greenplumn CQueryMutators 源码

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greenplumn CQueryMutators 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2012 EMC Corp.
//	@filename:
//		CQueryMutators.cpp
//	@doc:
//		Implementation of methods used during translating a GPDB Query object into a
//		DXL Tree
//	@test:

extern "C" {
#include "postgres.h"

#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"
#include "optimizer/walkers.h"

#include "gpopt/base/CUtils.h"
#include "gpopt/gpdbwrappers.h"
#include "gpopt/mdcache/CMDAccessor.h"
#include "gpopt/mdcache/CMDAccessorUtils.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CQueryMutators.h"
#include "gpopt/translate/CTranslatorDXLToPlStmt.h"
#include "naucrates/exception.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDAggregate.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDScalarOp.h"
#include "naucrates/md/IMDTypeBool.h"

using namespace gpdxl;
using namespace gpmd;

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::NeedsProjListNormalization
//	@doc:
//		Is the group by project list flat (contains only aggregates, grouping
//		funcs, and grouping columns)
CQueryMutators::NeedsProjListNormalization(const Query *query)
	if (!query->hasAggs && nullptr == query->groupClause &&
		nullptr == query->groupingSets)
		return false;

	SContextTLWalker context(query->targetList, query->groupClause);

	ListCell *lc = nullptr;
	ForEach(lc, query->targetList)
		TargetEntry *target_entry = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(lc);

		if (ShouldFallback((Node *) target_entry->expr, &context))
			// TODO: remove temporary fix (revert exception to assert) to avoid crash during algebrization
			GPOS_RAISE(gpdxl::ExmaDXL, gpdxl::ExmiQuery2DXLError,
					   GPOS_WSZ_LIT("No attribute"));

		// Normalize when there is an expression that is neither used for grouping
		// nor is an aggregate function
		if (!IsA(target_entry->expr, Aggref) &&
			!IsA(target_entry->expr, GroupingFunc) &&
			!CTranslatorUtils::IsGroupingColumn((Node *) target_entry->expr,
			return true;

	return false;

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::ShouldFallback
//	@doc:
//		Fall back when the target list refers to a attribute which algebrizer
//		at this point cannot resolve
CQueryMutators::ShouldFallback(Node *node, SContextTLWalker *context)
	if (nullptr == node)
		return false;

	if (IsA(node, Const) || IsA(node, Aggref) || IsA(node, GroupingFunc) ||
		IsA(node, SubLink))
		return false;

	TargetEntry *entry = gpdb::FindFirstMatchingMemberInTargetList(
		node, context->m_target_entries);
	if (nullptr != entry && CTranslatorUtils::IsGroupingColumn(
								(Node *) entry->expr, context->m_group_clause,
		return false;

	if (IsA(node, SubLink))
		return false;

	if (IsA(node, Var))
		Var *var = (Var *) node;
		if (0 == var->varlevelsup)
			// if we reach a Var that was not a grouping column then there is an equivalent column
			// which the algebrizer at this point cannot resolve
			// example: consider two table r(a,b) and s(c,d) and the following query
			// SELECT a from r LEFT JOIN s on (r.a = s.c) group by r.a
			// In the query object, generated by the parse, the output columns refer to the output of
			// the left outer join while the grouping column refers to the base table column.
			// While r.a and a are equivalent, the algebrizer at this point cannot detect this.
			// Therefore, we fall back.
			return true;

		return false;

	return gpdb::WalkExpressionTree(
		node, (ExprWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::ShouldFallback, context);

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::NormalizeGroupByProjList
//	@doc:
// 		Flatten expressions in project list to contain only aggregates, grouping
// 		funcs and grouping columns
//			SELECT * from r where r.a > (SELECT max(c) + min(d) FROM t where r.b = t.e)
//			SELECT * from r where r.a > (SELECT x1+x2 as x3
//										 FROM (SELECT max(c) as x2, min(d) as x2
//											   FROM t where r.b = t.e) t2)
Query *
CQueryMutators::NormalizeGroupByProjList(CMemoryPool *mp,
										 CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
										 const Query *query)
	Query *query_copy = (Query *) gpdb::CopyObject(const_cast<Query *>(query));

	if (!NeedsProjListNormalization(query_copy))
		return query_copy;

	Query *new_query =
		ConvertToDerivedTable(query_copy, false /*should_fix_target_list*/,
							  true /*should_fix_having_qual*/);

	GPOS_ASSERT(1 == gpdb::ListLength(new_query->rtable));
	Query *derived_table_query =
		(Query *) ((RangeTblEntry *) gpdb::ListNth(new_query->rtable, 0))
	SContextGrpbyPlMutator context(mp, md_accessor, derived_table_query,
	List *target_list_copy =
		(List *) gpdb::CopyObject(derived_table_query->targetList);
	ListCell *lc = nullptr;

	// first normalize grouping columns
	ForEach(lc, target_list_copy)
		TargetEntry *target_entry = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(lc);
		GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != target_entry);

		if (CTranslatorUtils::IsGroupingColumn(
				target_entry, derived_table_query->groupClause))
			target_entry->expr = (Expr *) FixGroupingCols(
				(Node *) target_entry->expr, target_entry, &context);

	lc = nullptr;
	// normalize remaining project elements
	ForEach(lc, target_list_copy)
		TargetEntry *target_entry = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(lc);
		GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != target_entry);

		BOOL is_grouping_col = CTranslatorUtils::IsGroupingColumn(
			target_entry, derived_table_query->groupClause);
		if (!is_grouping_col)
			target_entry->expr = (Expr *) RunExtractAggregatesMutator(
				(Node *) target_entry->expr, &context);
			GPOS_ASSERT(!IsA(target_entry->expr, Aggref) &&
						"New target list entry should not contain any Aggrefs");
				!IsA(target_entry->expr, GroupingFunc) &&
				"New target list entry should not contain any GroupingFuncs");

	derived_table_query->targetList = context.m_lower_table_tlist;
	new_query->targetList = target_list_copy;

	ReassignSortClause(new_query, derived_table_query);

	return new_query;

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::RunIncrLevelsUpMutator
//	@doc:
//		Increment any the query levels up of any outer reference by one
Node *
CQueryMutators::RunIncrLevelsUpMutator(Node *node,
									   SContextIncLevelsupMutator *context)
	if (nullptr == node)
		return nullptr;

	if (IsA(node, Var))
		Var *var = (Var *) gpdb::CopyObject(node);

		// Consider the following use case:
		//		SELECT * from r where r.a > (SELECT max(c) + min(d)
		//									 FROM t where r.b = t.e)
		//		SELECT * from r where r.a > (SELECT x1+x2 as x3
		//									 FROM (SELECT max(c) as x2, min(d) as x2
		//										   FROM t where r.b = t.e) t2)
		// In such a scenario, we need increment the levels up for the
		// correlation variable r.b in the subquery by 1.

		if (var->varlevelsup > context->m_current_query_level)
			return (Node *) var;
		return (Node *) var;

	if (IsA(node, TargetEntry) && 0 == context->m_current_query_level &&
		return (Node *) gpdb::CopyObject(node);

	// recurse into query structure
	if (IsA(node, Query))
		Query *query = query_tree_mutator(
			(Query *) node,
			(MutatorWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::RunIncrLevelsUpMutator, context,
			0  // flags

		return (Node *) query;

	return expression_tree_mutator(
		node, (MutatorWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::RunIncrLevelsUpMutator,

// CQueryMutators::RunFixCTELevelsUpWalker
// Increment CTE range table reference by one if it refers to
// an ancestor of the original Query node (level 0 in the context)
CQueryMutators::RunFixCTELevelsUpWalker(Node *node,
										SContextIncLevelsupMutator *context)
	if (nullptr == node)
		return false;

	if (IsA(node, RangeTblEntry))
		RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) node;
		if (RTE_CTE == rte->rtekind &&
			rte->ctelevelsup >= context->m_current_query_level)
			// fix the levels up for CTE range table entry when needed
			// the walker in GPDB does not walk range table entries of type CTE

		// always return false, as we want to continue fixing up RTEs
		return false;

	// recurse into query structure, incrementing the query level
	if (IsA(node, Query))
		BOOL result = query_tree_walker(
			(Query *) node,
			(ExprWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::RunFixCTELevelsUpWalker, context,
			QTW_EXAMINE_RTES_BEFORE	 // flags - visit RTEs

		return result;

	if (IsA(node, TargetEntry) &&
		!context->m_should_fix_top_level_target_list &&
		0 == context->m_current_query_level)
		// skip the top-level target list, if requested
		return false;

	return expression_tree_walker(
		node, (ExprWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::RunFixCTELevelsUpWalker, context);

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::RunGroupingColMutator
//	@doc:
// 		Mutate the grouping columns, fix levels up when necessary
Node *
CQueryMutators::RunGroupingColMutator(Node *node,
									  SContextGrpbyPlMutator *context)
	if (nullptr == node)
		return nullptr;

	if (IsA(node, Const))
		return (Node *) gpdb::CopyObject(node);

	if (IsA(node, Var))
		Var *var_copy = (Var *) gpdb::CopyObject(node);

		if (var_copy->varlevelsup > context->m_current_query_level)

		return (Node *) var_copy;

	if (IsA(node, Aggref))
		// merely fix the arguments of an aggregate
		Aggref *old_aggref = (Aggref *) node;
		Aggref *aggref = FlatCopyAggref(old_aggref);
		aggref->agglevelsup = old_aggref->agglevelsup;

		List *new_args = NIL;
		ListCell *lc = nullptr;

		BOOL is_agg = context->m_is_mutating_agg_arg;
		context->m_is_mutating_agg_arg = true;

		ForEach(lc, old_aggref->args)
			Node *arg = (Node *) gpdb::CopyObject((Node *) lfirst(lc));
			GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != arg);
			// traverse each argument and fix levels up when needed
			new_args = gpdb::LAppend(
					(MutatorWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::RunGroupingColMutator,
					(void *) context,
					0  // flags -- mutate into cte-lists
		context->m_is_mutating_agg_arg = is_agg;
		aggref->args = new_args;

		return (Node *) aggref;

	if (IsA(node, GroupingFunc))
		// FIXME: we do not fix levelsup for GroupingFunc here, the translator
		// will fall back later when it detects levelsup > 0. We need to do
		// similar things as AggRef here when ORCA adds support for GroupingFunc
		// with outer refs
		return (Node *) gpdb::CopyObject(node);

	if (IsA(node, SubLink))
		SubLink *old_sublink = (SubLink *) node;

		SubLink *new_sublink = MakeNode(SubLink);
		new_sublink->subLinkType = old_sublink->subLinkType;
		new_sublink->location = old_sublink->location;
		new_sublink->operName =
			(List *) gpdb::CopyObject(old_sublink->operName);

		new_sublink->testexpr = gpdb::MutateQueryOrExpressionTree(
			(MutatorWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::RunGroupingColMutator,
			(void *) context,
			0  // flags -- mutate into cte-lists

		GPOS_ASSERT(IsA(old_sublink->subselect, Query));

		new_sublink->subselect = gpdb::MutateQueryOrExpressionTree(
			(MutatorWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::RunGroupingColMutator, context,
			0  // flags -- mutate into cte-lists


		return (Node *) new_sublink;

	if (IsA(node, CommonTableExpr))
		CommonTableExpr *cte = (CommonTableExpr *) gpdb::CopyObject(node);

		GPOS_ASSERT(IsA(cte->ctequery, Query));

		cte->ctequery = gpdb::MutateQueryOrExpressionTree(
			(MutatorWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::RunGroupingColMutator,
			(void *) context,
			0  // flags --- mutate into cte-lists

		return (Node *) cte;

	// recurse into query structure
	if (IsA(node, Query))
		Query *query = gpdb::MutateQueryTree(
			(Query *) node,
			(MutatorWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::RunGroupingColMutator, context,
			1  // flag -- do not mutate range table entries

		// fix the outer reference in derived table entries
		List *rtable = query->rtable;
		ListCell *lc = nullptr;
		ForEach(lc, rtable)
			RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(lc);

			if (RTE_SUBQUERY == rte->rtekind)
				Query *subquery = rte->subquery;
				// since we did not walk inside derived tables
				rte->subquery =
					(Query *) RunGroupingColMutator((Node *) subquery, context);

		return (Node *) query;

	return gpdb::MutateExpressionTree(
		node, (MutatorWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::RunGroupingColMutator, context);

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::FixGroupingCols
//	@doc:
// 		Mutate the grouping columns, fix levels up when necessary
Node *
CQueryMutators::FixGroupingCols(Node *node, TargetEntry *orginal_target_entry,
								SContextGrpbyPlMutator *context)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != node);

	ULONG arity = gpdb::ListLength(context->m_lower_table_tlist) + 1;

	// fix any outer references in the grouping column expression
	Node *expr = (Node *) RunGroupingColMutator(node, context);

	CHAR *name = CQueryMutators::GetTargetEntryColName(orginal_target_entry,
	TargetEntry *new_target_entry = gpdb::MakeTargetEntry(
		(Expr *) expr, (AttrNumber) arity, name, false /*resjunk */);

	new_target_entry->ressortgroupref = orginal_target_entry->ressortgroupref;
	new_target_entry->resjunk = false;

	context->m_lower_table_tlist =
		gpdb::LAppend(context->m_lower_table_tlist, new_target_entry);

	Var *new_var = gpdb::MakeVar(
		1,	// varno
		(AttrNumber) arity, gpdb::ExprType((Node *) orginal_target_entry->expr),
		gpdb::ExprTypeMod((Node *) orginal_target_entry->expr),
		0  // query levelsup

	return (Node *) new_var;

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::GetTargetEntryForAggExpr
//	@doc:
// 		Return a target entry for an aggregate expression
TargetEntry *
CQueryMutators::GetTargetEntryForAggExpr(CMemoryPool *mp,
										 CMDAccessor *md_accessor, Node *node,
										 ULONG attno)
	GPOS_ASSERT(IsA(node, Aggref) || IsA(node, GroupingFunc));

	// get the function/aggregate name
	CHAR *name = nullptr;
	if (IsA(node, GroupingFunc))
		name = CTranslatorUtils::CreateMultiByteCharStringFromWCString(
		Aggref *aggref = (Aggref *) node;

		CMDIdGPDB *agg_mdid = GPOS_NEW(mp) CMDIdGPDB(aggref->aggfnoid);
		const IMDAggregate *md_agg = md_accessor->RetrieveAgg(agg_mdid);

		const CWStringConst *str = md_agg->Mdname().GetMDName();
		name = CTranslatorUtils::CreateMultiByteCharStringFromWCString(
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != name);

	return gpdb::MakeTargetEntry((Expr *) node, (AttrNumber) attno, name,

// Traverse the entire tree under an arbitrarily complex project element (node)
// to extract all aggregate functions out into the derived query's target list
// This mutator should be called after creating a derived query (a subquery in
// the FROM clause), on each element in the old query's target list or qual to
// update any AggRef, GroupingFunc & Var to refer to the output from the derived
// query.
// See comments below & in the callers for specific use cases.
Node *
CQueryMutators::RunExtractAggregatesMutator(Node *node,
											SContextGrpbyPlMutator *context)
	if (nullptr == node)
		return nullptr;

	if (IsA(node, Const))
		return (Node *) gpdb::CopyObject(node);

	if (IsA(node, Aggref))
		Aggref *old_aggref = (Aggref *) node;

		// If the agglevelsup matches the current query level, this Aggref only
		// uses vars from the top level query. This needs to be moved to the
		// derived query, and the entire AggRef replaced with a Var referencing the
		// derived table's target list.
		if (old_aggref->agglevelsup == context->m_current_query_level)
			Aggref *new_aggref = FlatCopyAggref(old_aggref);

			BOOL is_agg_old = context->m_is_mutating_agg_arg;
			ULONG agg_levels_up = context->m_agg_levels_up;

			context->m_is_mutating_agg_arg = true;
			context->m_agg_levels_up = old_aggref->agglevelsup;

			List *new_args = NIL;
			ListCell *lc = nullptr;

			ForEach(lc, old_aggref->args)
				Node *arg = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
				GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != arg);
				// traverse each argument and fix levels up when needed
				new_args = gpdb::LAppend(
						arg, (MutatorWalkerFn) RunExtractAggregatesMutator,
						(void *) context,
						0  // mutate into cte-lists
			new_aggref->args = new_args;
			context->m_is_mutating_agg_arg = is_agg_old;
			context->m_agg_levels_up = agg_levels_up;

			// create a new entry in the derived table and return its corresponding var
			return (Node *) MakeVarInDerivedTable((Node *) new_aggref, context);

	if (0 == context->m_current_query_level)
		if (IsA(node, Var) && context->m_is_mutating_agg_arg)
			// This mutator may be run on a nested query object with aggregates on
			// outer references. It pulls out any aggregates and moves it into the
			// derived query (which is subquery), in effect, increasing the levels up
			// any Var in the aggregate must now reference
			// e.g SELECT (SELECT sum(o.o) + 1 FROM i GRP BY i.i) FROM o;
			// becomes SELECT (SELECT x + 1 FROM (SELECT sum(o.o) GRP BY i.i)) FROM o;
			// which means Var::varlevelup must be increased for o.o
			return (Node *) IncrLevelsUpIfOuterRef((Var *) node);

		if (IsA(node, GroupingFunc))
			// create a new entry in the derived table and return its corresponding var
			Node *node_copy = (Node *) gpdb::CopyObject(node);
			return (Node *) MakeVarInDerivedTable(node_copy, context);

		if (!context->m_is_mutating_agg_arg)
			// check if an entry already exists, if so no need for duplicate
			Node *found_node = FindNodeInGroupByTargetList(node, context);
			if (nullptr != found_node)
				return found_node;

	if (IsA(node, Var))
		Var *var = (Var *) gpdb::CopyObject(node);

		// Handle other top-level outer references in the project element.
		if (var->varlevelsup == context->m_current_query_level)
			if (var->varlevelsup == context->m_agg_levels_up)
				// If Var references the top level query inside an Aggref that also
				// references top level query, the Aggref is moved to the derived query
				// (see comments in Aggref if-case above). Thus, these Var references
				// are brought up to the top-query level.
				// e.g:
				// explain select (select sum(foo.a) from jazz) from foo group by a, b;
				// is transformed into
				// select (select fnew.sum_t from jazz)
				// from (select foo.a, foo.b, sum(foo.a) sum_t
				//       from foo group by foo.a, foo.b) fnew;
				// Note the foo.a var which is in sum() in a subquery must now become a
				// var referencing the current query level.
				var->varlevelsup = 0;
				return (Node *) var;

			// Skip vars inside Aggrefs, since they have already been fixed when they
			// were moved into the derived query in ConvertToDerivedTable(), and thus,
			// the relative varno, varattno & varlevelsup should still be valid.
			// e.g:
			// SELECT foo.b+1, avg(( SELECT bar.f FROM bar
			//                       WHERE bar.d = foo.b)) AS t
			// FROM foo GROUP BY foo.b;
			// is transformed into
			// SELECT fnew.b+1, fnew.avg_t
			// FROM (SELECT foo.b,`avg(( SELECT bar.f FROM bar
			//                           WHERE bar.d = foo.b)) AS t
			//       FROM foo) fnew;
			// Note the foo.b outerref in subquery inside the avg() aggregation.
			// Because it is inside the aggregation, it was pushed down along with
			// the aggregate function, and thus does not need to be fixed.
			if (context->m_is_mutating_agg_arg)
				return (Node *) var;

			// For other top-level references, correct their varno & varattno, since
			// they now must refer to the target list of the derived query - whose
			// target list may be different from the original query.

			// Set varlevelsup to 0 temporarily while searching in the target list
			var->varlevelsup = 0;
			TargetEntry *found_tle = gpdb::FindFirstMatchingMemberInTargetList(
				(Node *) var, context->m_lower_table_tlist);

			if (nullptr == found_tle)
				// Consider two table r(a,b) and s(c,d) and the following query
				// SELECT 1 from r LEFT JOIN s on (r.a = s.c) group by r.a having count(*) > a
				// The having clause refers to the output of the left outer join while the
				// grouping column refers to the base table column.
				// While r.a and a are equivalent, the algebrizer at this point cannot detect this.
				// Therefore, found_target_entry will be NULL and we fall back.

				// TODO: Oct 14 2013, remove temporary fix (revert exception to assert) to avoid crash during algebrization
				GPOS_RAISE(gpdxl::ExmaDXL, gpdxl::ExmiQuery2DXLError,
						   GPOS_WSZ_LIT("No attribute"));
				return nullptr;

			var->varno =
				1;	// derived query is the only table in FROM expression
			var->varattno = found_tle->resno;
			var->varlevelsup =
				context->m_current_query_level;	 // reset varlevels up
			found_tle->resjunk = false;

			return (Node *) var;
		return (Node *) var;

	if (IsA(node, CommonTableExpr))
		CommonTableExpr *cte = (CommonTableExpr *) gpdb::CopyObject(node);

		GPOS_ASSERT(IsA(cte->ctequery, Query));

		cte->ctequery = gpdb::MutateQueryOrExpressionTree(
			cte->ctequery, (MutatorWalkerFn) RunExtractAggregatesMutator,
			(void *) context,
			0  // mutate into cte-lists

		return (Node *) cte;

	if (IsA(node, SubLink))
		SubLink *old_sublink = (SubLink *) node;

		SubLink *new_sublink = MakeNode(SubLink);
		new_sublink->subLinkType = old_sublink->subLinkType;
		new_sublink->location = old_sublink->location;
		new_sublink->operName =
			(List *) gpdb::CopyObject(old_sublink->operName);

		new_sublink->testexpr = gpdb::MutateQueryOrExpressionTree(
			(MutatorWalkerFn) RunExtractAggregatesMutator, (void *) context,
			0  // mutate into cte-lists

		GPOS_ASSERT(IsA(old_sublink->subselect, Query));

		new_sublink->subselect = gpdb::MutateQueryOrExpressionTree(
			(MutatorWalkerFn) RunExtractAggregatesMutator, (void *) context,
			0  // mutate into cte-lists


		return (Node *) new_sublink;

	return gpdb::MutateExpressionTree(
		node, (MutatorWalkerFn) RunExtractAggregatesMutator, context);

// Create a new entry in the derived table and return its corresponding var
Var *
CQueryMutators::MakeVarInDerivedTable(Node *node,
									  SContextGrpbyPlMutator *context)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != node);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != context);
	GPOS_ASSERT(IsA(node, Aggref) || IsA(node, Var) || IsA(node, GroupingFunc));

	// Append a new target entry for the node to the derived target list ...
	const ULONG attno = gpdb::ListLength(context->m_lower_table_tlist) + 1;
	TargetEntry *tle = nullptr;
	if (IsA(node, Aggref) || IsA(node, GroupingFunc))
		tle = GetTargetEntryForAggExpr(context->m_mp, context->m_mda, node,
	else if (IsA(node, Var))
		tle = gpdb::MakeTargetEntry((Expr *) node, (AttrNumber) attno, nullptr,

	context->m_lower_table_tlist =
		gpdb::LAppend(context->m_lower_table_tlist, tle);

	// ... and return a Var referring to it in its stead
	// NB: Since the new tle is appended at the top query level, Var::varlevelsup
	// should equal the current nested level. This will take care of any outer references
	// to the original tlist.
	Var *new_var =
		gpdb::MakeVar(1 /* varno */, attno, gpdb::ExprType((Node *) node),
					  gpdb::ExprTypeMod((Node *) node),
					  context->m_current_query_level /* varlevelsup */);

	return new_var;

// Check if a matching entry already exists in the list of target
// entries, if yes return its corresponding var, otherwise return NULL
Node *
CQueryMutators::FindNodeInGroupByTargetList(Node *node,
											SContextGrpbyPlMutator *context)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != node);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != context);

	TargetEntry *found_tle = gpdb::FindFirstMatchingMemberInTargetList(
		node, context->m_lower_table_tlist);

	if (nullptr != found_tle)
		// NB: Var::varlevelsup is set to the current query level since the created
		// Var must reference the group by targetlist at the top level.
		Var *new_var =
			gpdb::MakeVar(1 /* varno */, found_tle->resno,
						  gpdb::ExprType((Node *) found_tle->expr),
						  gpdb::ExprTypeMod((Node *) found_tle->expr),
						  context->m_current_query_level /* varlevelsup */);

		found_tle->resjunk = false;
		return (Node *) new_var;

	return nullptr;

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::FlatCopyAggref
//	@doc:
//		Make a copy of the aggref (minus the arguments)
Aggref *
CQueryMutators::FlatCopyAggref(Aggref *old_aggref)
	Aggref *new_aggref = MakeNode(Aggref);

	*new_aggref = *old_aggref;

	new_aggref->agglevelsup = 0;
	// This is not strictly necessary: we seem to ALWAYS assgin to args from
	// the callers
	// Explicitly setting this both to be safe and to be clear that we are
	// intentionally NOT copying the args
	new_aggref->args = NIL;

	return new_aggref;

// Increment the levels up of outer references
Var *
CQueryMutators::IncrLevelsUpIfOuterRef(Var *var)
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != var);

	Var *var_copy = (Var *) gpdb::CopyObject(var);
	if (0 != var_copy->varlevelsup)

	return var_copy;

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::NormalizeHaving
//	@doc:
//		Pull up having qual into a select and fix correlated references
//		to the top-level query
Query *
CQueryMutators::NormalizeHaving(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
								const Query *query)
	Query *query_copy = (Query *) gpdb::CopyObject(const_cast<Query *>(query));

	if (nullptr == query->havingQual)
		return query_copy;

	Query *new_query =
		ConvertToDerivedTable(query_copy, true /*should_fix_target_list*/,
							  false /*should_fix_having_qual*/);

	RangeTblEntry *rte =
		((RangeTblEntry *) gpdb::ListNth(new_query->rtable, 0));
	Query *derived_table_query = (Query *) rte->subquery;

	// Add all necessary target list entries of subquery
	// into the target list of the RTE as well as the new top most query
	ListCell *lc = nullptr;
	ULONG num_target_entries = 1;
	ForEach(lc, derived_table_query->targetList)
		TargetEntry *target_entry = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(lc);
		GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != target_entry);

		// Add to the target lists:
		// 	(1) All grouping / sorting columns even if they do not appear in the subquery output (resjunked)
		//	(2) All non-resjunked target list entries
		if (CTranslatorUtils::IsGroupingColumn(
				target_entry, derived_table_query->groupClause) ||
				target_entry, derived_table_query->sortClause) ||
			TargetEntry *new_target_entry =
				MakeTopLevelTargetEntry(target_entry, num_target_entries);
			new_query->targetList =
				gpdb::LAppend(new_query->targetList, new_target_entry);
			// Ensure that such target entries is not suppressed in the target list of the RTE
			// and has a name
			target_entry->resname =
				GetTargetEntryColName(target_entry, derived_table_query);
			target_entry->resjunk = false;
			new_target_entry->ressortgroupref = target_entry->ressortgroupref;


	SContextGrpbyPlMutator context(mp, md_accessor, derived_table_query,

	// fix outer references in the qual
	new_query->jointree->quals =
		RunExtractAggregatesMutator(derived_table_query->havingQual, &context);
	derived_table_query->havingQual = nullptr;

	ReassignSortClause(new_query, rte->subquery);

	if (!rte->subquery->hasAggs && NIL == rte->subquery->groupClause &&
		NIL == rte->subquery->groupingSets)
		// if the derived table has no grouping columns or aggregates then the
		// subquery is equivalent to select XXXX FROM CONST-TABLE
		// (where XXXX is the original subquery's target list)

		Query *new_subquery = MakeNode(Query);

		new_subquery->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
		new_subquery->targetList = NIL;

		new_subquery->hasAggs = false;
		new_subquery->hasWindowFuncs = false;
		new_subquery->hasSubLinks = false;

		ListCell *lc = nullptr;
		ForEach(lc, rte->subquery->targetList)
			TargetEntry *target_entry = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(lc);
			GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != target_entry);


			new_subquery->targetList =
							  (TargetEntry *) gpdb::CopyObject(target_entry));


		rte->subquery = new_subquery;
		rte->subquery->jointree = MakeNode(FromExpr);
		rte->subquery->groupClause = NIL;
		rte->subquery->groupingSets = NIL;
		rte->subquery->sortClause = NIL;
		rte->subquery->windowClause = NIL;

	return new_query;

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::NormalizeQuery
//	@doc:
//		Normalize queries with having and group by clauses
Query *
CQueryMutators::NormalizeQuery(CMemoryPool *mp, CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
							   const Query *query, ULONG query_level)
	// flatten join alias vars defined at the current level of the query
	Query *pqueryResolveJoinVarReferences =
		gpdb::FlattenJoinAliasVar(const_cast<Query *>(query), query_level);

	// eliminate distinct clause
	Query *pqueryEliminateDistinct =
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr == pqueryEliminateDistinct->distinctClause);

	// normalize window operator's project list
	Query *pqueryWindowPlNormalized = CQueryMutators::NormalizeWindowProjList(
		mp, md_accessor, pqueryEliminateDistinct);

	// pull-up having quals into a select
	Query *pqueryHavingNormalized = CQueryMutators::NormalizeHaving(
		mp, md_accessor, pqueryWindowPlNormalized);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr == pqueryHavingNormalized->havingQual);

	// normalize the group by project list
	Query *new_query = CQueryMutators::NormalizeGroupByProjList(
		mp, md_accessor, pqueryHavingNormalized);

	return new_query;

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::GetTargetEntry
//	@doc:
//		Given an Target list entry in the derived table, create a new
//		TargetEntry to be added to the top level query. This function allocates
//		memory
TargetEntry *
CQueryMutators::MakeTopLevelTargetEntry(TargetEntry *old_target_entry,
										ULONG attno)
	Var *new_var = gpdb::MakeVar(
		1, (AttrNumber) attno, gpdb::ExprType((Node *) old_target_entry->expr),
		gpdb::ExprTypeMod((Node *) old_target_entry->expr),
		0  // query levelsup

	TargetEntry *new_target_entry = gpdb::MakeTargetEntry(
		(Expr *) new_var, (AttrNumber) attno, old_target_entry->resname,

	return new_target_entry;

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::GetTargetEntryColName
//	@doc:
//		Return the column name of the target list entry
CQueryMutators::GetTargetEntryColName(TargetEntry *target_entry, Query *query)
	if (nullptr != target_entry->resname)
		return target_entry->resname;

	// Since a resjunked target list entry will not have a column name create a dummy column name
	CWStringConst dummy_colname(GPOS_WSZ_LIT("?column?"));

	return CTranslatorUtils::CreateMultiByteCharStringFromWCString(

// CQueryMutators::ConvertToDerivedTable
// Convert "original_query" into two nested Query structs
// and return the new upper query.
//                              upper_query
//    original_query    ===>        |
//                              lower_query
// - The result lower Query has:
//    * The original rtable, join tree, groupClause, WindowClause, etc.,
//      with modified varlevelsup and ctelevelsup fields, as needed
//    * The original targetList, either modified or unmodified,
//      depending on should_fix_target_list
//    * The original havingQual, either modified or unmodified,
//      depending on should_fix_having_qual
// - The result upper Query has:
//    * a single RTE, pointing to the lower query
//    * the CTE list of the original query
//      (CTE levels in original have been fixed up)
//    * an empty target list
Query *
CQueryMutators::ConvertToDerivedTable(const Query *original_query,
									  BOOL should_fix_target_list,
									  BOOL should_fix_having_qual)
	// Step 1: Make a copy of the original Query, this will become the lower query

	Query *query_copy =
		(Query *) gpdb::CopyObject(const_cast<Query *>(original_query));

	// Step 2: Remove things from the query copy that will go in the new, upper Query object
	//         or won't be modified

	Node *having_qual = nullptr;
	if (!should_fix_having_qual)
		having_qual = query_copy->havingQual;
		query_copy->havingQual = nullptr;

	List *original_cte_list = query_copy->cteList;
	query_copy->cteList = NIL;

	// intoPolicy, if not null, must be set on the top query, not on the derived table
	struct GpPolicy *into_policy = query_copy->intoPolicy;
	query_copy->intoPolicy = nullptr;

	// Step 3: fix outer references and CTE levels

	// increment varlevelsup in the lower query where they point to a Query
	// that is an ancestor of the original query
	Query *lower_query;
		SContextIncLevelsupMutator context1(0, should_fix_target_list);

		lower_query = gpdb::MutateQueryTree(
			query_copy, (MutatorWalkerFn) RunIncrLevelsUpMutator, &context1,
			0  // flags

	// fix the CTE levels up -- while the old query is converted into a derived table, its cte list
	// is re-assigned to the new top-level query. The references to the ctes listed in the old query
	// as well as those listed before the current query level are accordingly adjusted in the new
	// derived table.
		SContextIncLevelsupMutator context2(0 /*starting level */,

		(void) gpdb::WalkQueryOrExpressionTree(
			(Node *) lower_query, (ExprWalkerFn) RunFixCTELevelsUpWalker,

	if (nullptr != having_qual)
		lower_query->havingQual = having_qual;

	// Step 4: Create a new, single range table entry for the upper query

	RangeTblEntry *rte = MakeNode(RangeTblEntry);
	rte->rtekind = RTE_SUBQUERY;

	rte->subquery = lower_query;
	rte->inFromCl = true;
	rte->subquery->cteList = NIL;

	// create a new range table reference for the new RTE
	RangeTblRef *rtref = MakeNode(RangeTblRef);
	rtref->rtindex = 1;

	// Step 5: Create a new upper query with the new RTE in its from clause

	Query *upper_query = MakeNode(Query);

	upper_query->cteList = original_cte_list;
	upper_query->rtable = gpdb::LAppend(upper_query->rtable, rte);
	upper_query->intoPolicy = into_policy;
	upper_query->parentStmtType = lower_query->parentStmtType;
	lower_query->parentStmtType = PARENTSTMTTYPE_NONE;

	FromExpr *fromexpr = MakeNode(FromExpr);
	fromexpr->quals = nullptr;
	fromexpr->fromlist = gpdb::LAppend(fromexpr->fromlist, rtref);

	upper_query->jointree = fromexpr;
	upper_query->commandType = CMD_SELECT;

	GPOS_ASSERT(1 == gpdb::ListLength(upper_query->rtable));
	GPOS_ASSERT(false == upper_query->hasWindowFuncs);

	return upper_query;

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::EliminateDistinctClause
//	@doc:
//		Eliminate distinct columns by translating it into a grouping columns
Query *
CQueryMutators::EliminateDistinctClause(const Query *query)
	if (0 == gpdb::ListLength(query->distinctClause))
		return (Query *) gpdb::CopyObject(const_cast<Query *>(query));

	// create a derived table out of the previous query
	Query *new_query =
		ConvertToDerivedTable(query, true /*should_fix_target_list*/,
							  true /*should_fix_having_qual*/);

	GPOS_ASSERT(1 == gpdb::ListLength(new_query->rtable));
	Query *derived_table_query =
		(Query *) ((RangeTblEntry *) gpdb::ListNth(new_query->rtable, 0))

	ReassignSortClause(new_query, derived_table_query);

	new_query->targetList = NIL;
	List *target_entries = derived_table_query->targetList;
	ListCell *lc = nullptr;

	// build the project list of the new top-level query
	ForEach(lc, target_entries)
		ULONG resno = gpdb::ListLength(new_query->targetList) + 1;
		TargetEntry *target_entry = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(lc);
		GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != target_entry);

		if (!target_entry->resjunk)
			// create a new target entry that points to the corresponding entry in the derived table
			Var *new_var =
				gpdb::MakeVar(1, target_entry->resno,
							  gpdb::ExprType((Node *) target_entry->expr),
							  gpdb::ExprTypeMod((Node *) target_entry->expr),
							  0	 // query levels up
			TargetEntry *new_target_entry =
				gpdb::MakeTargetEntry((Expr *) new_var, (AttrNumber) resno,
									  target_entry->resname, false);

			new_target_entry->ressortgroupref = target_entry->ressortgroupref;
			new_query->targetList =
				gpdb::LAppend(new_query->targetList, new_target_entry);

		if (0 < target_entry->ressortgroupref &&
				target_entry, derived_table_query->groupClause) &&
				target_entry, derived_table_query->windowClause))
			// initialize the ressortgroupref of target entries not used in the grouping clause
			target_entry->ressortgroupref = 0;

	if (gpdb::ListLength(new_query->targetList) !=
			gpdxl::ExmaDXL, gpdxl::ExmiQuery2DXLUnsupportedFeature,
				"DISTINCT operation on a subset of target list columns"));

	ListCell *pl = nullptr;
	ForEach(pl, query->distinctClause)
		SortGroupClause *sort_group_clause = (SortGroupClause *) lfirst(pl);
		GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != sort_group_clause);

		SortGroupClause *new_sort_group_clause = MakeNode(SortGroupClause);
		new_sort_group_clause->tleSortGroupRef =
		new_sort_group_clause->eqop = sort_group_clause->eqop;
		new_sort_group_clause->sortop = sort_group_clause->sortop;
		new_sort_group_clause->nulls_first = sort_group_clause->nulls_first;
		new_query->groupClause =
			gpdb::LAppend(new_query->groupClause, new_sort_group_clause);
	new_query->distinctClause = NIL;
	derived_table_query->distinctClause = NIL;

	return new_query;

// CQueryMutators::NeedsProjListWindowNormalization
// Check whether the window operator's project list only contains
// window functions, vars, or expressions used in the window specification.
// Examples of queries that will be normalized:
//   select rank() over(...) -1
//   select rank() over(order by a), a+b
//   select (SQ), rank over(...)
// Some of these, e.g. the second one, may not strictly need normalization.
CQueryMutators::NeedsProjListWindowNormalization(const Query *query)
	if (!query->hasWindowFuncs)
		return false;

	ListCell *lc = nullptr;
	ForEach(lc, query->targetList)
		TargetEntry *target_entry = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(lc);

		if (!CTranslatorUtils::IsReferencedInWindowSpec(target_entry,
														query->windowClause) &&
			!IsA(target_entry->expr, WindowFunc) &&
			!IsA(target_entry->expr, Var))
			// computed columns in the target list that is not
			// used in the order by or partition by of the window specification(s)
			return true;

	return false;

//  CQueryMutators::NormalizeWindowProjList
//  Flatten expressions in project list to contain only window functions,
//  columns (vars) and columns (vars) used in the window specifications.
//  This is a restriction in Orca and DXL, that we don't support a mix of
//  window functions and general expressions in a target list.
//    SELECT row_number() over() + rank() over(partition by a+b order by a-b) from foo
//    SELECT rn+rk from (SELECT row_number() over() as rn, rank() over(partition by a+b order by a-b) as rk FROM foo) foo_new
Query *
CQueryMutators::NormalizeWindowProjList(CMemoryPool *mp,
										CMDAccessor *md_accessor,
										const Query *original_query)
	Query *query_copy =
		(Query *) gpdb::CopyObject(const_cast<Query *>(original_query));

	if (!NeedsProjListWindowNormalization(original_query))
		return query_copy;

	// we assume here that we have already performed the transformGroupedWindows()
	// transformation, which separates GROUP BY from window functions
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr == original_query->distinctClause);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr == original_query->groupClause);
	GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr == original_query->groupingSets);

	// we do not fix target list of the derived table since we will be mutating it below
	// to ensure that it does not have window functions
	Query *upper_query =
		ConvertToDerivedTable(query_copy, false /*should_fix_target_list*/,
							  true /*should_fix_having_qual*/);

	GPOS_ASSERT(1 == gpdb::ListLength(upper_query->rtable));
	Query *lower_query =
		(Query *) ((RangeTblEntry *) gpdb::ListNth(upper_query->rtable, 0))

	SContextGrpbyPlMutator projlist_context(mp, md_accessor, lower_query,
	ListCell *lc = nullptr;
	List *target_entries = lower_query->targetList;
	ForEach(lc, target_entries)
		// If this target entry is referenced in a window spec, is a var or is a window function,
		// add it to the lower target list. Adjust the outer refs to ancestors of the orginal
		// query by adding one to the varlevelsup. Add a var to the upper target list to refer
		// to it.
		// Any other target entries, add them to the upper target list, and ensure that any vars
		// they reference in the current scope are produced by the lower query and are adjusted
		// to refer to the new, single RTE of the upper query.
		TargetEntry *target_entry = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(lc);
		const ULONG ulResNoNew = gpdb::ListLength(upper_query->targetList) + 1;

		if (CTranslatorUtils::IsReferencedInWindowSpec(
				target_entry, original_query->windowClause))
			// This entry is used in a window spec. Since this clause refers to its argument by
			// ressortgroupref, the target entry must be preserved in the lower target list,
			// so insert the entire Expr of the TargetEntry into the lower target list, using the
			// same ressortgroupref and also preserving the resjunk attribute.
			SContextIncLevelsupMutator level_context(
				0, true /* should_fix_top_level_target_list */);
			TargetEntry *lower_target_entry =
				(TargetEntry *) gpdb::MutateExpressionTree(
					(Node *) target_entry,
					(MutatorWalkerFn) RunIncrLevelsUpMutator, &level_context);

			lower_target_entry->resno =
				gpdb::ListLength(projlist_context.m_lower_table_tlist) + 1;
			projlist_context.m_lower_table_tlist = gpdb::LAppend(
				projlist_context.m_lower_table_tlist, lower_target_entry);

			BOOL is_sorting_col = CTranslatorUtils::IsSortingColumn(
				target_entry, original_query->sortClause);

			if (!target_entry->resjunk || is_sorting_col)
				// the target list entry is present in the query output or it is used in the ORDER BY,
				// so also add it to the target list of the new upper Query
				Var *new_var = gpdb::MakeVar(
					1, lower_target_entry->resno,
					gpdb::ExprType((Node *) target_entry->expr),
					gpdb::ExprTypeMod((Node *) target_entry->expr),
					0  // query levels up
				TargetEntry *upper_target_entry = gpdb::MakeTargetEntry(
					(Expr *) new_var, ulResNoNew, target_entry->resname,

				if (is_sorting_col)
					// This target list entry is referenced in the ORDER BY as well, evaluated in the upper
					// query. Set the ressortgroupref, keeping the same number as in the original query.
					upper_target_entry->ressortgroupref =
				// Set target list entry of the derived table to be non-resjunked, since we need it in the upper
				lower_target_entry->resjunk = false;

				upper_query->targetList =
					gpdb::LAppend(upper_query->targetList, upper_target_entry);
			// push any window functions in the target entry into the lower target list
			// and also add any needed vars to the lower target list
			target_entry->resno = ulResNoNew;
			TargetEntry *upper_target_entry =
				(TargetEntry *) gpdb::MutateExpressionTree(
					(Node *) target_entry,
					(MutatorWalkerFn) RunWindowProjListMutator,
			upper_query->targetList =
				gpdb::LAppend(upper_query->targetList, upper_target_entry);

	// once we finish the above loop, the context has accumulated all the needed vars,
	// window spec expressions and window functions for the lower targer list
	lower_query->targetList = projlist_context.m_lower_table_tlist;

	GPOS_ASSERT(gpdb::ListLength(upper_query->targetList) <=
	ReassignSortClause(upper_query, lower_query);

	return upper_query;

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::RunWindowProjListMutator
//	@doc:
// 		Traverse the project list of extract all window functions in an
//		arbitrarily complex project element
Node *
CQueryMutators::RunWindowProjListMutator(Node *node,
										 SContextGrpbyPlMutator *context)
	if (nullptr == node)
		return nullptr;

	const ULONG resno = gpdb::ListLength(context->m_lower_table_tlist) + 1;

	if (IsA(node, WindowFunc) && 0 == context->m_current_query_level)
		// This is a window function that needs to be executed in the lower Query.

		// Insert window function as a new TargetEntry into the lower target list
		// (requires incrementing varlevelsup on its arguments).
		// Create a var that refers to the newly created lower TargetEntry and return
		// that, to be used instead of the window function in the upper TargetEntry.

		// make a copy of the tree and increment varlevelsup, using a different mutator
		SContextIncLevelsupMutator levelsUpContext(
			true /* should_fix_top_level_target_list */);
		WindowFunc *window_func = (WindowFunc *) expression_tree_mutator(
			node, (MutatorWalkerFn) RunIncrLevelsUpMutator, &levelsUpContext);
		GPOS_ASSERT(IsA(window_func, WindowFunc));

		// get the function name and create a new target entry for window_func
		CMDIdGPDB *mdid_func =
			GPOS_NEW(context->m_mp) CMDIdGPDB(window_func->winfnoid);
		const CWStringConst *str =
			CMDAccessorUtils::PstrWindowFuncName(context->m_mda, mdid_func);

		TargetEntry *target_entry = gpdb::MakeTargetEntry(
			(Expr *) window_func, (AttrNumber) resno,
			false /* resjunk */
		context->m_lower_table_tlist =
			gpdb::LAppend(context->m_lower_table_tlist, target_entry);

		// return a variable referring to the lower table's corresponding target entry,
		// to be used somewhere in the upper query's target list
		Var *new_var = gpdb::MakeVar(
			1,	// derived query which is now the only table in FROM expression
			(AttrNumber) resno, gpdb::ExprType(node), gpdb::ExprTypeMod(node),
			0  // query levelsup

		return (Node *) new_var;

	if (IsA(node, Var) &&
		((Var *) node)->varlevelsup == context->m_current_query_level)
		// This is a Var referencing the original query scope. It now needs to reference
		// the new upper query scope.
		// Since the rtable of the upper Query is different from that of the original
		// Query, calculate the new varno (always 1) and varattno to use.
		Var *var = (Var *) gpdb::CopyObject(node);

		// Set varlevelsup to 0 temporarily while searching in the target list
		var->varlevelsup = 0;
		TargetEntry *found_tle = gpdb::FindFirstMatchingMemberInTargetList(
			(Node *) var, context->m_lower_table_tlist);

		if (nullptr == found_tle)
			// this var is not yet provided by the lower target list, so
			// create a new TargetEntry for it
			Node *var_copy = (Node *) gpdb::CopyObject(var);
			return (Node *) MakeVarInDerivedTable(var_copy, context);

		var->varno = 1;	 // derived query is the only table in FROM expression
		var->varattno = found_tle->resno;
		var->varlevelsup =
			context->m_current_query_level;	 // reset varlevels up
		found_tle->resjunk = false;

		return (Node *) var;

	if (IsA(node, Query))
		// recurse into Query nodes
		Query *result = query_tree_mutator(
			(Query *) node, (MutatorWalkerFn) RunWindowProjListMutator, context,

		return (Node *) result;

	return expression_tree_mutator(
		node, (MutatorWalkerFn) CQueryMutators::RunWindowProjListMutator,

//	@function:
//		CQueryMutators::ReassignSortClause
//	@doc:
//		Reassign the sorting clause from the derived table to the new top-level query
CQueryMutators::ReassignSortClause(Query *top_level_query,
								   Query *derived_table_query)
	top_level_query->sortClause = derived_table_query->sortClause;
	top_level_query->limitOffset = derived_table_query->limitOffset;
	top_level_query->limitCount = derived_table_query->limitCount;
	derived_table_query->sortClause = nullptr;
	derived_table_query->limitOffset = nullptr;
	derived_table_query->limitCount = nullptr;

// EOF


greenplumn 源码目录


greenplumn CCTEListEntry 源码

greenplumn CContextDXLToPlStmt 源码

greenplumn CContextQueryToDXL 源码

greenplumn CDXLTranslateContext 源码

greenplumn CDXLTranslateContextBaseTable 源码

greenplumn CMappingColIdVar 源码

greenplumn CMappingColIdVarPlStmt 源码

greenplumn CMappingElementColIdParamId 源码

greenplumn CMappingVarColId 源码

greenplumn CPartPruneStepsBuilder 源码

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