开源鸿蒙 KWS Plug-in
KWS Plug-in
Add the API of the KWS plug-in to the //foundation/ai/engine/services/server/plugin directory. This API is used to call AI capabilities. The following code snippet is an example API implementation of the KWS plug-in. The reference code is available at the //foundation/ai/engine/services/server/plugin/asr/keyword_spotting directory.
#include "plugin/i_plugin.h class KWSPlugin : public IPlugin { public: KWSPlugin(); ~KWSPlugin(); const long long GetVersion() const override; const char* GetName() const override; const char* GetInferMode() const override; int32_t Prepare(long long transactionId, const DataInfo &inputInfo, DataInfo &outputInfo) override; int32_t SetOption(int optionType, const DataInfo &inputInfo) override; int32_t GetOption(int optionType, const DataInfo &inputInfo, DataInfo &outputInfo) override; int32_t SyncProcess(IRequest *request, IResponse *&response) override; int32_t AsyncProcess(IRequest *request, IPluginCallback*callback) override; int32_t Release(bool isFullUnload, long long transactionId, const DataInfo &inputInfo) override; };
The preceding code implements the IPlugin API provided by the server. Table 1 shows the mapping between the client APIs and the plug-in APIs.
Table 1 Mapping between the client APIs and the plug-in APIs
Client API | Plug-in API | Description |
AieClientPrepare | Prepare | Initializes the inference algorithm plug-in. For KWS, this API loads the KWS model from the fixed location (/sdcard/wenwen_inst.wk) to the memory. |
AieClientSyncProcess | SyncProcess | Executes the inference algorithm synchronously. For KWS, this API synchronously executes the audio inference algorithm to determine whether the specified wakeup keyword exists in the audio. |
AieClientAsyncProcess | AsyncProcess | Executes the inference algorithm asynchronously. Currently, this API is not used in KWS. However, you can implement the API based on your use case. |
AieClientSetOption | SetOption | Sets algorithm-related configuration items, such as the confidence threshold and delay. Currently, this API is not used in KWS. However, you can implement the API based on your use case. |
AieClientGetOption | GetOption | Obtains algorithm-related configuration items. For KWS, this API can obtain the input and output scale of the KWS model. The input scale is the MFCC feature (fixed value: 4000) required by the KWS model, and the output scale is the confidence (fixed value: 2) of the result. |
AieClientRelease | Release | Releases the algorithm model. For KWS, this API releases the specified algorithm model and clears the dynamic memory in the feature processor. |
NOTE - The AieClientInit and AieClientDestroy APIs are used to connect to and disconnect from the server, respectively. They are not called in the plug-in algorithm and therefore do not need to be defined in the plug-in. - The KWS plug-in needs to use the PLUGIN_INTERFACE_IMPL statement to expose the function pointer. Otherwise, the plug-in cannot be properly loaded.
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