spring-data-elasticsearch MappingParameters 源码
spring-data-elasticsearch MappingParameters 代码
* Copyright 2019-2022 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.core.index;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.DateFormat;
import org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.Field;
import org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.FieldType;
import org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.IndexOptions;
import org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.IndexPrefixes;
import org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.InnerField;
import org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.NullValueType;
import org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.Similarity;
import org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.TermVector;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode;
* A class to hold the mapping parameters that might be set on
* {@link org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.Field } or
* {@link org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.InnerField} annotation.
* @author Peter-Josef Meisch
* @author Aleksei Arsenev
* @author Brian Kimmig
* @author Morgan Lutz
* @author Sascha Woo
* @since 4.0
public final class MappingParameters {
static final String FIELD_PARAM_COERCE = "coerce";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_COPY_TO = "copy_to";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_DATA = "fielddata";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_DOC_VALUES = "doc_values";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_EAGER_GLOBAL_ORDINALS = "eager_global_ordinals";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_ENABLED = "enabled";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_FORMAT = "format";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_IGNORE_ABOVE = "ignore_above";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_IGNORE_MALFORMED = "ignore_malformed";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_IGNORE_Z_VALUE = "ignore_z_value";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_INDEX = "index";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_INDEX_OPTIONS = "index_options";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_INDEX_PHRASES = "index_phrases";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_INDEX_PREFIXES = "index_prefixes";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_INDEX_PREFIXES_MIN_CHARS = "min_chars";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_INDEX_PREFIXES_MAX_CHARS = "max_chars";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_INDEX_ANALYZER = "analyzer";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_MAX_SHINGLE_SIZE = "max_shingle_size";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_NORMALIZER = "normalizer";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_NORMS = "norms";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_NULL_VALUE = "null_value";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_POSITION_INCREMENT_GAP = "position_increment_gap";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_ORIENTATION = "orientation";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_POSITIVE_SCORE_IMPACT = "positive_score_impact";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_DIMS = "dims";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_SCALING_FACTOR = "scaling_factor";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_SEARCH_ANALYZER = "search_analyzer";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_STORE = "store";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_SIMILARITY = "similarity";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_TERM_VECTOR = "term_vector";
static final String FIELD_PARAM_TYPE = "type";
private final String analyzer;
private final boolean coerce;
@Nullable private final String[] copyTo;
private final DateFormat[] dateFormats;
private final String[] dateFormatPatterns;
private final boolean docValues;
private final boolean eagerGlobalOrdinals;
private final boolean enabled;
private final boolean fielddata;
@Nullable private final Integer ignoreAbove;
private final boolean ignoreMalformed;
private final boolean index;
private final IndexOptions indexOptions;
private final boolean indexPhrases;
@Nullable private final IndexPrefixes indexPrefixes;
private final String normalizer;
private final boolean norms;
@Nullable private final Integer maxShingleSize;
private final String nullValue;
private final NullValueType nullValueType;
private final Integer positionIncrementGap;
private final boolean positiveScoreImpact;
private final Integer dims;
private final String searchAnalyzer;
private final double scalingFactor;
private final Similarity similarity;
private final boolean store;
private final TermVector termVector;
private final FieldType type;
* extracts the mapping parameters from the relevant annotations.
* @param annotation must not be {@literal null}.
* @return empty Optional if the annotation does not have a conformant type.
public static MappingParameters from(Annotation annotation) {
Assert.notNull(annotation, "annotation must not be null!");
if (annotation instanceof Field) {
return new MappingParameters((Field) annotation);
} else if (annotation instanceof InnerField) {
return new MappingParameters((InnerField) annotation);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("annotation must be an instance of @Field or @InnerField");
private MappingParameters(Field field) {
index = field.index();
store = field.store();
fielddata = field.fielddata();
type = field.type();
dateFormats = field.format();
dateFormatPatterns = field.pattern();
analyzer = field.analyzer();
searchAnalyzer = field.searchAnalyzer();
normalizer = field.normalizer();
copyTo = field.copyTo();
ignoreAbove = field.ignoreAbove() >= 0 ? field.ignoreAbove() : null;
coerce = field.coerce();
docValues = field.docValues();
Assert.isTrue(!((type == FieldType.Text || type == FieldType.Nested) && !docValues),
"docValues false is not allowed for field type text");
ignoreMalformed = field.ignoreMalformed();
indexOptions = field.indexOptions();
indexPhrases = field.indexPhrases();
indexPrefixes = field.indexPrefixes().length > 0 ? field.indexPrefixes()[0] : null;
norms = field.norms();
nullValue = field.nullValue();
nullValueType = field.nullValueType();
positionIncrementGap = field.positionIncrementGap();
similarity = field.similarity();
termVector = field.termVector();
scalingFactor = field.scalingFactor();
maxShingleSize = field.maxShingleSize() >= 0 ? field.maxShingleSize() : null;
Assert.isTrue(type != FieldType.Search_As_You_Type //
|| maxShingleSize == null //
|| (maxShingleSize >= 2 && maxShingleSize <= 4), //
"maxShingleSize must be in inclusive range from 2 to 4 for field type search_as_you_type");
positiveScoreImpact = field.positiveScoreImpact();
dims = field.dims();
if (type == FieldType.Dense_Vector) {
Assert.isTrue(dims >= 1 && dims <= 2048,
"Invalid required parameter! Dense_Vector value \"dims\" must be between 1 and 2048.");
Assert.isTrue(field.enabled() || type == FieldType.Object, "enabled false is only allowed for field type object");
enabled = field.enabled();
eagerGlobalOrdinals = field.eagerGlobalOrdinals();
private MappingParameters(InnerField field) {
index = field.index();
store = field.store();
fielddata = field.fielddata();
type = field.type();
dateFormats = field.format();
dateFormatPatterns = field.pattern();
analyzer = field.analyzer();
searchAnalyzer = field.searchAnalyzer();
normalizer = field.normalizer();
copyTo = null;
ignoreAbove = field.ignoreAbove() >= 0 ? field.ignoreAbove() : null;
coerce = field.coerce();
docValues = field.docValues();
Assert.isTrue(!((type == FieldType.Text || type == FieldType.Nested) && !docValues),
"docValues false is not allowed for field type text");
ignoreMalformed = field.ignoreMalformed();
indexOptions = field.indexOptions();
indexPhrases = field.indexPhrases();
indexPrefixes = field.indexPrefixes().length > 0 ? field.indexPrefixes()[0] : null;
norms = field.norms();
nullValue = field.nullValue();
nullValueType = field.nullValueType();
positionIncrementGap = field.positionIncrementGap();
similarity = field.similarity();
termVector = field.termVector();
scalingFactor = field.scalingFactor();
maxShingleSize = field.maxShingleSize() >= 0 ? field.maxShingleSize() : null;
Assert.isTrue(type != FieldType.Search_As_You_Type //
|| maxShingleSize == null //
|| (maxShingleSize >= 2 && maxShingleSize <= 4), //
"maxShingleSize must be in inclusive range from 2 to 4 for field type search_as_you_type");
positiveScoreImpact = field.positiveScoreImpact();
dims = field.dims();
if (type == FieldType.Dense_Vector) {
Assert.isTrue(dims >= 1 && dims <= 2048,
"Invalid required parameter! Dense_Vector value \"dims\" must be between 1 and 2048.");
enabled = true;
eagerGlobalOrdinals = field.eagerGlobalOrdinals();
public boolean isStore() {
return store;
* writes the different fields to an {@link ObjectNode}.
* @param objectNode must not be {@literal null}
public void writeTypeAndParametersTo(ObjectNode objectNode) throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(objectNode, "objectNode must not be null");
if (fielddata) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_DATA, fielddata);
if (type != FieldType.Auto) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_TYPE, type.getMappedName());
if (type == FieldType.Date || type == FieldType.Date_Nanos || type == FieldType.Date_Range) {
List<String> formats = new ArrayList<>();
// built-in formats
for (DateFormat dateFormat : dateFormats) {
// custom date formats
Collections.addAll(formats, dateFormatPatterns);
if (!formats.isEmpty()) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_FORMAT, String.join("||", formats));
if (!index) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_INDEX, index);
if (StringUtils.hasLength(analyzer)) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_INDEX_ANALYZER, analyzer);
if (StringUtils.hasLength(searchAnalyzer)) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_SEARCH_ANALYZER, searchAnalyzer);
if (StringUtils.hasLength(normalizer)) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_NORMALIZER, normalizer);
if (copyTo != null && copyTo.length > 0) {
if (ignoreAbove != null) {
Assert.isTrue(ignoreAbove >= 0, "ignore_above must be a positive value");
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_IGNORE_ABOVE, ignoreAbove);
if (!coerce) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_COERCE, coerce);
if (!docValues) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_DOC_VALUES, docValues);
if (ignoreMalformed) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_IGNORE_MALFORMED, ignoreMalformed);
if (indexOptions != IndexOptions.none) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_INDEX_OPTIONS, indexOptions.toString());
if (indexPhrases) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_INDEX_PHRASES, indexPhrases);
if (indexPrefixes != null) {
ObjectNode prefixNode = objectNode.putObject(FIELD_PARAM_INDEX_PREFIXES);
if (indexPrefixes.minChars() != IndexPrefixes.MIN_DEFAULT) {
prefixNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_INDEX_PREFIXES_MIN_CHARS, indexPrefixes.minChars());
if (indexPrefixes.maxChars() != IndexPrefixes.MAX_DEFAULT) {
prefixNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_INDEX_PREFIXES_MAX_CHARS, indexPrefixes.maxChars());
if (!norms) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_NORMS, norms);
if (StringUtils.hasLength(nullValue)) {
switch (nullValueType) {
case Integer -> objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_NULL_VALUE, Integer.valueOf(nullValue));
case Long -> objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_NULL_VALUE, Long.valueOf(nullValue));
case Double -> objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_NULL_VALUE, Double.valueOf(nullValue));
case String -> objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_NULL_VALUE, nullValue);
default -> objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_NULL_VALUE, nullValue);
if (positionIncrementGap != null && positionIncrementGap >= 0) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_POSITION_INCREMENT_GAP, positionIncrementGap);
if (similarity != Similarity.Default) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_SIMILARITY, similarity.toString());
if (termVector != TermVector.none) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_TERM_VECTOR, termVector.toString());
if (type == FieldType.Scaled_Float) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_SCALING_FACTOR, scalingFactor);
if (maxShingleSize != null) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_MAX_SHINGLE_SIZE, maxShingleSize);
if (!positiveScoreImpact) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_POSITIVE_SCORE_IMPACT, positiveScoreImpact);
if (type == FieldType.Dense_Vector) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_DIMS, dims);
if (!enabled) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_ENABLED, enabled);
if (eagerGlobalOrdinals) {
objectNode.put(FIELD_PARAM_EAGER_GLOBAL_ORDINALS, eagerGlobalOrdinals);
spring-data-elasticsearch 源码目录
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