greenplumn CWindowFrame 源码

  • 2022-08-18
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greenplumn CWindowFrame 代码


//	Greenplum Database
//	Copyright (C) 2012 EMC Corp.
//	@filename:
//		CWindowFrame.h
//	@doc:
//		Description of window frame
#ifndef GPOPT_CWindowFrame_H
#define GPOPT_CWindowFrame_H

#include "gpos/base.h"
#include "gpos/common/CRefCount.h"

#include "gpopt/base/CColRef.h"
#include "gpopt/base/CPropSpec.h"

namespace gpopt
// type definition of corresponding dynamic pointer array
class CWindowFrame;
using CWindowFrameArray = CDynamicPtrArray<CWindowFrame, CleanupRelease>;

using namespace gpos;

//	@class:
//		CWindowFrame
//	@doc:
//		Description of window frame
class CWindowFrame : public CRefCount, public DbgPrintMixin<CWindowFrame>
	// specification method
	enum EFrameSpec
		EfsRows,   // frame is specified using Rows construct
		EfsRange,  // frame is specified using Range construct


	// types of frame boundary
	enum EFrameBoundary
		EfbUnboundedPreceding,	// boundary is unlimited preceding current row
		EfbBoundedPreceding,	// boundary is limited preceding current row
		EfbCurrentRow,			// boundary is set to current row
		EfbUnboundedFollowing,	// boundary is unlimited following current row
		EfbBoundedFollowing,	// boundary is limited following current row
		EfbDelayedBoundedPreceding,	 // boundary is delayed preceding current row
		EfbDelayedBoundedFollowing,	 // boundary is delayed following current row


	// possible exclusion strategies
	enum EFrameExclusionStrategy
		EfesNone,			 // no exclusion
		EfesNulls,			 // exclude nulls
		EfesCurrentRow,		 // exclude current row
		EfseMatchingOthers,	 // exclude other rows matching current row
		EfesTies,			 // exclude other matching rows and current row


	// specification method
	const EFrameSpec m_efs{EfsRange};

	// type of leading edge
	const EFrameBoundary m_efbLeading{EfbUnboundedPreceding};

	// type of trailing edge
	const EFrameBoundary m_efbTrailing{EfbCurrentRow};

	// scalar value of leading edge, memory owned by this class
	CExpression *m_pexprLeading{nullptr};

	// scalar value of trailing edge, memory owned by this class
	CExpression *m_pexprTrailing{nullptr};

	// exclusion strategy
	const EFrameExclusionStrategy m_efes{EfesNone};

	// columns used by frame edges
	CColRefSet *m_pcrsUsed{nullptr};

	// singelton empty frame -- used with any unspecified window function frame
	static const CWindowFrame m_wfEmpty;

	// private dummy ctor used to create empty frame

	CWindowFrame(const CWindowFrame &) = delete;

	// ctor
	CWindowFrame(CMemoryPool *mp, EFrameSpec efs, EFrameBoundary efbLeading,
				 EFrameBoundary efbTrailing, CExpression *pexprLeading,
				 CExpression *pexprTrailing, EFrameExclusionStrategy efes);

	// dtor
	~CWindowFrame() override;

	// specification
	Efs() const
		return m_efs;

	// type of leading edge
	EfbLeading() const
		return m_efbLeading;

	// type of trailing edge
	EfbTrailing() const
		return m_efbTrailing;

	// scalar value of leading edge
	CExpression *
	PexprLeading() const
		return m_pexprLeading;

	// scalar value of trailing edge
	CExpression *
	PexprTrailing() const
		return m_pexprTrailing;

	// exclusion strategy
	Efes() const
		return m_efes;

	// matching function
	BOOL Matches(const CWindowFrame *pwf) const;

	// hash function
	virtual ULONG HashValue() const;

	// return a copy of the window frame with remapped columns
	virtual CWindowFrame *PwfCopyWithRemappedColumns(
		CMemoryPool *mp, UlongToColRefMap *colref_mapping, BOOL must_exist);

	// return columns used by frame edges
	CColRefSet *
	PcrsUsed() const
		return m_pcrsUsed;

	// print
	IOstream &OsPrint(IOstream &os) const;

	// matching function over frame arrays
	static BOOL Equals(const CWindowFrameArray *pdrgpwfFirst,
					   const CWindowFrameArray *pdrgpwfSecond);

	// combine hash values of a maximum number of entries
	static ULONG HashValue(const CWindowFrameArray *pdrgpwfFirst,
						   ULONG ulMaxSize);

	// print array of window frame objects
	static IOstream &OsPrint(IOstream &os, const CWindowFrameArray *pdrgpwf);

	// check if a given window frame is empty
	static BOOL
	IsEmpty(CWindowFrame *pwf)
		return pwf == &m_wfEmpty;

	// return pointer to singleton empty window frame
	static const CWindowFrame *
		return &m_wfEmpty;

};	// class CWindowFrame

}  // namespace gpopt

#endif	// !GPOPT_CWindowFrame_H

// EOF


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