greenplumn execPartition 源码

  • 2022-08-18
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 * execPartition.c
 *	  Support routines for partitioning.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  src/backend/executor/execPartition.c
#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/table.h"
#include "access/tableam.h"
#include "catalog/partition.h"
#include "catalog/pg_inherits.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "executor/execPartition.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "foreign/fdwapi.h"
#include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "partitioning/partbounds.h"
#include "partitioning/partdesc.h"
#include "partitioning/partprune.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/partcache.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
#include "utils/rls.h"
#include "utils/ruleutils.h"

#include "cdb/cdbaocsam.h"
#include "cdb/cdbappendonlyam.h"

 * PartitionTupleRouting - Encapsulates all information required to
 * route a tuple inserted into a partitioned table to one of its leaf
 * partitions.
 * partition_root
 *		The partitioned table that's the target of the command.
 * partition_dispatch_info
 *		Array of 'max_dispatch' elements containing a pointer to a
 *		PartitionDispatch object for every partitioned table touched by tuple
 *		routing.  The entry for the target partitioned table is *always*
 *		present in the 0th element of this array.  See comment for
 *		PartitionDispatchData->indexes for details on how this array is
 *		indexed.
 * num_dispatch
 *		The current number of items stored in the 'partition_dispatch_info'
 *		array.  Also serves as the index of the next free array element for
 *		new PartitionDispatch objects that need to be stored.
 * max_dispatch
 *		The current allocated size of the 'partition_dispatch_info' array.
 * partitions
 *		Array of 'max_partitions' elements containing a pointer to a
 *		ResultRelInfo for every leaf partitions touched by tuple routing.
 *		Some of these are pointers to ResultRelInfos which are borrowed out of
 *		'subplan_resultrel_htab'.  The remainder have been built especially
 *		for tuple routing.  See comment for PartitionDispatchData->indexes for
 *		details on how this array is indexed.
 * num_partitions
 *		The current number of items stored in the 'partitions' array.  Also
 *		serves as the index of the next free array element for new
 *		ResultRelInfo objects that need to be stored.
 * max_partitions
 *		The current allocated size of the 'partitions' array.
 * subplan_resultrel_htab
 *		Hash table to store subplan ResultRelInfos by Oid.  This is used to
 *		cache ResultRelInfos from subplans of an UPDATE ModifyTable node;
 *		NULL in other cases.  Some of these may be useful for tuple routing
 *		to save having to build duplicates.
 * memcxt
 *		Memory context used to allocate subsidiary structs.
struct PartitionTupleRouting
	Relation	partition_root;
	PartitionDispatch *partition_dispatch_info;
	int			num_dispatch;
	int			max_dispatch;
	ResultRelInfo **partitions;
	int			num_partitions;
	int			max_partitions;
	HTAB	   *subplan_resultrel_htab;
	MemoryContext memcxt;

 * PartitionDispatch - information about one partitioned table in a partition
 * hierarchy required to route a tuple to any of its partitions.  A
 * PartitionDispatch is always encapsulated inside a PartitionTupleRouting
 * struct and stored inside its 'partition_dispatch_info' array.
 * reldesc
 *		Relation descriptor of the table
 * key
 *		Partition key information of the table
 * keystate
 *		Execution state required for expressions in the partition key
 * partdesc
 *		Partition descriptor of the table
 * tupslot
 *		A standalone TupleTableSlot initialized with this table's tuple
 *		descriptor, or NULL if no tuple conversion between the parent is
 *		required.
 * tupmap
 *		TupleConversionMap to convert from the parent's rowtype to this table's
 *		rowtype  (when extracting the partition key of a tuple just before
 *		routing it through this table). A NULL value is stored if no tuple
 *		conversion is required.
 * indexes
 *		Array of partdesc->nparts elements.  For leaf partitions the index
 *		corresponds to the partition's ResultRelInfo in the encapsulating
 *		PartitionTupleRouting's partitions array.  For partitioned partitions,
 *		the index corresponds to the PartitionDispatch for it in its
 *		partition_dispatch_info array.  -1 indicates we've not yet allocated
 *		anything in PartitionTupleRouting for the partition.
typedef struct PartitionDispatchData
	Relation	reldesc;
	PartitionKey key;
	List	   *keystate;		/* list of ExprState */
	PartitionDesc partdesc;
	TupleTableSlot *tupslot;
	AttrNumber *tupmap;
	int			indexes[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
}			PartitionDispatchData;

/* struct to hold result relations coming from UPDATE subplans */
typedef struct SubplanResultRelHashElem
	Oid			relid;			/* hash key -- must be first */
	ResultRelInfo *rri;
} SubplanResultRelHashElem;

static void ExecHashSubPlanResultRelsByOid(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
										   PartitionTupleRouting *proute);
static ResultRelInfo *ExecInitPartitionInfo(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
											EState *estate, PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
											PartitionDispatch dispatch,
											ResultRelInfo *rootResultRelInfo,
											int partidx);
static void ExecInitRoutingInfo(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
								EState *estate,
								PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
								PartitionDispatch dispatch,
								ResultRelInfo *partRelInfo,
								int partidx);
static PartitionDispatch ExecInitPartitionDispatchInfo(EState *estate,
													   PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
													   Oid partoid, PartitionDispatch parent_pd, int partidx);
static void FormPartitionKeyDatum(PartitionDispatch pd,
								  TupleTableSlot *slot,
								  EState *estate,
								  Datum *values,
								  bool *isnull);

static char *ExecBuildSlotPartitionKeyDescription(Relation rel,
												  Datum *values,
												  bool *isnull,
												  int maxfieldlen);
static List *adjust_partition_tlist(List *tlist, TupleConversionMap *map);
static void ExecInitPruningContext(PartitionPruneContext *context,
								   List *pruning_steps,
								   PartitionDesc partdesc,
								   PartitionKey partkey,
								   PlanState *planstate);
static void find_matching_subplans_recurse(PartitionPruningData *prunedata,
										   PartitionedRelPruningData *pprune,
										   bool initial_prune,
										   Bitmapset **validsubplans);

 * ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting - sets up information needed during
 * tuple routing for partitioned tables, encapsulates it in
 * PartitionTupleRouting, and returns it.
 * Callers must use the returned PartitionTupleRouting during calls to
 * ExecFindPartition().  The actual ResultRelInfo for a partition is only
 * allocated when the partition is found for the first time.
 * The current memory context is used to allocate this struct and all
 * subsidiary structs that will be allocated from it later on.  Typically
 * it should be estate->es_query_cxt.
PartitionTupleRouting *
ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting(EState *estate, ModifyTableState *mtstate,
							   Relation rel)
	PartitionTupleRouting *proute;
	ModifyTable *node = mtstate ? (ModifyTable *) mtstate->ps.plan : NULL;

	 * Here we attempt to expend as little effort as possible in setting up
	 * the PartitionTupleRouting.  Each partition's ResultRelInfo is built on
	 * demand, only when we actually need to route a tuple to that partition.
	 * The reason for this is that a common case is for INSERT to insert a
	 * single tuple into a partitioned table and this must be fast.
	proute = (PartitionTupleRouting *) palloc0(sizeof(PartitionTupleRouting));
	proute->partition_root = rel;
	proute->memcxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
	/* Rest of members initialized by zeroing */

	 * Initialize this table's PartitionDispatch object.  Here we pass in the
	 * parent as NULL as we don't need to care about any parent of the target
	 * partitioned table.
	ExecInitPartitionDispatchInfo(estate, proute, RelationGetRelid(rel),
								  NULL, 0);

	 * If performing an UPDATE with tuple routing, we can reuse partition
	 * sub-plan result rels.  We build a hash table to map the OIDs of
	 * partitions present in mtstate->resultRelInfo to their ResultRelInfos.
	 * Every time a tuple is routed to a partition that we've yet to set the
	 * ResultRelInfo for, before we go to the trouble of making one, we check
	 * for a pre-made one in the hash table.
	if (node && node->operation == CMD_UPDATE)
		ExecHashSubPlanResultRelsByOid(mtstate, proute);

	return proute;

 * ExecFindPartition -- Return the ResultRelInfo for the leaf partition that
 * the tuple contained in *slot should belong to.
 * If the partition's ResultRelInfo does not yet exist in 'proute' then we set
 * one up or reuse one from mtstate's resultRelInfo array.  When reusing a
 * ResultRelInfo from the mtstate we verify that the relation is a valid
 * target for INSERTs and then set up a PartitionRoutingInfo for it.
 * rootResultRelInfo is the relation named in the query.
 * estate must be non-NULL; we'll need it to compute any expressions in the
 * partition keys.  Also, its per-tuple contexts are used as evaluation
 * scratch space.
 * If no leaf partition is found, this routine errors out with the appropriate
 * error message.  An error may also be raised if the found target partition
 * is not a valid target for an INSERT.
ResultRelInfo *
ExecFindPartition(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
				  ResultRelInfo *rootResultRelInfo,
				  PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
				  TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate)
	PartitionDispatch *pd = proute->partition_dispatch_info;
	Datum		values[PARTITION_MAX_KEYS];
	bool		isnull[PARTITION_MAX_KEYS];
	Relation	rel;
	PartitionDispatch dispatch;
	PartitionDesc partdesc;
	ExprContext *ecxt = GetPerTupleExprContext(estate);
	TupleTableSlot *ecxt_scantuple_old = ecxt->ecxt_scantuple;
	TupleTableSlot *myslot = NULL;
	MemoryContext oldcxt;

	/* use per-tuple context here to avoid leaking memory */
	oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(GetPerTupleMemoryContext(estate));

	 * First check the root table's partition constraint, if any.  No point in
	 * routing the tuple if it doesn't belong in the root table itself.
	if (rootResultRelInfo->ri_PartitionCheck)
		ExecPartitionCheck(rootResultRelInfo, slot, estate, true);

	/* start with the root partitioned table */
	dispatch = pd[0];
	while (true)
		AttrNumber *map = dispatch->tupmap;
		int			partidx = -1;


		rel = dispatch->reldesc;
		partdesc = dispatch->partdesc;

		 * Convert the tuple to this parent's layout, if different from the
		 * current relation.
		myslot = dispatch->tupslot;
		if (myslot != NULL)
			Assert(map != NULL);
			slot = execute_attr_map_slot(map, slot, myslot);

		 * Extract partition key from tuple. Expression evaluation machinery
		 * that FormPartitionKeyDatum() invokes expects ecxt_scantuple to
		 * point to the correct tuple slot.  The slot might have changed from
		 * what was used for the parent table if the table of the current
		 * partitioning level has different tuple descriptor from the parent.
		 * So update ecxt_scantuple accordingly.
		ecxt->ecxt_scantuple = slot;
		FormPartitionKeyDatum(dispatch, slot, estate, values, isnull);

		 * If this partitioned table has no partitions or no partition for
		 * these values, error out.
		if (partdesc->nparts == 0 ||
			(partidx = get_partition_for_tuple(dispatch->key, dispatch->partdesc, values, isnull)) < 0)
			char	   *val_desc;

			val_desc = ExecBuildSlotPartitionKeyDescription(rel,
															values, isnull, 64);
					 * GPDB: use dedicated error code for this, not the generic
					 * ERRCODE_CHECK_VIOLATION as in upstream. The SREH stuff
					 * only catches errors in the ERRCODE_DATA_EXCEPTION class,
					 * so without this, this error would not be caught by SREH.
					 errmsg("no partition of relation \"%s\" found for row",
					 val_desc ?
					 errdetail("Partition key of the failing row contains %s.",
							   val_desc) : 0));

		if (partdesc->is_leaf[partidx])
			ResultRelInfo *rri;

			 * Look to see if we've already got a ResultRelInfo for this
			 * partition.
			if (likely(dispatch->indexes[partidx] >= 0))
				/* ResultRelInfo already built */
				Assert(dispatch->indexes[partidx] < proute->num_partitions);
				rri = proute->partitions[dispatch->indexes[partidx]];
				bool		found = false;

				 * We have not yet set up a ResultRelInfo for this partition,
				 * but if we have a subplan hash table, we might have one
				 * there.  If not, we'll have to create one.
				if (proute->subplan_resultrel_htab)
					Oid			partoid = partdesc->oids[partidx];
					SubplanResultRelHashElem *elem;

					elem = hash_search(proute->subplan_resultrel_htab,
									   &partoid, HASH_FIND, NULL);
					if (elem)
						found = true;
						rri = elem->rri;

						/* Verify this ResultRelInfo allows INSERTs */
						CheckValidResultRel(rri, CMD_INSERT);

						/* Set up the PartitionRoutingInfo for it */
						ExecInitRoutingInfo(mtstate, estate, proute, dispatch,
											rri, partidx);

				/* We need to create a new one. */
				if (!found)
					rri = ExecInitPartitionInfo(mtstate, estate, proute,
												rootResultRelInfo, partidx);

			/* Release the tuple in the lowest parent's dedicated slot. */
			if (slot == myslot)

			ecxt->ecxt_scantuple = ecxt_scantuple_old;
			return rri;
			 * Partition is a sub-partitioned table; get the PartitionDispatch
			if (likely(dispatch->indexes[partidx] >= 0))
				/* Already built. */
				Assert(dispatch->indexes[partidx] < proute->num_dispatch);

				 * Move down to the next partition level and search again
				 * until we find a leaf partition that matches this tuple
				dispatch = pd[dispatch->indexes[partidx]];
				/* Not yet built. Do that now. */
				PartitionDispatch subdispatch;

				 * Create the new PartitionDispatch.  We pass the current one
				 * in as the parent PartitionDispatch
				subdispatch = ExecInitPartitionDispatchInfo(mtstate->ps.state,
															dispatch, partidx);
				Assert(dispatch->indexes[partidx] >= 0 &&
					   dispatch->indexes[partidx] < proute->num_dispatch);
				dispatch = subdispatch;

 * ExecHashSubPlanResultRelsByOid
 *		Build a hash table to allow fast lookups of subplan ResultRelInfos by
 *		partition Oid.  We also populate the subplan ResultRelInfo with an
 *		ri_PartitionRoot.
static void
ExecHashSubPlanResultRelsByOid(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
							   PartitionTupleRouting *proute)
	HASHCTL		ctl;
	HTAB	   *htab;
	int			i;

	memset(&ctl, 0, sizeof(ctl));
	ctl.keysize = sizeof(Oid);
	ctl.entrysize = sizeof(SubplanResultRelHashElem);
	ctl.hcxt = CurrentMemoryContext;

	htab = hash_create("PartitionTupleRouting table", mtstate->mt_nplans,
	proute->subplan_resultrel_htab = htab;

	/* Hash all subplans by their Oid */
	for (i = 0; i < mtstate->mt_nplans; i++)
		ResultRelInfo *rri = &mtstate->resultRelInfo[i];
		bool		found;
		Oid			partoid = RelationGetRelid(rri->ri_RelationDesc);
		SubplanResultRelHashElem *elem;

		elem = (SubplanResultRelHashElem *)
			hash_search(htab, &partoid, HASH_ENTER, &found);
		elem->rri = rri;

		 * This is required in order to convert the partition's tuple to be
		 * compatible with the root partitioned table's tuple descriptor. When
		 * generating the per-subplan result rels, this was not set.
		rri->ri_PartitionRoot = proute->partition_root;

 * ExecInitPartitionInfo
 *		Lock the partition and initialize ResultRelInfo.  Also setup other
 *		information for the partition and store it in the next empty slot in
 *		the proute->partitions array.
 * Returns the ResultRelInfo
static ResultRelInfo *
ExecInitPartitionInfo(ModifyTableState *mtstate, EState *estate,
					  PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
					  PartitionDispatch dispatch,
					  ResultRelInfo *rootResultRelInfo,
					  int partidx)
	ModifyTable *node = (ModifyTable *) mtstate->ps.plan;
	Relation	rootrel = rootResultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc,
	Relation	firstResultRel = mtstate->resultRelInfo[0].ri_RelationDesc;
	ResultRelInfo *leaf_part_rri;
	MemoryContext oldcxt;
	AttrNumber *part_attnos = NULL;
	bool		found_whole_row;

	oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(proute->memcxt);

	partrel = table_open(dispatch->partdesc->oids[partidx], RowExclusiveLock);

	leaf_part_rri = makeNode(ResultRelInfo);
					  node ? node->rootRelation : 1,

	 * Verify result relation is a valid target for an INSERT.  An UPDATE of a
	 * partition-key becomes a DELETE+INSERT operation, so this check is still
	 * required when the operation is CMD_UPDATE.
	CheckValidResultRel(leaf_part_rri, CMD_INSERT);

	 * Open partition indices.  The user may have asked to check for conflicts
	 * within this leaf partition and do "nothing" instead of throwing an
	 * error.  Be prepared in that case by initializing the index information
	 * needed by ExecInsert() to perform speculative insertions.
	if (partrel->rd_rel->relhasindex &&
		leaf_part_rri->ri_IndexRelationDescs == NULL)
						(node != NULL &&
						 node->onConflictAction != ONCONFLICT_NONE));

	 * Build WITH CHECK OPTION constraints for the partition.  Note that we
	 * didn't build the withCheckOptionList for partitions within the planner,
	 * but simple translation of varattnos will suffice.  This only occurs for
	 * the INSERT case or in the case of UPDATE tuple routing where we didn't
	 * find a result rel to reuse in ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting().
	if (node && node->withCheckOptionLists != NIL)
		List	   *wcoList;
		List	   *wcoExprs = NIL;
		ListCell   *ll;
		int			firstVarno = mtstate->resultRelInfo[0].ri_RangeTableIndex;

		 * In the case of INSERT on a partitioned table, there is only one
		 * plan.  Likewise, there is only one WCO list, not one per partition.
		 * For UPDATE, there are as many WCO lists as there are plans.
		Assert((node->operation == CMD_INSERT &&
				list_length(node->withCheckOptionLists) == 1 &&
				list_length(node->plans) == 1) ||
			   (node->operation == CMD_UPDATE &&
				list_length(node->withCheckOptionLists) ==

		 * Use the WCO list of the first plan as a reference to calculate
		 * attno's for the WCO list of this partition.  In the INSERT case,
		 * that refers to the root partitioned table, whereas in the UPDATE
		 * tuple routing case, that refers to the first partition in the
		 * mtstate->resultRelInfo array.  In any case, both that relation and
		 * this partition should have the same columns, so we should be able
		 * to map attributes successfully.
		wcoList = linitial(node->withCheckOptionLists);

		 * Convert Vars in it to contain this partition's attribute numbers.
		part_attnos =
									   gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));
		wcoList = (List *)
			map_variable_attnos((Node *) wcoList,
								firstVarno, 0,
		/* We ignore the value of found_whole_row. */

		foreach(ll, wcoList)
			WithCheckOption *wco = castNode(WithCheckOption, lfirst(ll));
			ExprState  *wcoExpr = ExecInitQual(castNode(List, wco->qual),

			wcoExprs = lappend(wcoExprs, wcoExpr);

		leaf_part_rri->ri_WithCheckOptions = wcoList;
		leaf_part_rri->ri_WithCheckOptionExprs = wcoExprs;

	 * Build the RETURNING projection for the partition.  Note that we didn't
	 * build the returningList for partitions within the planner, but simple
	 * translation of varattnos will suffice.  This only occurs for the INSERT
	 * case or in the case of UPDATE tuple routing where we didn't find a
	 * result rel to reuse in ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting().
	if (node && node->returningLists != NIL)
		TupleTableSlot *slot;
		ExprContext *econtext;
		List	   *returningList;
		int			firstVarno = mtstate->resultRelInfo[0].ri_RangeTableIndex;

		/* See the comment above for WCO lists. */
		Assert((node->operation == CMD_INSERT &&
				list_length(node->returningLists) == 1 &&
				list_length(node->plans) == 1) ||
			   (node->operation == CMD_UPDATE &&
				list_length(node->returningLists) ==

		 * Use the RETURNING list of the first plan as a reference to
		 * calculate attno's for the RETURNING list of this partition.  See
		 * the comment above for WCO lists for more details on why this is
		 * okay.
		returningList = linitial(node->returningLists);

		 * Convert Vars in it to contain this partition's attribute numbers.
		if (part_attnos == NULL)
			part_attnos =
										   gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));
		returningList = (List *)
			map_variable_attnos((Node *) returningList,
								firstVarno, 0,
		/* We ignore the value of found_whole_row. */

		leaf_part_rri->ri_returningList = returningList;

		 * Initialize the projection itself.
		 * Use the slot and the expression context that would have been set up
		 * in ExecInitModifyTable() for projection's output.
		Assert(mtstate->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot != NULL);
		slot = mtstate->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot;
		Assert(mtstate->ps.ps_ExprContext != NULL);
		econtext = mtstate->ps.ps_ExprContext;
		leaf_part_rri->ri_projectReturning =
			ExecBuildProjectionInfo(returningList, econtext, slot,
									&mtstate->ps, RelationGetDescr(partrel));

	/* Set up information needed for routing tuples to the partition. */
	ExecInitRoutingInfo(mtstate, estate, proute, dispatch,
						leaf_part_rri, partidx);

	 * If there is an ON CONFLICT clause, initialize state for it.
	if (node && node->onConflictAction != ONCONFLICT_NONE)
		int			firstVarno = mtstate->resultRelInfo[0].ri_RangeTableIndex;
		TupleDesc	partrelDesc = RelationGetDescr(partrel);
		ExprContext *econtext = mtstate->ps.ps_ExprContext;
		ListCell   *lc;
		List	   *arbiterIndexes = NIL;

		 * If there is a list of arbiter indexes, map it to a list of indexes
		 * in the partition.  We do that by scanning the partition's index
		 * list and searching for ancestry relationships to each index in the
		 * ancestor table.
		if (list_length(rootResultRelInfo->ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes) > 0)
			List	   *childIdxs;

			childIdxs = RelationGetIndexList(leaf_part_rri->ri_RelationDesc);

			foreach(lc, childIdxs)
				Oid			childIdx = lfirst_oid(lc);
				List	   *ancestors;
				ListCell   *lc2;

				ancestors = get_partition_ancestors(childIdx);
				foreach(lc2, rootResultRelInfo->ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes)
					if (list_member_oid(ancestors, lfirst_oid(lc2)))
						arbiterIndexes = lappend_oid(arbiterIndexes, childIdx);

		 * If the resulting lists are of inequal length, something is wrong.
		 * (This shouldn't happen, since arbiter index selection should not
		 * pick up an invalid index.)
		if (list_length(rootResultRelInfo->ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes) !=
			elog(ERROR, "invalid arbiter index list");
		leaf_part_rri->ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes = arbiterIndexes;

		 * In the DO UPDATE case, we have some more state to initialize.
		if (node->onConflictAction == ONCONFLICT_UPDATE)
			TupleConversionMap *map;

			map = leaf_part_rri->ri_PartitionInfo->pi_RootToPartitionMap;

			Assert(node->onConflictSet != NIL);
			Assert(rootResultRelInfo->ri_onConflict != NULL);

			leaf_part_rri->ri_onConflict = makeNode(OnConflictSetState);

			 * Need a separate existing slot for each partition, as the
			 * partition could be of a different AM, even if the tuple
			 * descriptors match.
			leaf_part_rri->ri_onConflict->oc_Existing =

			 * If the partition's tuple descriptor matches exactly the root
			 * parent (the common case), we can re-use most of the parent's ON
			 * CONFLICT SET state, skipping a bunch of work.  Otherwise, we
			 * need to create state specific to this partition.
			if (map == NULL)
				 * It's safe to reuse these from the partition root, as we
				 * only process one tuple at a time (therefore we won't
				 * overwrite needed data in slots), and the results of
				 * projections are independent of the underlying storage.
				 * Projections and where clauses themselves don't store state
				 * / are independent of the underlying storage.
				leaf_part_rri->ri_onConflict->oc_ProjSlot =
				leaf_part_rri->ri_onConflict->oc_ProjInfo =
				leaf_part_rri->ri_onConflict->oc_WhereClause =
				List	   *onconflset;
				TupleDesc	tupDesc;
				bool		found_whole_row;

				 * Translate expressions in onConflictSet to account for
				 * different attribute numbers.  For that, map partition
				 * varattnos twice: first to catch the EXCLUDED
				 * pseudo-relation (INNER_VAR), and second to handle the main
				 * target relation (firstVarno).
				onconflset = (List *) copyObject((Node *) node->onConflictSet);
				if (part_attnos == NULL)
					part_attnos =
												   gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));
				onconflset = (List *)
					map_variable_attnos((Node *) onconflset,
										INNER_VAR, 0,
				/* We ignore the value of found_whole_row. */
				onconflset = (List *)
					map_variable_attnos((Node *) onconflset,
										firstVarno, 0,
				/* We ignore the value of found_whole_row. */

				/* Finally, adjust this tlist to match the partition. */
				onconflset = adjust_partition_tlist(onconflset, map);

				/* create the tuple slot for the UPDATE SET projection */
				tupDesc = ExecTypeFromTL(onconflset);
				leaf_part_rri->ri_onConflict->oc_ProjSlot =
					ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(mtstate->ps.state, tupDesc,

				/* build UPDATE SET projection state */
				leaf_part_rri->ri_onConflict->oc_ProjInfo =
					ExecBuildProjectionInfo(onconflset, econtext,
											&mtstate->ps, partrelDesc);

				 * If there is a WHERE clause, initialize state where it will
				 * be evaluated, mapping the attribute numbers appropriately.
				 * As with onConflictSet, we need to map partition varattnos
				 * to the partition's tupdesc.
				if (node->onConflictWhere)
					List	   *clause;

					clause = copyObject((List *) node->onConflictWhere);
					clause = (List *)
						map_variable_attnos((Node *) clause,
											INNER_VAR, 0,
					/* We ignore the value of found_whole_row. */
					clause = (List *)
						map_variable_attnos((Node *) clause,
											firstVarno, 0,
					/* We ignore the value of found_whole_row. */
					leaf_part_rri->ri_onConflict->oc_WhereClause =
						ExecInitQual((List *) clause, &mtstate->ps);

	 * Since we've just initialized this ResultRelInfo, it's not in any list
	 * attached to the estate as yet.  Add it, so that it can be found later.
	 * Note that the entries in this list appear in no predetermined order,
	 * because partition result rels are initialized as and when they're
	 * needed.
	estate->es_tuple_routing_result_relations =

	if (RelationIsAoRows(leaf_part_rri->ri_RelationDesc))
		appendonly_dml_init(leaf_part_rri->ri_RelationDesc, mtstate->operation);
	else if (RelationIsAoCols(leaf_part_rri->ri_RelationDesc))
		aoco_dml_init(leaf_part_rri->ri_RelationDesc, mtstate->operation);


	return leaf_part_rri;

 * ExecInitRoutingInfo
 *		Set up information needed for translating tuples between root
 *		partitioned table format and partition format, and keep track of it
 *		in PartitionTupleRouting.
static void
ExecInitRoutingInfo(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
					EState *estate,
					PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
					PartitionDispatch dispatch,
					ResultRelInfo *partRelInfo,
					int partidx)
	MemoryContext oldcxt;
	PartitionRoutingInfo *partrouteinfo;
	int			rri_index;

	oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(proute->memcxt);

	partrouteinfo = palloc(sizeof(PartitionRoutingInfo));

	 * Set up a tuple conversion map to convert a tuple routed to the
	 * partition from the parent's type to the partition's.
	partrouteinfo->pi_RootToPartitionMap =
							   gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));

	 * If a partition has a different rowtype than the root parent, initialize
	 * a slot dedicated to storing this partition's tuples.  The slot is used
	 * for various operations that are applied to tuples after routing, such
	 * as checking constraints.
	if (partrouteinfo->pi_RootToPartitionMap != NULL)
		Relation	partrel = partRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;

		 * Initialize the slot itself setting its descriptor to this
		 * partition's TupleDesc; TupleDesc reference will be released at the
		 * end of the command.
		partrouteinfo->pi_PartitionTupleSlot =
			table_slot_create(partrel, &estate->es_tupleTable);
		partrouteinfo->pi_PartitionTupleSlot = NULL;

	 * Also, if transition capture is required, store a map to convert tuples
	 * from partition's rowtype to the root partition table's.
	if (mtstate &&
		(mtstate->mt_transition_capture || mtstate->mt_oc_transition_capture))
		partrouteinfo->pi_PartitionToRootMap =
								   gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));
		partrouteinfo->pi_PartitionToRootMap = NULL;

	 * If the partition is a foreign table, let the FDW init itself for
	 * routing tuples to the partition.
	if (partRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
		partRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignInsert != NULL)
		partRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignInsert(mtstate, partRelInfo);

	partRelInfo->ri_PartitionInfo = partrouteinfo;
	partRelInfo->ri_CopyMultiInsertBuffer = NULL;

	 * Keep track of it in the PartitionTupleRouting->partitions array.
	Assert(dispatch->indexes[partidx] == -1);

	rri_index = proute->num_partitions++;

	/* Allocate or enlarge the array, as needed */
	if (proute->num_partitions >= proute->max_partitions)
		if (proute->max_partitions == 0)
			proute->max_partitions = 8;
			proute->partitions = (ResultRelInfo **)
				palloc(sizeof(ResultRelInfo *) * proute->max_partitions);
			proute->max_partitions *= 2;
			proute->partitions = (ResultRelInfo **)
				repalloc(proute->partitions, sizeof(ResultRelInfo *) *

	proute->partitions[rri_index] = partRelInfo;
	dispatch->indexes[partidx] = rri_index;


 * ExecInitPartitionDispatchInfo
 *		Lock the partitioned table (if not locked already) and initialize
 *		PartitionDispatch for a partitioned table and store it in the next
 *		available slot in the proute->partition_dispatch_info array.  Also,
 *		record the index into this array in the parent_pd->indexes[] array in
 *		the partidx element so that we can properly retrieve the newly created
 *		PartitionDispatch later.
static PartitionDispatch
ExecInitPartitionDispatchInfo(EState *estate,
							  PartitionTupleRouting *proute, Oid partoid,
							  PartitionDispatch parent_pd, int partidx)
	Relation	rel;
	PartitionDesc partdesc;
	PartitionDispatch pd;
	int			dispatchidx;
	MemoryContext oldcxt;

	if (estate->es_partition_directory == NULL)
		estate->es_partition_directory =

	oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(proute->memcxt);

	 * Only sub-partitioned tables need to be locked here.  The root
	 * partitioned table will already have been locked as it's referenced in
	 * the query's rtable.
	if (partoid != RelationGetRelid(proute->partition_root))
		rel = table_open(partoid, RowExclusiveLock);
		rel = proute->partition_root;
	partdesc = PartitionDirectoryLookup(estate->es_partition_directory, rel);

	pd = (PartitionDispatch) palloc(offsetof(PartitionDispatchData, indexes) +
									partdesc->nparts * sizeof(int));
	pd->reldesc = rel;
	pd->key = RelationGetPartitionKey(rel);
	pd->keystate = NIL;
	pd->partdesc = partdesc;
	if (parent_pd != NULL)
		TupleDesc	tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);

		 * For sub-partitioned tables where the column order differs from its
		 * direct parent partitioned table, we must store a tuple table slot
		 * initialized with its tuple descriptor and a tuple conversion map to
		 * convert a tuple from its parent's rowtype to its own.  This is to
		 * make sure that we are looking at the correct row using the correct
		 * tuple descriptor when computing its partition key for tuple
		 * routing.
		pd->tupmap = convert_tuples_by_name_map_if_req(RelationGetDescr(parent_pd->reldesc),
													   gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));
		pd->tupslot = pd->tupmap ?
			MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(tupdesc, &TTSOpsVirtual) : NULL;
		/* Not required for the root partitioned table */
		pd->tupmap = NULL;
		pd->tupslot = NULL;

	 * Initialize with -1 to signify that the corresponding partition's
	 * ResultRelInfo or PartitionDispatch has not been created yet.
	memset(pd->indexes, -1, sizeof(int) * partdesc->nparts);

	/* Track in PartitionTupleRouting for later use */
	dispatchidx = proute->num_dispatch++;

	/* Allocate or enlarge the array, as needed */
	if (proute->num_dispatch >= proute->max_dispatch)
		if (proute->max_dispatch == 0)
			proute->max_dispatch = 4;
			proute->partition_dispatch_info = (PartitionDispatch *)
				palloc(sizeof(PartitionDispatch) * proute->max_dispatch);
			proute->max_dispatch *= 2;
			proute->partition_dispatch_info = (PartitionDispatch *)
						 sizeof(PartitionDispatch) * proute->max_dispatch);
	proute->partition_dispatch_info[dispatchidx] = pd;

	 * Finally, if setting up a PartitionDispatch for a sub-partitioned table,
	 * install a downlink in the parent to allow quick descent.
	if (parent_pd)
		Assert(parent_pd->indexes[partidx] == -1);
		parent_pd->indexes[partidx] = dispatchidx;


	return pd;

 * ExecCleanupTupleRouting -- Clean up objects allocated for partition tuple
 * routing.
 * Close all the partitioned tables, leaf partitions, and their indices.
ExecCleanupTupleRouting(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
						PartitionTupleRouting *proute)
	HTAB	   *htab = proute->subplan_resultrel_htab;
	int			i;

	 * Remember, proute->partition_dispatch_info[0] corresponds to the root
	 * partitioned table, which we must not try to close, because it is the
	 * main target table of the query that will be closed by callers such as
	 * ExecEndPlan() or DoCopy(). Also, tupslot is NULL for the root
	 * partitioned table.
	for (i = 1; i < proute->num_dispatch; i++)
		PartitionDispatch pd = proute->partition_dispatch_info[i];

		table_close(pd->reldesc, NoLock);

		if (pd->tupslot)

	for (i = 0; i < proute->num_partitions; i++)
		ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = proute->partitions[i];

		/* Allow any FDWs to shut down */
		if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
			resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->EndForeignInsert != NULL)

		 * Check if this result rel is one belonging to the node's subplans,
		 * if so, let ExecEndPlan() clean it up.
		if (htab)
			Oid			partoid;
			bool		found;

			partoid = RelationGetRelid(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc);

			(void) hash_search(htab, &partoid, HASH_FIND, &found);
			if (found)

		 * Only leaf node can have a valid access method.  If we find an
		 * appendoptimized table, ensure the DML operation is finished.
		if (RelationIsAoRows(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc))
			appendonly_dml_finish(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc, mtstate->operation);
		if (RelationIsAoCols(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc))
			aoco_dml_finish(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc, mtstate->operation);

		table_close(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc, NoLock);

/* ----------------
 *		FormPartitionKeyDatum
 *			Construct values[] and isnull[] arrays for the partition key
 *			of a tuple.
 *	pd				Partition dispatch object of the partitioned table
 *	slot			Heap tuple from which to extract partition key
 *	estate			executor state for evaluating any partition key
 *					expressions (must be non-NULL)
 *	values			Array of partition key Datums (output area)
 *	isnull			Array of is-null indicators (output area)
 * the ecxt_scantuple slot of estate's per-tuple expr context must point to
 * the heap tuple passed in.
 * ----------------
static void
FormPartitionKeyDatum(PartitionDispatch pd,
					  TupleTableSlot *slot,
					  EState *estate,
					  Datum *values,
					  bool *isnull)
	ListCell   *partexpr_item;
	int			i;

	if (pd->key->partexprs != NIL && pd->keystate == NIL)
		/* Check caller has set up context correctly */
		Assert(estate != NULL &&
			   GetPerTupleExprContext(estate)->ecxt_scantuple == slot);

		/* First time through, set up expression evaluation state */
		pd->keystate = ExecPrepareExprList(pd->key->partexprs, estate);

	partexpr_item = list_head(pd->keystate);
	for (i = 0; i < pd->key->partnatts; i++)
		AttrNumber	keycol = pd->key->partattrs[i];
		Datum		datum;
		bool		isNull;

		if (keycol != 0)
			/* Plain column; get the value directly from the heap tuple */
			datum = slot_getattr(slot, keycol, &isNull);
			/* Expression; need to evaluate it */
			if (partexpr_item == NULL)
				elog(ERROR, "wrong number of partition key expressions");
			datum = ExecEvalExprSwitchContext((ExprState *) lfirst(partexpr_item),
			partexpr_item = lnext(partexpr_item);
		values[i] = datum;
		isnull[i] = isNull;

	if (partexpr_item != NULL)
		elog(ERROR, "wrong number of partition key expressions");

 * get_partition_for_tuple
 *		Finds partition of relation which accepts the partition key specified
 *		in values and isnull
 * Return value is index of the partition (>= 0 and < partdesc->nparts) if one
 * found or -1 if none found.
get_partition_for_tuple(PartitionKey key, PartitionDesc partdesc, Datum *values, bool *isnull)
	int			bound_offset;
	int			part_index = -1;
	PartitionBoundInfo boundinfo = partdesc->boundinfo;

	if (partdesc->nparts == 0)
		return part_index;

	/* Route as appropriate based on partitioning strategy. */
	switch (key->strategy)
				int			greatest_modulus;
				uint64		rowHash;

				greatest_modulus = get_hash_partition_greatest_modulus(boundinfo);
				rowHash = compute_partition_hash_value(key->partnatts,
													   values, isnull);

				part_index = boundinfo->indexes[rowHash % greatest_modulus];

			if (isnull[0])
				if (partition_bound_accepts_nulls(boundinfo))
					part_index = boundinfo->null_index;
				bool		equal = false;

				bound_offset = partition_list_bsearch(key->partsupfunc,
													  values[0], &equal);
				if (bound_offset >= 0 && equal)
					part_index = boundinfo->indexes[bound_offset];

				bool		equal = false,
							range_partkey_has_null = false;
				int			i;

				 * No range includes NULL, so this will be accepted by the
				 * default partition if there is one, and otherwise rejected.
				for (i = 0; i < key->partnatts; i++)
					if (isnull[i])
						range_partkey_has_null = true;

				if (!range_partkey_has_null)
					bound_offset = partition_range_datum_bsearch(key->partsupfunc,

					 * The bound at bound_offset is less than or equal to the
					 * tuple value, so the bound at offset+1 is the upper
					 * bound of the partition we're looking for, if there
					 * actually exists one.
					part_index = boundinfo->indexes[bound_offset + 1];

			elog(ERROR, "unexpected partition strategy: %d",
				 (int) key->strategy);

	 * part_index < 0 means we failed to find a partition of this parent. Use
	 * the default partition, if there is one.
	if (part_index < 0)
		part_index = boundinfo->default_index;

	return part_index;

 * ExecBuildSlotPartitionKeyDescription
 * This works very much like BuildIndexValueDescription() and is currently
 * used for building error messages when ExecFindPartition() fails to find
 * partition for a row.
static char *
ExecBuildSlotPartitionKeyDescription(Relation rel,
									 Datum *values,
									 bool *isnull,
									 int maxfieldlen)
	StringInfoData buf;
	PartitionKey key = RelationGetPartitionKey(rel);
	int			partnatts = get_partition_natts(key);
	int			i;
	Oid			relid = RelationGetRelid(rel);
	AclResult	aclresult;

	if (check_enable_rls(relid, InvalidOid, true) == RLS_ENABLED)
		return NULL;

	/* If the user has table-level access, just go build the description. */
	aclresult = pg_class_aclcheck(relid, GetUserId(), ACL_SELECT);
	if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
		 * Step through the columns of the partition key and make sure the
		 * user has SELECT rights on all of them.
		for (i = 0; i < partnatts; i++)
			AttrNumber	attnum = get_partition_col_attnum(key, i);

			 * If this partition key column is an expression, we return no
			 * detail rather than try to figure out what column(s) the
			 * expression includes and if the user has SELECT rights on them.
			if (attnum == InvalidAttrNumber ||
				pg_attribute_aclcheck(relid, attnum, GetUserId(),
									  ACL_SELECT) != ACLCHECK_OK)
				return NULL;

	appendStringInfo(&buf, "(%s) = (",
					 pg_get_partkeydef_columns(relid, true));

	for (i = 0; i < partnatts; i++)
		char	   *val;
		int			vallen;

		if (isnull[i])
			val = "null";
			Oid			foutoid;
			bool		typisvarlena;

			getTypeOutputInfo(get_partition_col_typid(key, i),
							  &foutoid, &typisvarlena);
			val = OidOutputFunctionCall(foutoid, values[i]);

		if (i > 0)
			appendStringInfoString(&buf, ", ");

		/* truncate if needed */
		vallen = strlen(val);
		if (vallen <= maxfieldlen)
			appendStringInfoString(&buf, val);
			vallen = pg_mbcliplen(val, vallen, maxfieldlen);
			appendBinaryStringInfo(&buf, val, vallen);
			appendStringInfoString(&buf, "...");

	appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ')');


 * adjust_partition_tlist
 *		Adjust the targetlist entries for a given partition to account for
 *		attribute differences between parent and the partition
 * The expressions have already been fixed, but here we fix the list to make
 * target resnos match the partition's attribute numbers.  This results in a
 * copy of the original target list in which the entries appear in resno
 * order, including both the existing entries (that may have their resno
 * changed in-place) and the newly added entries for columns that don't exist
 * in the parent.
 * Scribbles on the input tlist, so callers must make sure to make a copy
 * before passing it to us.
static List *
adjust_partition_tlist(List *tlist, TupleConversionMap *map)
	List	   *new_tlist = NIL;
	TupleDesc	tupdesc = map->outdesc;
	AttrNumber *attrMap = map->attrMap;
	AttrNumber	attrno;

	for (attrno = 1; attrno <= tupdesc->natts; attrno++)
		Form_pg_attribute att_tup = TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, attrno - 1);
		TargetEntry *tle;

		if (attrMap[attrno - 1] != InvalidAttrNumber)

			 * Use the corresponding entry from the parent's tlist, adjusting
			 * the resno the match the partition's attno.
			tle = (TargetEntry *) list_nth(tlist, attrMap[attrno - 1] - 1);
			tle->resno = attrno;
			Const	   *expr;

			 * For a dropped attribute in the partition, generate a dummy
			 * entry with resno matching the partition's attno.
			expr = makeConst(INT4OID,
							 (Datum) 0,
							 true,	/* isnull */
							 true /* byval */ );
			tle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *) expr,

		new_tlist = lappend(new_tlist, tle);

	return new_tlist;

 * Run-Time Partition Pruning Support.
 * The following series of functions exist to support the removal of unneeded
 * subplans for queries against partitioned tables.  The supporting functions
 * here are designed to work with any plan type which supports an arbitrary
 * number of subplans, e.g. Append, MergeAppend.
 * When pruning involves comparison of a partition key to a constant, it's
 * done by the planner.  However, if we have a comparison to a non-constant
 * but not volatile expression, that presents an opportunity for run-time
 * pruning by the executor, allowing irrelevant partitions to be skipped
 * dynamically.
 * We must distinguish expressions containing PARAM_EXEC Params from
 * expressions that don't contain those.  Even though a PARAM_EXEC Param is
 * considered to be a stable expression, it can change value from one plan
 * node scan to the next during query execution.  Stable comparison
 * expressions that don't involve such Params allow partition pruning to be
 * done once during executor startup.  Expressions that do involve such Params
 * require us to prune separately for each scan of the parent plan node.
 * Note that pruning away unneeded subplans during executor startup has the
 * added benefit of not having to initialize the unneeded subplans at all.
 * Functions:
 * ExecCreatePartitionPruneState:
 *		Creates the PartitionPruneState required by each of the two pruning
 *		functions.  Details stored include how to map the partition index
 *		returned by the partition pruning code into subplan indexes.
 * ExecFindInitialMatchingSubPlans:
 *		Returns indexes of matching subplans.  Partition pruning is attempted
 *		without any evaluation of expressions containing PARAM_EXEC Params.
 *		This function must be called during executor startup for the parent
 *		plan before the subplans themselves are initialized.  Subplans which
 *		are found not to match by this function must be removed from the
 *		plan's list of subplans during execution, as this function performs a
 *		remap of the partition index to subplan index map and the newly
 *		created map provides indexes only for subplans which remain after
 *		calling this function.
 * ExecFindMatchingSubPlans:
 *		Returns indexes of matching subplans after evaluating all available
 *		expressions.  This function can only be called during execution and
 *		must be called again each time the value of a Param listed in
 *		PartitionPruneState's 'execparamids' changes.

 * ExecCreatePartitionPruneState
 *		Build the data structure required for calling
 *		ExecFindInitialMatchingSubPlans and ExecFindMatchingSubPlans.
 * 'planstate' is the parent plan node's execution state.
 * 'partitionpruneinfo' is a PartitionPruneInfo as generated by
 * make_partition_pruneinfo.  Here we build a PartitionPruneState containing a
 * PartitionPruningData for each partitioning hierarchy (i.e., each sublist of
 * partitionpruneinfo->prune_infos), each of which contains a
 * PartitionedRelPruningData for each PartitionedRelPruneInfo appearing in
 * that sublist.  This two-level system is needed to keep from confusing the
 * different hierarchies when a UNION ALL contains multiple partitioned tables
 * as children.  The data stored in each PartitionedRelPruningData can be
 * re-used each time we re-evaluate which partitions match the pruning steps
 * provided in each PartitionedRelPruneInfo.
PartitionPruneState *
ExecCreatePartitionPruneState(PlanState *planstate,
							  PartitionPruneInfo *partitionpruneinfo)
	EState	   *estate = planstate->state;
	PartitionPruneState *prunestate;
	int			n_part_hierarchies;
	ListCell   *lc;
	int			i;

	if (estate->es_partition_directory == NULL)
		estate->es_partition_directory =

	n_part_hierarchies = list_length(partitionpruneinfo->prune_infos);
	Assert(n_part_hierarchies > 0);

	 * Allocate the data structure
	prunestate = (PartitionPruneState *)
		palloc(offsetof(PartitionPruneState, partprunedata) +
			   sizeof(PartitionPruningData *) * n_part_hierarchies);

	prunestate->execparamids = NULL;
	/* other_subplans can change at runtime, so we need our own copy */
	prunestate->other_subplans = bms_copy(partitionpruneinfo->other_subplans);
	prunestate->do_initial_prune = false;	/* may be set below */
	prunestate->do_exec_prune = false;	/* may be set below */
	prunestate->num_partprunedata = n_part_hierarchies;

	 * Create a short-term memory context which we'll use when making calls to
	 * the partition pruning functions.  This avoids possible memory leaks,
	 * since the pruning functions call comparison functions that aren't under
	 * our control.
	prunestate->prune_context =
							  "Partition Prune",

	i = 0;
	foreach(lc, partitionpruneinfo->prune_infos)
		List	   *partrelpruneinfos = lfirst_node(List, lc);
		int			npartrelpruneinfos = list_length(partrelpruneinfos);
		PartitionPruningData *prunedata;
		ListCell   *lc2;
		int			j;

		prunedata = (PartitionPruningData *)
			palloc(offsetof(PartitionPruningData, partrelprunedata) +
				   npartrelpruneinfos * sizeof(PartitionedRelPruningData));
		prunestate->partprunedata[i] = prunedata;
		prunedata->num_partrelprunedata = npartrelpruneinfos;

		j = 0;
		foreach(lc2, partrelpruneinfos)
			PartitionedRelPruneInfo *pinfo = lfirst_node(PartitionedRelPruneInfo, lc2);
			PartitionedRelPruningData *pprune = &prunedata->partrelprunedata[j];
			Relation	partrel;
			PartitionDesc partdesc;
			PartitionKey partkey;

			 * We can rely on the copies of the partitioned table's partition
			 * key and partition descriptor appearing in its relcache entry,
			 * because that entry will be held open and locked for the
			 * duration of this executor run.
			partrel = ExecGetRangeTableRelation(estate, pinfo->rtindex);
			partkey = RelationGetPartitionKey(partrel);
			partdesc = PartitionDirectoryLookup(estate->es_partition_directory,

			 * Initialize the subplan_map and subpart_map.  Since detaching a
			 * partition requires AccessExclusiveLock, no partitions can have
			 * disappeared, nor can the bounds for any partition have changed.
			 * However, new partitions may have been added.
			Assert(partdesc->nparts >= pinfo->nparts);
			pprune->nparts = partdesc->nparts;
			pprune->subplan_map = palloc(sizeof(int) * partdesc->nparts);
			if (partdesc->nparts == pinfo->nparts)
				 * There are no new partitions, so this is simple.  We can
				 * simply point to the subpart_map from the plan, but we must
				 * copy the subplan_map since we may change it later.
				pprune->subpart_map = pinfo->subpart_map;
				memcpy(pprune->subplan_map, pinfo->subplan_map,
					   sizeof(int) * pinfo->nparts);

				 * Double-check that the list of unpruned relations has not
				 * changed.  (Pruned partitions are not in relid_map[].)
				for (int k = 0; k < pinfo->nparts; k++)
					Assert(partdesc->oids[k] == pinfo->relid_map[k] ||
						   pinfo->subplan_map[k] == -1);
				int			pd_idx = 0;
				int			pp_idx;

				 * Some new partitions have appeared since plan time, and
				 * those are reflected in our PartitionDesc but were not
				 * present in the one used to construct subplan_map and
				 * subpart_map.  So we must construct new and longer arrays
				 * where the partitions that were originally present map to
				 * the same place, and any added indexes map to -1, as if the
				 * new partitions had been pruned.
				pprune->subpart_map = palloc(sizeof(int) * partdesc->nparts);
				for (pp_idx = 0; pp_idx < partdesc->nparts; ++pp_idx)
					if (pinfo->relid_map[pd_idx] != partdesc->oids[pp_idx])
						pprune->subplan_map[pp_idx] = -1;
						pprune->subpart_map[pp_idx] = -1;
						pprune->subplan_map[pp_idx] =
						pprune->subpart_map[pp_idx] =
				Assert(pd_idx == pinfo->nparts);

			/* present_parts is also subject to later modification */
			pprune->present_parts = bms_copy(pinfo->present_parts);

			 * Initialize pruning contexts as needed.
			pprune->initial_pruning_steps = pinfo->initial_pruning_steps;
			if (pinfo->initial_pruning_steps)
									   partdesc, partkey, planstate);
				/* Record whether initial pruning is needed at any level */
				prunestate->do_initial_prune = true;
			pprune->exec_pruning_steps = pinfo->exec_pruning_steps;
			if (pinfo->exec_pruning_steps)
									   partdesc, partkey, planstate);
				/* Record whether exec pruning is needed at any level */
				prunestate->do_exec_prune = true;

			 * Accumulate the IDs of all PARAM_EXEC Params affecting the
			 * partitioning decisions at this plan node.
			prunestate->execparamids = bms_add_members(prunestate->execparamids,


	return prunestate;

 * Initialize a PartitionPruneContext for the given list of pruning steps.
static void
ExecInitPruningContext(PartitionPruneContext *context,
					   List *pruning_steps,
					   PartitionDesc partdesc,
					   PartitionKey partkey,
					   PlanState *planstate)
	int			n_steps;
	int			partnatts;
	ListCell   *lc;

	n_steps = list_length(pruning_steps);

	context->strategy = partkey->strategy;
	context->partnatts = partnatts = partkey->partnatts;
	context->nparts = partdesc->nparts;
	context->boundinfo = partdesc->boundinfo;
	context->partcollation = partkey->partcollation;
	context->partsupfunc = partkey->partsupfunc;

	/* We'll look up type-specific support functions as needed */
	context->stepcmpfuncs = (FmgrInfo *)
		palloc0(sizeof(FmgrInfo) * n_steps * partnatts);

	context->ppccontext = CurrentMemoryContext;
	context->planstate = planstate;

	/* Initialize expression state for each expression we need */
	context->exprstates = (ExprState **)
		palloc0(sizeof(ExprState *) * n_steps * partnatts);
	foreach(lc, pruning_steps)
		PartitionPruneStepOp *step = (PartitionPruneStepOp *) lfirst(lc);
		ListCell   *lc2;
		int			keyno;

		/* not needed for other step kinds */
		if (!IsA(step, PartitionPruneStepOp))

		Assert(list_length(step->exprs) <= partnatts);

		keyno = 0;
		foreach(lc2, step->exprs)
			Expr	   *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc2);

			/* not needed for Consts */
			if (!IsA(expr, Const))
				int			stateidx = PruneCxtStateIdx(partnatts,

				context->exprstates[stateidx] =
					ExecInitExpr(expr, context->planstate);

 * ExecFindInitialMatchingSubPlans
 *		Identify the set of subplans that cannot be eliminated by initial
 *		pruning, disregarding any pruning constraints involving PARAM_EXEC
 *		Params.
 * If additional pruning passes will be required (because of PARAM_EXEC
 * Params), we must also update the translation data that allows conversion
 * of partition indexes into subplan indexes to account for the unneeded
 * subplans having been removed.
 * Must only be called once per 'prunestate', and only if initial pruning
 * is required.
 * 'nsubplans' must be passed as the total number of unpruned subplans.
Bitmapset *
ExecFindInitialMatchingSubPlans(PartitionPruneState *prunestate, int nsubplans)
	Bitmapset  *result = NULL;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;
	int			i;

	/* Caller error if we get here without do_initial_prune */

	 * Switch to a temp context to avoid leaking memory in the executor's
	 * query-lifespan memory context.
	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(prunestate->prune_context);

	 * For each hierarchy, do the pruning tests, and add nondeletable
	 * subplans' indexes to "result".
	for (i = 0; i < prunestate->num_partprunedata; i++)
		PartitionPruningData *prunedata;
		PartitionedRelPruningData *pprune;

		prunedata = prunestate->partprunedata[i];
		pprune = &prunedata->partrelprunedata[0];

		/* Perform pruning without using PARAM_EXEC Params */
		find_matching_subplans_recurse(prunedata, pprune, true, &result);

		/* Expression eval may have used space in node's ps_ExprContext too */
		if (pprune->initial_pruning_steps)

	/* Add in any subplans that partition pruning didn't account for */
	result = bms_add_members(result, prunestate->other_subplans);


	/* Copy result out of the temp context before we reset it */
	result = bms_copy(result);


	 * If exec-time pruning is required and we pruned subplans above, then we
	 * must re-sequence the subplan indexes so that ExecFindMatchingSubPlans
	 * properly returns the indexes from the subplans which will remain after
	 * execution of this function.
	 * We can safely skip this when !do_exec_prune, even though that leaves
	 * invalid data in prunestate, because that data won't be consulted again
	 * (cf initial Assert in ExecFindMatchingSubPlans).
	if (prunestate->do_exec_prune && bms_num_members(result) < nsubplans)
		int		   *new_subplan_indexes;
		Bitmapset  *new_other_subplans;
		int			i;
		int			newidx;

		 * First we must build a temporary array which maps old subplan
		 * indexes to new ones.  For convenience of initialization, we use
		 * 1-based indexes in this array and leave pruned items as 0.
		new_subplan_indexes = (int *) palloc0(sizeof(int) * nsubplans);
		newidx = 1;
		i = -1;
		while ((i = bms_next_member(result, i)) >= 0)
			Assert(i < nsubplans);
			new_subplan_indexes[i] = newidx++;

		 * Now we can update each PartitionedRelPruneInfo's subplan_map with
		 * new subplan indexes.  We must also recompute its present_parts
		 * bitmap.
		for (i = 0; i < prunestate->num_partprunedata; i++)
			PartitionPruningData *prunedata = prunestate->partprunedata[i];
			int			j;

			 * Within each hierarchy, we perform this loop in back-to-front
			 * order so that we determine present_parts for the lowest-level
			 * partitioned tables first.  This way we can tell whether a
			 * sub-partitioned table's partitions were entirely pruned so we
			 * can exclude it from the current level's present_parts.
			for (j = prunedata->num_partrelprunedata - 1; j >= 0; j--)
				PartitionedRelPruningData *pprune = &prunedata->partrelprunedata[j];
				int			nparts = pprune->nparts;
				int			k;

				/* We just rebuild present_parts from scratch */
				pprune->present_parts = NULL;

				for (k = 0; k < nparts; k++)
					int			oldidx = pprune->subplan_map[k];
					int			subidx;

					 * If this partition existed as a subplan then change the
					 * old subplan index to the new subplan index.  The new
					 * index may become -1 if the partition was pruned above,
					 * or it may just come earlier in the subplan list due to
					 * some subplans being removed earlier in the list.  If
					 * it's a subpartition, add it to present_parts unless
					 * it's entirely pruned.
					if (oldidx >= 0)
						Assert(oldidx < nsubplans);
						pprune->subplan_map[k] = new_subplan_indexes[oldidx] - 1;

						if (new_subplan_indexes[oldidx] > 0)
							pprune->present_parts =
								bms_add_member(pprune->present_parts, k);
					else if ((subidx = pprune->subpart_map[k]) >= 0)
						PartitionedRelPruningData *subprune;

						subprune = &prunedata->partrelprunedata[subidx];

						if (!bms_is_empty(subprune->present_parts))
							pprune->present_parts =
								bms_add_member(pprune->present_parts, k);

		 * We must also recompute the other_subplans set, since indexes in it
		 * may change.
		new_other_subplans = NULL;
		i = -1;
		while ((i = bms_next_member(prunestate->other_subplans, i)) >= 0)
			new_other_subplans = bms_add_member(new_other_subplans,
												new_subplan_indexes[i] - 1);

		prunestate->other_subplans = new_other_subplans;


	return result;

 * Like ExecFindMatchingSubPlans, but adds the matching partitions
 * to an existing Bitmapset.
Bitmapset *
ExecAddMatchingSubPlans(PartitionPruneState *prunestate, Bitmapset *result)
	Bitmapset *thisresult;

	thisresult = ExecFindMatchingSubPlans(prunestate, NULL, -1, NIL);

	result = bms_add_members(result, thisresult);


	return result;

 * ExecFindMatchingSubPlans
 *		Determine which subplans match the pruning steps detailed in
 *		'prunestate' for the current comparison expression values.
 * Here we assume we may evaluate PARAM_EXEC Params.
 * GPDB: 'join_prune_paramids' can contain a list of PARAM_EXEC Param IDs
 * containing results that were computed earlier by PartitionSelector
 * nodes.
Bitmapset *
ExecFindMatchingSubPlans(PartitionPruneState *prunestate,
						 EState *estate,
						 int nplans, List *join_prune_paramids)
	Bitmapset  *result = NULL;
	MemoryContext oldcontext;
	int			i;
	Bitmapset  *join_selected = NULL;

	if (join_prune_paramids)
		ListCell   *lc;

		join_selected = bms_add_range(join_selected, 0, nplans - 1);

		foreach (lc, join_prune_paramids)
			int			paramid = lfirst_int(lc);
			ParamExecData *param;
			PartitionSelectorState *psstate;

			param = &(estate->es_param_exec_vals[paramid]);
			Assert(param->execPlan == NULL);
			psstate = (PartitionSelectorState *) DatumGetPointer(param->value);

			if (psstate == NULL)
				 * The planner should have ensured that the Partition Selector
				 * is fully executed before the Append.
				elog(WARNING, "partition selector was not fully executed");
				Assert(IsA(psstate, PartitionSelectorState));

				join_selected = bms_intersect(join_selected,

		if (!prunestate)
			/* rely entirely on partition selectors */
			return join_selected;

	 * If !do_exec_prune, we've got problems because
	 * ExecFindInitialMatchingSubPlans will not have bothered to update
	 * prunestate for whatever pruning it did.

	 * Switch to a temp context to avoid leaking memory in the executor's
	 * query-lifespan memory context.
	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(prunestate->prune_context);

	 * For each hierarchy, do the pruning tests, and add nondeletable
	 * subplans' indexes to "result".
	for (i = 0; i < prunestate->num_partprunedata; i++)
		PartitionPruningData *prunedata;
		PartitionedRelPruningData *pprune;

		prunedata = prunestate->partprunedata[i];
		pprune = &prunedata->partrelprunedata[0];

		find_matching_subplans_recurse(prunedata, pprune, false, &result);

		/* Expression eval may have used space in node's ps_ExprContext too */
		if (pprune->exec_pruning_steps)

	/* Add in any subplans that partition pruning didn't account for */
	result = bms_add_members(result, prunestate->other_subplans);


	/* Copy result out of the temp context before we reset it */
	result = bms_copy(result);

	if (join_prune_paramids)
		result = bms_intersect(result, join_selected);


	return result;

 * find_matching_subplans_recurse
 *		Recursive worker function for ExecFindMatchingSubPlans and
 *		ExecFindInitialMatchingSubPlans
 * Adds valid (non-prunable) subplan IDs to *validsubplans
static void
find_matching_subplans_recurse(PartitionPruningData *prunedata,
							   PartitionedRelPruningData *pprune,
							   bool initial_prune,
							   Bitmapset **validsubplans)
	Bitmapset  *partset;
	int			i;

	/* Guard against stack overflow due to overly deep partition hierarchy. */

	/* Only prune if pruning would be useful at this level. */
	if (initial_prune && pprune->initial_pruning_steps)
		partset = get_matching_partitions(&pprune->initial_context,
	else if (!initial_prune && pprune->exec_pruning_steps)
		partset = get_matching_partitions(&pprune->exec_context,
		 * If no pruning is to be done, just include all partitions at this
		 * level.
		partset = pprune->present_parts;

	/* Translate partset into subplan indexes */
	i = -1;
	while ((i = bms_next_member(partset, i)) >= 0)
		if (pprune->subplan_map[i] >= 0)
			*validsubplans = bms_add_member(*validsubplans,
			int			partidx = pprune->subpart_map[i];

			if (partidx >= 0)
											   initial_prune, validsubplans);
				 * We get here if the planner already pruned all the sub-
				 * partitions for this partition.  Silently ignore this
				 * partition in this case.  The end result is the same: we
				 * would have pruned all partitions just the same, but we
				 * don't have any pruning steps to execute to verify this.

greenplumn 源码目录

greenplumn execAmi 源码

greenplumn execCurrent 源码

greenplumn execExpr 源码

greenplumn execExprInterp 源码

greenplumn execGrouping 源码

greenplumn execIndexing 源码

greenplumn execJunk 源码

greenplumn execMain 源码

greenplumn execParallel 源码

greenplumn execProcnode 源码

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