greenplumn CTableDescriptor 源码
greenplumn CTableDescriptor 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2009 Greenplum, Inc.
// @filename:
// CTableDescriptor.h
// @doc:
// Abstraction of metadata for tables; represents metadata as stored
// in the catalog -- not as used in queries, e.g. no aliasing etc.
#ifndef GPOPT_CTableDescriptor_H
#define GPOPT_CTableDescriptor_H
#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/common/CBitSet.h"
#include "gpos/common/CDynamicPtrArray.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CColRef.h"
#include "gpopt/metadata/CColumnDescriptor.h"
#include "naucrates/md/CMDRelationGPDB.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDId.h"
namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;
using namespace gpmd;
// dynamic array of columns -- array owns columns
using CColumnDescriptorArray =
CDynamicPtrArray<CColumnDescriptor, CleanupRelease>;
// dynamic array of bitsets
using CBitSetArray = CDynamicPtrArray<CBitSet, CleanupRelease>;
// @class:
// CTableDescriptor
// @doc:
// metadata abstraction for tables
class CTableDescriptor : public CRefCount,
public DbgPrintMixin<CTableDescriptor>
// memory pool
CMemoryPool *m_mp;
// mdid of the table
IMDId *m_mdid;
// name of table
CName m_name;
// array of columns
CColumnDescriptorArray *m_pdrgpcoldesc;
// distribution policy
IMDRelation::Ereldistrpolicy m_rel_distr_policy;
// storage type
IMDRelation::Erelstoragetype m_erelstoragetype;
// distribution columns for hash distribution
CColumnDescriptorArray *m_pdrgpcoldescDist;
// Opfamily used for hash distribution
IMdIdArray *m_distr_opfamilies;
// if true, we need to consider a hash distributed table as random
// there are two possible scenarios:
// 1. in hawq 2.0, some hash distributed tables need to be considered as random,
// depending on its bucket number
// 2. for a partitioned table, it may contain a part with a different distribution
BOOL m_convert_hash_to_random;
// indexes of partition columns for partitioned tables
ULongPtrArray *m_pdrgpulPart;
// key sets
CBitSetArray *m_pdrgpbsKeys;
// id of user the table needs to be accessed with
ULONG m_execute_as_user_id;
// lockmode from the parser
INT m_lockmode;
CTableDescriptor(const CTableDescriptor &) = delete;
// ctor
CTableDescriptor(CMemoryPool *, IMDId *mdid, const CName &,
BOOL convert_hash_to_random,
IMDRelation::Ereldistrpolicy rel_distr_policy,
IMDRelation::Erelstoragetype erelstoragetype,
ULONG ulExecuteAsUser, INT lockmode);
// dtor
~CTableDescriptor() override;
// add a column to the table descriptor
void AddColumn(CColumnDescriptor *);
// add the column at the specified position to the list of distribution columns
void AddDistributionColumn(ULONG ulPos, IMDId *opfamily);
// add the column at the specified position to the list of partition columns
void AddPartitionColumn(ULONG ulPos);
// add a keyset
BOOL FAddKeySet(CBitSet *pbs);
// accessors
ULONG ColumnCount() const;
const CColumnDescriptor *Pcoldesc(ULONG) const;
// mdid accessor
MDId() const
return m_mdid;
// name accessor
const CName &
Name() const
return m_name;
// execute as user accessor
GetExecuteAsUserId() const
return m_execute_as_user_id;
LockMode() const
return m_lockmode;
// return the position of a particular attribute (identified by attno)
ULONG GetAttributePosition(INT attno) const;
// column descriptor accessor
CColumnDescriptorArray *
Pdrgpcoldesc() const
return m_pdrgpcoldesc;
// distribution column descriptors accessor
const CColumnDescriptorArray *
PdrgpcoldescDist() const
return m_pdrgpcoldescDist;
// distribution column descriptors accessor
const IMdIdArray *
DistrOpfamilies() const
return m_distr_opfamilies;
// partition column indexes accessor
const ULongPtrArray *
PdrgpulPart() const
return m_pdrgpulPart;
// array of key sets
const CBitSetArray *
PdrgpbsKeys() const
return m_pdrgpbsKeys;
// return the number of leaf partitions
ULONG PartitionCount() const;
// distribution policy
GetRelDistribution() const
return m_rel_distr_policy;
// storage type
RetrieveRelStorageType() const
return m_erelstoragetype;
IsPartitioned() const
return 0 < m_pdrgpulPart->Size();
// true iff a hash distributed table needs to be considered as random;
// this happens for when we are in phase 1 of a gpexpand or (for GPDB 5X)
// when we have a mix of hash-distributed and random distributed partitions
ConvertHashToRandom() const
return m_convert_hash_to_random;
// helper function for finding the index of a column descriptor in
// an array of column descriptors
static ULONG UlPos(const CColumnDescriptor *,
const CColumnDescriptorArray *);
IOstream &OsPrint(IOstream &os) const;
// returns number of indices
ULONG IndexCount();
IsAORowOrColTable() const
return m_erelstoragetype == IMDRelation::ErelstorageAppendOnlyCols ||
m_erelstoragetype == IMDRelation::ErelstorageAppendOnlyRows;
}; // class CTableDescriptor
} // namespace gpopt
#endif // !GPOPT_CTableDescriptor_H
// EOF
greenplumn CColumnDescriptor 源码
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