greenplumn CEnumeratorConfig 源码

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greenplumn CEnumeratorConfig 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2013 EMC Corp.
//	@filename:
//		CEnumeratorConfig.h
//	@doc:
//		Configurations of plan enumerator
#ifndef GPOPT_CEnumeratorConfig_H
#define GPOPT_CEnumeratorConfig_H

#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/common/CDynamicPtrArray.h"
#include "gpos/common/CRefCount.h"

#include "gpopt/cost/CCost.h"
#include "naucrates/traceflags/traceflags.h"


namespace gpos
class CWStringDynamic;

namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;

// fwd declarations
class CExpression;

// type definition of plan checker
using FnPlanChecker = BOOL(CExpression *);

//	@class:
//		CEnumeratorConfig
//	@doc:
//		Configurations of plan enumerator
class CEnumeratorConfig : public CRefCount
	//	@class:
	//		SSamplePlan
	//	@doc:
	//		Internal structure to represent samples of plan space
	struct SSamplePlan
		// plan id
		ULLONG m_plan_id;

		// plan cost
		CCost m_cost;

		// ctor
		SSamplePlan(ULLONG plan_id, CCost cost)
			: m_plan_id(plan_id), m_cost(cost)

		// dtor
		virtual ~SSamplePlan() = default;

		// return plan id
		GetPlanId() const
			return m_plan_id;

		// return plan cost
		Cost() const
			return m_cost;

	};	// struct SSamplePlan

	// array og unsigned long long int
	using SSamplePlanArray = CDynamicPtrArray<SSamplePlan, CleanupDelete>;

	// memory pool
	CMemoryPool *m_mp;

	// identifier of chosen plan
	ULLONG m_plan_id;

	// size of plan space
	ULLONG m_ullSpaceSize;

	// number of required samples
	ULLONG m_ullInputSamples;

	// cost of best plan found
	CCost m_costBest;

	// max cost of a created plan sample
	CCost m_costMax;

	// max cost of accepted samples as a ratio to best plan cost
	CDouble m_dCostThreshold;

	// sampled plans
	SSamplePlanArray *m_pdrgpsp;

	// step value used in fitting cost distribution
	CDouble m_dStep;

	// x-values of fitted cost distribution
	DOUBLE *m_pdX;

	// y-values of fitted cost distribution
	DOUBLE *m_pdY;

	// size of fitted cost distribution
	ULONG m_ulDistrSize;

	// restrict plan sampling to plans satisfying required properties
	BOOL m_fSampleValidPlans;

	// plan checker function
	FnPlanChecker *m_pfpc;

	// initialize size of cost distribution
	void InitCostDistrSize();

	// compute Gaussian probability value
	static DOUBLE DGaussian(DOUBLE d, DOUBLE dMean, DOUBLE dStd);

	CEnumeratorConfig(const CEnumeratorConfig &) = delete;

	// ctor
	CEnumeratorConfig(CMemoryPool *mp, ULLONG plan_id, ULLONG ullSamples,
					  CDouble cost_threshold = GPOPT_UNBOUNDED_COST_THRESHOLD);

	// dtor
	~CEnumeratorConfig() override;

	// return plan id
	GetPlanId() const
		return m_plan_id;

	// return enumerated space size
	GetPlanSpaceSize() const
		return m_ullSpaceSize;

	// set plan space size
	SetPlanSpaceSize(ULLONG ullSpaceSize)
		m_ullSpaceSize = ullSpaceSize;

	// return number of required samples
	UllInputSamples() const
		return m_ullInputSamples;

	// return number of created samples
	UlCreatedSamples() const
		return m_pdrgpsp->Size();

	// set plan id
	SetPlanId(ULLONG plan_id)
		m_plan_id = plan_id;

	// return cost threshold
	DCostThreshold() const
		return m_dCostThreshold;

	// return id of a plan sample
	UllPlanSample(ULONG ulPos) const
		return (*m_pdrgpsp)[ulPos]->GetPlanId();

	// set cost of best plan found
	SetBestCost(CCost cost)
		m_costBest = cost;

	// return cost of best plan found
	CostBest() const
		return m_costBest;

	// return cost of a plan sample
	CostPlanSample(ULONG ulPos) const
		return (*m_pdrgpsp)[ulPos]->Cost();

	// add a new plan to sample
	BOOL FAddSample(ULLONG plan_id, CCost cost);

	// clear samples
	void ClearSamples();

	// return x-value of cost distribution
	CDouble DCostDistrX(ULONG ulPos) const;

	// return y-value of cost distribution
	CDouble DCostDistrY(ULONG ulPos) const;

	// fit cost distribution on generated samples
	void FitCostDistribution();

	// return size of fitted cost distribution
	UlCostDistrSize() const
		return m_ulDistrSize;

	// is enumeration enabled?
	static BOOL
		return GPOS_FTRACE(EopttraceEnumeratePlans);

	// is sampling enabled?
	static BOOL
		return GPOS_FTRACE(EopttraceSamplePlans);

	// return plan checker function
	FnPlanChecker *
	Pfpc() const
		return m_pfpc;

	// set plan checker function
	SetPlanChecker(FnPlanChecker *pfpc)
		GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pfpc);

		m_pfpc = pfpc;

	// restrict sampling to plans satisfying required properties
	// we need to change settings for testing
	SetSampleValidPlans(BOOL fSampleValidPlans)
		m_fSampleValidPlans = fSampleValidPlans;

	// return true if sampling can only generate valid plans
	FSampleValidPlans() const
		return m_fSampleValidPlans;

	// check given plan using PlanChecker function
	FCheckPlan(CExpression *pexpr) const
		GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pexpr);

		if (nullptr != m_pfpc)
			return m_pfpc(pexpr);

		return true;

	// dump samples to an output file
	void DumpSamples(CWStringDynamic *str, ULONG ulSessionId,
					 ULONG ulCommandId);

	// dump fitted cost distribution to an output file
	void DumpCostDistr(CWStringDynamic *str, ULONG ulSessionId,
					   ULONG ulCommandId);

	// print ids of plans in the generated sample
	void PrintPlanSample() const;

	// compute Gaussian kernel density
	static void GussianKernelDensity(const DOUBLE *pdObervationX,
									 const DOUBLE *pdObervationY,
									 ULONG ulObservations, const DOUBLE *pdX,
									 DOUBLE *pdY, ULONG size);

	// generate default enumerator configurations
	static CEnumeratorConfig *
	PecDefault(CMemoryPool *mp)
		return GPOS_NEW(mp)
			CEnumeratorConfig(mp, 0 /*plan_id*/, 0 /*ullSamples*/);

	// generate enumerator configuration for a given plan id
	static CEnumeratorConfig *
	GetEnumeratorCfg(CMemoryPool *mp, ULLONG plan_id)
		return GPOS_NEW(mp) CEnumeratorConfig(mp, plan_id, 0 /*ullSamples*/);

};	// class CEnumeratorConfig

}  // namespace gpopt

#endif	// !GPOPT_CEnumeratorConfig_H

// EOF


greenplumn 源码目录


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