greenplumn CPartConstraint 源码
greenplumn CPartConstraint 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2012 EMC Corp.
// @filename:
// CPartConstraint.h
// @doc:
// Part constraints for partitioned tables
#ifndef GPOPT_CPartConstraint_H
#define GPOPT_CPartConstraint_H
#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/common/CHashMap.h"
#include "gpos/common/CHashMapIter.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CColRef.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CConstraint.h"
namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;
// fwd decl
class CColRef;
class CPartConstraint;
// hash maps of part constraints indexed by part index id
using UlongToPartConstraintMap =
CHashMap<ULONG, CPartConstraint, gpos::HashValue<ULONG>,
gpos::Equals<ULONG>, CleanupDelete<ULONG>,
// map iterator
using UlongToPartConstraintMapIter =
CHashMapIter<ULONG, CPartConstraint, gpos::HashValue<ULONG>,
gpos::Equals<ULONG>, CleanupDelete<ULONG>,
// @class:
// CPartConstraint
// @doc:
// metadata abstraction for tables
class CPartConstraint : public CRefCount, public DbgPrintMixin<CPartConstraint>
// constraints for different levels
UlongToConstraintMap *m_phmulcnstr;
// levels at which the default partitions are included
CBitSet *m_pbsDefaultParts;
// number of levels;
ULONG m_num_of_part_levels;
// is constraint unbounded
BOOL m_is_unbounded;
// is a dummy (not to be used) constraint
BOOL m_fUninterpreted;
// partition keys
CColRef2dArray *m_pdrgpdrgpcr;
// combined constraint
CConstraint *m_pcnstrCombined;
// are all default partitions on all levels included
BOOL FAllDefaultPartsIncluded() const;
#endif //GPOS_DEBUG
// does the current constraint overlap with given one at the given level
BOOL FOverlapLevel(CMemoryPool *mp, const CPartConstraint *ppartcnstr,
ULONG ulLevel) const;
// check whether or not the current part constraint can be negated. A part
// constraint can be negated only if it has constraints on the first level
// since negation destroys the independence between the levels
BOOL FCanNegate() const;
// construct the combined constraint
CConstraint *PcnstrBuildCombined(CMemoryPool *mp);
// return the remaining part of the first constraint that is not covered by
// the second constraint
static CConstraint *PcnstrRemaining(CMemoryPool *mp, CConstraint *pcnstrFst,
CConstraint *pcnstrSnd);
// check if two constaint maps have the same constraints
static BOOL FEqualConstrMaps(UlongToConstraintMap *phmulcnstrFst,
UlongToConstraintMap *phmulcnstrSnd,
ULONG ulLevels);
// check if it is possible to produce a disjunction of the two given part
// constraints. This is possible if the first ulLevels-1 have the same
// constraints and default flags for both part constraints
static BOOL FDisjunctionPossible(CPartConstraint *ppartcnstrFst,
CPartConstraint *ppartcnstrSnd);
CPartConstraint(const CPartConstraint &) = delete;
// ctors
CPartConstraint(CMemoryPool *mp, UlongToConstraintMap *phmulcnstr,
CBitSet *pbsDefaultParts, BOOL is_unbounded,
CColRef2dArray *pdrgpdrgpcr);
CPartConstraint(CMemoryPool *mp, CConstraint *pcnstr,
BOOL fDefaultPartition, BOOL is_unbounded);
CPartConstraint(BOOL fUninterpreted);
// dtor
~CPartConstraint() override;
// constraint at given level
CConstraint *Pcnstr(ULONG ulLevel) const;
// combined constraint
CConstraint *
PcnstrCombined() const
return m_pcnstrCombined;
// is default partition included on the given level
IsDefaultPartition(ULONG ulLevel) const
return m_pbsDefaultParts->Get(ulLevel);
// partition keys
CColRef2dArray *
Pdrgpdrgpcr() const
return m_pdrgpdrgpcr;
// is constraint unbounded
BOOL IsConstraintUnbounded() const;
// is constraint uninterpreted
FUninterpreted() const
return m_fUninterpreted;
// are constraints equivalent
BOOL FEquivalent(const CPartConstraint *ppartcnstr) const;
// does constraint overlap with given constraint
BOOL FOverlap(CMemoryPool *mp, const CPartConstraint *ppartcnstr) const;
// does constraint subsume given one
BOOL FSubsume(const CPartConstraint *ppartcnstr) const;
// return what remains of the current part constraint after taking out
// the given part constraint. Returns NULL is the difference cannot be
// performed
CPartConstraint *PpartcnstrRemaining(CMemoryPool *mp,
CPartConstraint *ppartcnstr);
// return a copy of the part constraint with remapped columns
CPartConstraint *PpartcnstrCopyWithRemappedColumns(
CMemoryPool *mp, UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping, BOOL must_exist);
// print
IOstream &OsPrint(IOstream &os) const;
// construct a disjunction of the two constraints
static CPartConstraint *PpartcnstrDisjunction(
CMemoryPool *mp, CPartConstraint *ppartcnstrFst,
CPartConstraint *ppartcnstrSnd);
// combine the two given part constraint maps and return the result
static UlongToPartConstraintMap *PpartcnstrmapCombine(
CMemoryPool *mp, UlongToPartConstraintMap *ppartcnstrmapFst,
UlongToPartConstraintMap *ppartcnstrmapSnd);
// copy the part constraints from the source map into the destination map
static void CopyPartConstraints(
CMemoryPool *mp, UlongToPartConstraintMap *ppartcnstrmapDest,
UlongToPartConstraintMap *ppartcnstrmapSource);
}; // class CPartConstraint
} // namespace gpopt
#endif // !GPOPT_CPartConstraint_H
// EOF
greenplumn CColumnDescriptor 源码
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