IndexTuple) * (len + 1));

	for (i = 0; i < v.splitVector.spl_nleft; i++)
		lvectup[i] = itup[v.splitVector.spl_left[i] - 1];

	for (i = 0; i < v.splitVector.spl_nright; i++)
		rvectup[i] = itup[v.splitVector.spl_right[i] - 1];

	/* finalize splitting (may need another split) */
	if (!gistfitpage(rvectup, v.splitVector.spl_nright))
		res = gistSplit(r, page, rvectup, v.splitVector.spl_nright, giststate);
		res->block.num = v.splitVector.spl_nright;
		res->list = gistfillitupvec(rvectup, v.splitVector.spl_nright, &(res->lenlist));
		res->itup = gistFormTuple(giststate, r, v.spl_rattr, v.spl_risnull, false);

	if (!gistfitpage(lvectup, v.splitVector.spl_nleft))
		SplitedPageLayout *resptr,

		resptr = subres = gistSplit(r, page, lvectup, v.splitVector.spl_nleft, giststate);

		/* install on list's tail */
		while (resptr->next)
			resptr = resptr->next;

		resptr->next = res;
		res = subres;
		res->block.num = v.splitVector.spl_nleft;
		res->list = gistfillitupvec(lvectup, v.splitVector.spl_nleft, &(res->lenlist));
		res->itup = gistFormTuple(giststate, r, v.spl_lattr, v.spl_lisnull, false);

	return res;

 * Create a GISTSTATE and fill it with information about the index
initGISTstate(Relation index)
	GISTSTATE  *giststate;
	MemoryContext scanCxt;
	MemoryContext oldCxt;
	int			i;

	/* safety check to protect fixed-size arrays in GISTSTATE */
	if (index->rd_att->natts > INDEX_MAX_KEYS)
		elog(ERROR, "numberOfAttributes %d > %d",
			 index->rd_att->natts, INDEX_MAX_KEYS);

	/* Create the memory context that will hold the GISTSTATE */
	scanCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
									"GiST scan context",
	oldCxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(scanCxt);

	/* Create and fill in the GISTSTATE */
	giststate = (GISTSTATE *) palloc(sizeof(GISTSTATE));

	giststate->scanCxt = scanCxt;
	giststate->tempCxt = scanCxt;	/* caller must change this if needed */
	giststate->leafTupdesc = index->rd_att;

	 * The truncated tupdesc for non-leaf index tuples, which doesn't contain
	 * the INCLUDE attributes.
	 * It is used to form tuples during tuple adjustment and page split.
	 * B-tree creates shortened tuple descriptor for every truncated tuple,
	 * because it is doing this less often: it does not have to form truncated
	 * tuples during page split.  Also, B-tree is not adjusting tuples on
	 * internal pages the way GiST does.
	giststate->nonLeafTupdesc = CreateTupleDescCopyConstr(index->rd_att);
	giststate->nonLeafTupdesc->natts =

	for (i = 0; i < IndexRelationGetNumberOfKeyAttributes(index); i++)
					   index_getprocinfo(index, i + 1, GIST_CONSISTENT_PROC),
					   index_getprocinfo(index, i + 1, GIST_UNION_PROC),

		/* opclasses are not required to provide a Compress method */
		if (OidIsValid(index_getprocid(index, i + 1, GIST_COMPRESS_PROC)))
						   index_getprocinfo(index, i + 1, GIST_COMPRESS_PROC),
			giststate->compressFn[i].fn_oid = InvalidOid;

		/* opclasses are not required to provide a Decompress method */
		if (OidIsValid(index_getprocid(index, i + 1, GIST_DECOMPRESS_PROC)))
						   index_getprocinfo(index, i + 1, GIST_DECOMPRESS_PROC),
			giststate->decompressFn[i].fn_oid = InvalidOid;

					   index_getprocinfo(index, i + 1, GIST_PENALTY_PROC),
					   index_getprocinfo(index, i + 1, GIST_PICKSPLIT_PROC),
					   index_getprocinfo(index, i + 1, GIST_EQUAL_PROC),

		/* opclasses are not required to provide a Distance method */
		if (OidIsValid(index_getprocid(index, i + 1, GIST_DISTANCE_PROC)))
						   index_getprocinfo(index, i + 1, GIST_DISTANCE_PROC),
			giststate->distanceFn[i].fn_oid = InvalidOid;

		/* opclasses are not required to provide a Fetch method */
		if (OidIsValid(index_getprocid(index, i + 1, GIST_FETCH_PROC)))
						   index_getprocinfo(index, i + 1, GIST_FETCH_PROC),
			giststate->fetchFn[i].fn_oid = InvalidOid;

		 * If the index column has a specified collation, we should honor that
		 * while doing comparisons.  However, we may have a collatable storage
		 * type for a noncollatable indexed data type.  If there's no index
		 * collation then specify default collation in case the support
		 * functions need collation.  This is harmless if the support
		 * functions don't care about collation, so we just do it
		 * unconditionally.  (We could alternatively call get_typcollation,
		 * but that seems like expensive overkill --- there aren't going to be
		 * any cases where a GiST storage type has a nondefault collation.)
		if (OidIsValid(index->rd_indcollation[i]))
			giststate->supportCollation[i] = index->rd_indcollation[i];
			giststate->supportCollation[i] = DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID;

	/* No opclass information for INCLUDE attributes */
	for (; i < index->rd_att->natts; i++)
		giststate->consistentFn[i].fn_oid = InvalidOid;
		giststate->unionFn[i].fn_oid = InvalidOid;
		giststate->compressFn[i].fn_oid = InvalidOid;
		giststate->decompressFn[i].fn_oid = InvalidOid;
		giststate->penaltyFn[i].fn_oid = InvalidOid;
		giststate->picksplitFn[i].fn_oid = InvalidOid;
		giststate->equalFn[i].fn_oid = InvalidOid;
		giststate->distanceFn[i].fn_oid = InvalidOid;
		giststate->fetchFn[i].fn_oid = InvalidOid;
		giststate->supportCollation[i] = InvalidOid;


	return giststate;

freeGISTstate(GISTSTATE *giststate pg_attribute_unused())
	/* It's sufficient to delete the scanCxt */

 * gistprunepage() -- try to remove LP_DEAD items from the given page.
 * Function assumes that buffer is exclusively locked.
static void
gistprunepage(Relation rel, Page page, Buffer buffer, Relation heapRel)
	OffsetNumber deletable[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage];
	int			ndeletable = 0;
	OffsetNumber offnum,
	TransactionId latestRemovedXid = InvalidTransactionId;


	 * Scan over all items to see which ones need to be deleted according to
	 * LP_DEAD flags.
	maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
	for (offnum = FirstOffsetNumber;
		 offnum <= maxoff;
		 offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum))
		ItemId		itemId = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);

		if (ItemIdIsDead(itemId))
			deletable[ndeletable++] = offnum;

	if (XLogStandbyInfoActive() && RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
		latestRemovedXid =
			index_compute_xid_horizon_for_tuples(rel, heapRel, buffer,
												 deletable, ndeletable);

	if (ndeletable > 0)

		PageIndexMultiDelete(page, deletable, ndeletable);

		 * Mark the page as not containing any LP_DEAD items.  This is not
		 * certainly true (there might be some that have recently been marked,
		 * but weren't included in our target-item list), but it will almost
		 * always be true and it doesn't seem worth an additional page scan to
		 * check it. Remember that F_HAS_GARBAGE is only a hint anyway.


		/* XLOG stuff */
		if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
			XLogRecPtr	recptr;

			recptr = gistXLogDelete(buffer,
									deletable, ndeletable,

			PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
			PageSetLSN(page, gistGetFakeLSN(rel));


	 * Note: if we didn't find any LP_DEAD items, then the page's
	 * F_HAS_GARBAGE hint bit is falsely set.  We do not bother expending a
	 * separate write to clear it, however.  We will clear it when we split
	 * the page.


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn gistbuild 源码

greenplumn gistbuildbuffers 源码

greenplumn gistget 源码

greenplumn gistproc 源码

greenplumn gistscan 源码

greenplumn gistsplit 源码

greenplumn gistutil 源码

greenplumn gistvacuum 源码

greenplumn gistvalidate 源码

greenplumn gistxlog 源码

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