greenplumn CCostContext 源码
greenplumn CCostContext 代码
// Greenplum Database
// Copyright (C) 2011 EMC Corp.
// @filename:
// CCostContext.h
// @doc:
// Cost context object stores the cost of a group expression under
// a given optimization context
#ifndef GPOPT_CCostContext_H
#define GPOPT_CCostContext_H
#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/common/CRefCount.h"
#include "gpopt/base/COptimizationContext.h"
#include "gpopt/cost/CCost.h"
#include "gpopt/cost/ICostModel.h"
// infinite plan cost
#define GPOPT_INFINITE_COST CCost(1e+100)
// invalid cost value
#define GPOPT_INVALID_COST CCost(-0.5)
namespace gpopt
using namespace gpos;
// fwd declarations
class CDrvdPropPlan;
class CCostContext;
// array of cost contexts
using CCostContextArray = CDynamicPtrArray<CCostContext, CleanupRelease>;
// cost context pointer definition
using COSTCTXT_PTR = CCostContext *;
// cost context pointer definition
using CONST_COSTCTXT_PTR = const CCostContext *;
// @class:
// CCostContext
// @doc:
// Cost context
class CCostContext : public CRefCount, public DbgPrintMixin<CCostContext>
// states of cost context
enum EState
estUncosted, // initial state
estCosting, // ongoing costing
estCosted, // done costing
// memory pool
CMemoryPool *m_mp;
// cost of group expression under optimization context
CCost m_cost;
// cost context state
EState m_estate;
// back pointer to owner group expression
CGroupExpression *m_pgexpr;
// group expression to be used stats derivation during costing
CGroupExpression *m_pgexprForStats;
// array of optimization contexts of child groups
COptimizationContextArray *m_pdrgpoc;
// derived properties of the carried plan
CDrvdPropPlan *m_pdpplan;
// optimization request number
ULONG m_ulOptReq;
// flag to indicate if cost context is pruned,
// a cost context is pruned during branch-and-bound search if there exists
// an equivalent context with better cost
BOOL m_fPruned;
// stats of owner group expression
IStatistics *m_pstats;
// derive stats of owner group expression
void DeriveStats();
// return the number of rows per host
CDouble DRowsPerHost() const;
// for two cost contexts with join plans of the same cost, break the tie based on join depth,
// if tie-resolution succeeded, store a pointer to preferred cost context in output argument
static void BreakCostTiesForJoinPlans(const CCostContext *pccFst,
const CCostContext *pccSnd,
BOOL *pfTiesResolved);
CCostContext(const CCostContext &) = delete;
// main optimization context
COptimizationContext *m_poc;
// link for cost context hash table in CGroupExpression
SLink m_link;
// ctor
CCostContext(CMemoryPool *mp, COptimizationContext *poc, ULONG ulOptReq,
CGroupExpression *pgexpr);
// dtor
~CCostContext() override;
// main optimization context accessor
COptimizationContext *
Poc() const
return m_poc;
// accessor of optimization request number
UlOptReq() const
return m_ulOptReq;
// is context pruned based on cost comparison?
FPruned() const
return m_fPruned;
// set pruned flag
m_fPruned = true;
// accessor of child optimization contexts array
COptimizationContextArray *
Pdrgpoc() const
return m_pdrgpoc;
// cost accessor
Cost() const
return m_cost;
// state accessor
Est() const
return m_estate;
// owner group expression accessor
CGroupExpression *
Pgexpr() const
return m_pgexpr;
// group expression for stats derivation
CGroupExpression *
PgexprForStats() const
return m_pgexprForStats;
// return stats of owner group expression
IStatistics *
Pstats() const
return m_pstats;
// check if we need to derive stats for this context
BOOL FNeedsNewStats() const;
// check if new stats were derived for this context
BOOL FOwnsStats() const;
// derived plan properties accessor
CDrvdPropPlan *
Pdpplan() const
return m_pdpplan;
// set cost value
SetCost(CCost cost)
m_cost = cost;
// derive properties of the plan carried by cost context
void DerivePlanProps(CMemoryPool *mp);
// set cost context state
SetState(EState estNewState)
GPOS_ASSERT(estNewState == (EState)(m_estate + 1));
m_estate = estNewState;
// set child contexts
SetChildContexts(COptimizationContextArray *pdrgpoc)
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr == m_pdrgpoc);
GPOS_ASSERT(nullptr != pdrgpoc);
m_pdrgpoc = pdrgpoc;
// check validity by comparing derived and required properties
BOOL IsValid(CMemoryPool *mp);
// comparison operator
BOOL operator==(const CCostContext &cc) const;
// compute cost
CCost CostCompute(CMemoryPool *mp, CCostArray *pdrgpcostChildren);
// is current context better than the given equivalent context based on cost?
BOOL FBetterThan(const CCostContext *pcc) const;
// is this cost context of a two stage scalar DQA created by CXformSplitDQA
static BOOL IsTwoStageScalarDQACostCtxt(const CCostContext *pcc);
// is this cost context of a three stage scalar DQA created by CXformSplitDQA
static BOOL IsThreeStageScalarDQACostCtxt(const CCostContext *pcc);
// equality function
static BOOL
Equals(const CCostContext &ccLeft, const CCostContext &ccRight)
// check if we are comparing against invalid context
if (nullptr == ccLeft.Poc() || nullptr == ccRight.Poc())
return nullptr == ccLeft.Poc() && nullptr == ccRight.Poc();
return ccLeft.UlOptReq() == ccRight.UlOptReq() &&
ccLeft.Pgexpr() == ccRight.Pgexpr() &&
// equality function
static BOOL
Equals(const CCostContext *pccLeft, const CCostContext *pccRight)
return Equals(*pccLeft, *pccRight);
// hash function
static ULONG
HashValue(const CCostContext &cc)
return COptimizationContext::HashValue(*(cc.Poc()));
// hash function
static ULONG
HashValue(const CCostContext *pcc)
return HashValue(*pcc);
// debug print
IOstream &OsPrint(IOstream &os) const;
}; // class CCostContext
} // namespace gpopt
#endif // !GPOPT_CCostContext_H
// EOF
greenplumn CColConstraintsArrayMapper 源码
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