greenplumn cdbcopy 源码

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greenplumn cdbcopy 代码


 * cdbcopy.c
 * 	 Provides routines that executed a COPY command on an MPP cluster. These
 * 	 routines are called from the backend COPY command whenever MPP is in the
 * 	 default dispatch mode.
 * Usage:
 * CdbCopy cdbCopy = makeCdbCopy();
 * PG_TRY();
 * {
 *     cdbCopyStart(cdbCopy, ...);
 *     // process each row
 *     while (...)
 *     {
 *         cdbCopyGetData(cdbCopy, ...)
 *         or
 *         cdbCopySendData(cdbCopy, ...)
 *     }
 *     cdbCopyEnd(cdbCopy);
 * }
 * PG_CATCH();
 * {
 *     cdbCopyAbort(cdbCopy);
 * }
 * PG_END_TRY();
 * makeCdbCopy() creates a struct to hold information about the on-going COPY.
 * It does not change the state of the connection yet.
 * cdbCopyStart() puts the connections in the gang into COPY mode. If an error
 * occurs during or after cdbCopyStart(), you must call cdbCopyAbort() to reset
 * the connections to normal state!
 * cdbCopyGetData() and cdbCopySendData() call libpq's PQgetCopyData() and
 * PQputCopyData(), respectively. If an error occurs, it is thrown with ereport().
 * When you're done, call cdbCopyEnd().
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Greenplum inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 *	    src/backend/cdb/cdbcopy.c

#include "postgres.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "libpq-fe.h"
#include "libpq-int.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "cdb/cdbconn.h"
#include "cdb/cdbcopy.h"
#include "cdb/cdbdisp_query.h"
#include "cdb/cdbdispatchresult.h"
#include "cdb/cdbfts.h"
#include "cdb/cdbgang.h"
#include "cdb/cdbtm.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "commands/copy.h"
#include "commands/defrem.h"
#include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "pgstat.h"
#include "storage/pmsignal.h"
#include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
#include "utils/faultinjector.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"

#include <poll.h>

static void cdbCopyEndInternal(CdbCopy *c, char *abort_msg,
				   int64 *total_rows_completed_p,
				   int64 *total_rows_rejected_p);

static Gang *
getCdbCopyPrimaryGang(CdbCopy *c)
	if (!c || !c->dispatcherState)
		return NULL;

	return (Gang *)linitial(c->dispatcherState->allocatedGangs);

 * Create a cdbCopy object that includes all the cdb
 * information and state needed by the backend COPY.
CdbCopy *
makeCdbCopy(CopyState cstate, bool is_copy_in)
	CdbCopy		*c;
	GpPolicy	*policy;

	policy = cstate->rel->rd_cdbpolicy;

	c = palloc0(sizeof(CdbCopy));

	/* fresh start */
	c->total_segs = 0;
	c->copy_in = is_copy_in;
	c->seglist = NIL;
	c->dispatcherState = NULL;

	 * COPY replicated table TO file, pick only one replica, otherwise, duplicate
	 * rows will be copied.
	if (!is_copy_in && GpPolicyIsReplicated(policy) && !cstate->on_segment)
		c->total_segs = 1;
		c->seglist = list_make1_int(gp_session_id % c->total_segs);
		int			i;

		c->total_segs = policy->numsegments;

		for (i = 0; i < c->total_segs; i++)
			c->seglist = lappend_int(c->seglist, i);

	cstate->cdbCopy = c;

	return c;

 * starts a copy command on a specific segment database.
 * may pg_throw via elog/ereport.
cdbCopyStart(CdbCopy *c, CopyStmt *stmt, int file_encoding)
	int			flags;

	stmt = copyObject(stmt);

	 * If the output needs to be in a different encoding, tell the segment.
	 * Normally, when we run normal queries, we keep the segment connections
	 * in database encoding, and do the encoding conversions in the QD, just
	 * before sending results to the client. But in COPY TO, we don't do
	 * any conversions to the data we receive from the segments, so they
	 * must produce the output in the correct encoding.
	 * We do this by adding "ENCODING 'xxx'" option to the options list of
	 * the CopyStmt that we dispatch.
	if (file_encoding != GetDatabaseEncoding())
		bool		found;
		ListCell   *option;

		 * But first check if the encoding option is already in the options
		 * list (i.e the user specified it explicitly in the COPY command)
		found = false;
		foreach(option, stmt->options)
			DefElem    *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(option);

			if (strcmp(defel->defname, "encoding") == 0)
				 * The 'file_encoding' came from the options, so they should match, but
				 * let's sanity-check.
				if (pg_char_to_encoding(defGetString(defel)) != file_encoding)
					elog(ERROR, "encoding option in original COPY command does not match encoding being dispatched");
				found = true;

		if (!found)
			const char *encname = pg_encoding_to_char(file_encoding);

			stmt->options = lappend(stmt->options,
												(Node *) makeString(pstrdup(encname)), -1));

	if (c->copy_in)
		flags |= DF_NEED_TWO_PHASE;

	CdbDispatchCopyStart(c, (Node *) stmt, flags);


 * sends data to a copy command on all segments.
cdbCopySendDataToAll(CdbCopy *c, const char *buffer, int nbytes)
	Gang	   *gp = getCdbCopyPrimaryGang(c);


	for (int i = 0; i < gp->size; ++i)
		int			seg = gp->db_descriptors[i]->segindex;

		cdbCopySendData(c, seg, buffer, nbytes);

 * sends data to a copy command on a specific segment (usually
 * the hash result of the data value).
cdbCopySendData(CdbCopy *c, int target_seg, const char *buffer,
				int nbytes)
	SegmentDatabaseDescriptor *q;
	Gang	   *gp;
	int			result;

	 * NOTE!! note that another DELIM was added, for the buf_converted in the
	 * code above. I didn't do it because it's broken right now

	gp = getCdbCopyPrimaryGang(c);
	q = getSegmentDescriptorFromGang(gp, target_seg);

	/* transmit the COPY data */
	result = PQputCopyData(q->conn, buffer, nbytes);

	if (result != 1)
		if (result == 0)
			/* We don't use blocking mode, so this shouldn't happen */
					 errmsg("could not send COPY data to segment %d, attempt blocked",
					 errmsg("could not send COPY data to segment %d: %s",
							target_seg, PQerrorMessage(q->conn))));

 * gets a chunk of rows of data from a copy command.
 * returns boolean true if done. Caller should still
 * empty the leftovers in the outbuf in that case.
cdbCopyGetData(CdbCopy *c, bool copy_cancel, uint64 *rows_processed)
	SegmentDatabaseDescriptor *q;
	Gang	   *gp;
	int			nbytes;

	/* clean out buf data */

	gp = getCdbCopyPrimaryGang(c);

	 * MPP-7712: we used to issue the cancel-requests for each *row* we got
	 * back from each segment -- this is potentially millions of
	 * cancel-requests. Cancel requests consist of an out-of-band connection
	 * to the segment-postmaster, this is *not* a lightweight operation!
	if (copy_cancel)
		ListCell   *cur;

		/* iterate through all the segments that still have data to give */
		foreach(cur, c->seglist)
			int			source_seg = lfirst_int(cur);

			q = getSegmentDescriptorFromGang(gp, source_seg);

			/* send a query cancel request to that segdb */

	 * Collect data rows from the segments that still have rows to give until
	 * chunk minimum size is reached
	while (c->copy_out_buf.len < COPYOUT_CHUNK_SIZE)
		ListCell   *cur;

		/* iterate through all the segments that still have data to give */
		foreach(cur, c->seglist)
			int			source_seg = lfirst_int(cur);
			char	   *buffer;

			q = getSegmentDescriptorFromGang(gp, source_seg);

			/* get 1 row of COPY data */
			nbytes = PQgetCopyData(q->conn, &buffer, false);

			 * SUCCESS -- got a row of data
			if (nbytes > 0 && buffer)
				/* append the data row to the data chunk */
				appendBinaryStringInfo(&(c->copy_out_buf), buffer, nbytes);

				/* increment the rows processed counter for the end tag */


			 * DONE -- Got all the data rows from this segment, or a cancel
			 * request.
			 * Remove the segment that completed sending data, from the list
			 * of in-progress segments.
			 * Note: After PQgetCopyData() returns -1, you need to call
			 * PGgetResult() to get any possible errors. But we don't do that
			 * here. That's done later, in the call to cdbCopyEnd() (or
			 * cdbCopyAbort(), if something went wrong.)
			else if (nbytes == -1)
				c->seglist = list_delete_int(c->seglist, source_seg);

				if (list_length(c->seglist) == 0)
					return true;	/* all segments are done */

				/* start over from first seg as we just changed the seg list */
			 * ERROR!
				 * should never happen since we are blocking. Don't bother to
				 * try again, exit with error.
				if (nbytes == 0)
							 errmsg("could not send COPY data to segment %d, attempt blocked",

				if (nbytes == -2)
							 errmsg("could not receive COPY data from segment %d: %s",
									source_seg, PQerrorMessage(q->conn))));

		if (c->copy_out_buf.len > COPYOUT_CHUNK_SIZE)

	return false;

 * Commands to end the cdbCopy.
 * If an error occurrs, or if an error is reported by one of the segments,
 * cdbCopyEnd() throws it with ereport(), after closing the COPY and cleaning
 * up any resources associated with it.
 * cdbCopyAbort() usually does not throw an error. It is used in error-recovery
 * codepaths, typically in a PG_CATCH() block, and the caller is about to
 * re-throw the original error that caused the abortion.
cdbCopyAbort(CdbCopy *c)
	cdbCopyEndInternal(c, "aborting COPY in QE due to error in QD",
					   NULL, NULL);

 * End the copy command on all segment databases,
 * and fetch the total number of rows completed by all QEs
cdbCopyEnd(CdbCopy *c,
		   int64 *total_rows_completed_p,
		   int64 *total_rows_rejected_p)

	cdbCopyEndInternal(c, NULL,

static void
cdbCopyEndInternal(CdbCopy *c, char *abort_msg,
				   int64 *total_rows_completed_p,
				   int64 *total_rows_rejected_p)
	Gang	   *gp;
	int			num_bad_connections = 0;
	int64		total_rows_completed = 0;	/* total num rows completed by all
											 * QEs */
	int64		total_rows_rejected = 0;	/* total num rows rejected by all
											 * QEs */
	ErrorData *first_error = NULL;
	int			seg;
	struct pollfd	*pollRead;
	bool		io_errors = false;
	StringInfoData io_err_msg;
	List           *oidList = NIL;
	int				nest_level;



	 * Don't try to end a copy that already ended with the destruction of the
	 * writer gang. We know that this has happened if the CdbCopy's
	 * primary_writer is NULL.
	 * GPDB_91_MERGE_FIXME: ugh, this is nasty. We shouldn't be calling
	 * cdbCopyEnd twice on the same CdbCopy in the first place!
	gp = getCdbCopyPrimaryGang(c);
	if (!gp)
		if (total_rows_completed_p != NULL)
			*total_rows_completed_p = 0;
		if (total_rows_rejected_p != NULL)
			*total_rows_completed_p = -1;

	 * In COPY in mode, call PQputCopyEnd() to tell the segments that we're done.
	if (c->copy_in)
		for (seg = 0; seg < gp->size; seg++)
			SegmentDatabaseDescriptor *q = gp->db_descriptors[seg];
			int			result;

			elog(DEBUG1, "PQputCopyEnd seg %d    ", q->segindex);
			/* end this COPY command */
			result = PQputCopyEnd(q->conn, abort_msg);

			/* get command end status */
			if (result == -1)
				/* error */
								 "Failed to send end-of-copy to segment %d: %s",
								 seg, PQerrorMessage(q->conn));
				io_errors = true;
			if (result == 0)
				/* attempt blocked */

				 * CDB TODO: Can this occur?  The libpq documentation says, "this
				 * case is only possible if the connection is in nonblocking
				 * mode... wait for write-ready and try again", i.e., the proper
				 * response would be to retry, not error out.
								 "primary segment %d, dbid %d, attempt blocked\n",
								 seg, q->segment_database_info->config->dbid);
				io_errors = true;

	nest_level = GetCurrentTransactionNestLevel();

	pollRead = (struct pollfd *) palloc(sizeof(struct pollfd));
	for (seg = 0; seg < gp->size; seg++)
		SegmentDatabaseDescriptor *q = gp->db_descriptors[seg];
		int			result;
		PGresult   *res;
		int64		segment_rows_completed = 0; /* # of rows completed by this QE */
		int64		segment_rows_rejected = 0;	/* # of rows rejected by this QE */

		pollRead->fd = PQsocket(q->conn);
		pollRead->events = POLLIN;
		pollRead->revents = 0;

		while (PQisBusy(q->conn) && PQstatus(q->conn) == CONNECTION_OK)
			if ((Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH) && CancelRequested())

			if (poll(pollRead, 1, 200) > 0)


		 * Fetch any error status existing on completion of the COPY command.
		 * It is critical that for any connection that had an asynchronous
		 * command sent thru it, we call PQgetResult until it returns NULL.
		 * Otherwise, the next time a command is sent to that connection, it
		 * will return an error that there's a command pending.
		while ((res = PQgetResult(q->conn)) != NULL && PQstatus(q->conn) != CONNECTION_BAD)
			elog(DEBUG1, "PQgetResult got status %d seg %d    ",
				 PQresultStatus(res), q->segindex);


			/* if the COPY command had a data error */
			if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_FATAL_ERROR)
				 * Always append error from the primary. Append error from
				 * mirror only if its primary didn't have an error.
				 * For now, we only report the first error we get from the
				 * QE's.
				 * We get the error message in pieces so that we could append
				 * whoami to the primary error message only.
				if (!first_error)
					first_error = cdbdisp_get_PQerror(res);

			pgstat_combine_one_qe_result(&oidList, res, nest_level, q->segindex);

			if (q->conn->wrote_xlog)

				* Reset the worte_xlog here. Since if the received pgresult not process
				* the xlog write message('x' message sends from QE in ReadyForQuery),
				* the value may still refer to previous dispatch statement. Which may
				* always mark current top transaction has wrote xlog on executor.
				q->conn->wrote_xlog = false;

			 * If we are still in copy mode, tell QE to stop it.  COPY_IN
			 * protocol has a way to say 'end of copy' but COPY_OUT doesn't.
			 * We have no option but sending cancel message and consume the
			 * output until the state transition to non-COPY.
			if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COPY_IN)
				elog(LOG, "Segment still in copy in, retrying the putCopyEnd");
				result = PQputCopyEnd(q->conn, NULL);
			else if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COPY_OUT)
				char	   *buffer = NULL;
				int			ret;

				elog(LOG, "Segment still in copy out, canceling QE");

				 * I'm a bit worried about sending a cancel, as if this is a
				 * success case the QE gets inconsistent state than QD.  But
				 * this code path is mostly for error handling and in a
				 * success case we wouldn't see COPY_OUT here. It's not clear
				 * what to do if this cancel failed, since this is not a path
				 * we can error out.  FATAL maybe the way, but I leave it for
				 * now.

				 * Need to consume data from the QE until cancellation is
				 * recognized. PQgetCopyData() returns -1 when the COPY is
				 * done, a non-zero result indicates data was returned and in
				 * that case we'll drop it immediately since we aren't
				 * interested in the contents.
				while ((ret = PQgetCopyData(q->conn, &buffer, false)) != -1)
					if (ret > 0)
						if (buffer)

					/* An error occurred, log the error and break out */
					if (ret == -2)
								(errmsg("Error during cancellation: \"%s\"",
				if (buffer)

			/* in SREH mode, check if this seg rejected (how many) rows */
			if (res->numRejected > 0)
				segment_rows_rejected = res->numRejected;

			 * When COPY FROM, need to calculate the number of this
			 * segment's completed rows
			if (res->numCompleted > 0)
				segment_rows_completed = res->numCompleted;

			/* free the PGresult object */

		 * add up the number of rows completed and rejected from this segment
		 * to the totals. Only count from primary segs.
		if (segment_rows_rejected > 0)
			total_rows_rejected += segment_rows_rejected;
		if (segment_rows_completed > 0)
			total_rows_completed += segment_rows_completed;

		/* Lost the connection? */
		if (PQstatus(q->conn) == CONNECTION_BAD)
			/* command error */
			io_errors = true;
							 "Primary segment %d, dbid %d, with error: %s\n",
							 seg, q->segment_database_info->config->dbid,

			/* Free the PGconn object. */
			q->conn = NULL;

			/* Let FTS deal with it! */


	/* If lost contact with segment db, try to reconnect. */
	if (num_bad_connections > 0)
		elog(LOG, "error occurred while ending COPY: %s",;
		elog(LOG, "COPY signals FTS to probe segments");

		 * Before error out, we need to reset the session. Gang will be cleaned up
		 * when next transaction start, since it will find FTS version bump and
		 * call cdbcomponent_updateCdbComponents().

				 (errmsg("MPP detected %d segment failures, system is reconnected",

	 * Unless we are aborting the COPY, report any errors with ereport()
	if (!abort_msg)
		/* errors reported by the segments */
		if (first_error)

		/* errors that occurred in the COPY itself */
		if (io_errors)
					 errmsg("could not complete COPY on some segments"),

	if (total_rows_completed_p != NULL)
		*total_rows_completed_p = total_rows_completed;
	if (total_rows_rejected_p != NULL)
		*total_rows_rejected_p = total_rows_rejected;


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