greenplumn sharedsnapshot 源码
greenplumn sharedsnapshot 代码
* sharedsnapshot.c
* GPDB shared snapshot management.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2009, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/backend/utils/time/sharedsnapshot.c
* In Greenplum, as part of slice plans, many postgres processes (qExecs, QE)
* running on a single segment database as part of the same user's SQL
* statement. All of the qExecs that belong to a particular user on a
* particular segment database need to have consistent visibility. Idea used
* is called "Shared Local Snapshot". Shared-memory data structure
* SharedSnapshotSlot shares session and transaction information among
* session's gang processes on a particular database instance. The processes
* are called a SegMate process group.
* A SegMate process group is a QE (Query Executor) Writer process and 0, 1 or
* more QE Reader processes. Greenplum needed to invent a SegMate sharing
* mechanism because in Postgres there is only 1 backend and most needed
* information is simply available in private memory. With Greenplum session
* parallelism on database instances, we need to have a way to share
* not-yet-committed session information among the SegMates. This information
* includes transaction snapshots, sub-transaction status, so-called combo-cid
* mapping, etc.
* An example: the QE readers need to use the same snapshot and command number
* information as the QE writer so they see the current data written by the QE
* writer. During a transaction, the QE Writer writes new data into the
* shared-memory buffered cache. Later in that same transaction, QE Readers
* will need to recognize which tuples in the shared-memory buffered cache are
* for its session's transaction to perform correctly.
* Another example: the QE readers need to know which sub-transactions are
* active or committed for a session's transaction so they can properly read
* sub-transaction data written by the QE writer for the transaction.
* So, the theme is to share private, not-yet-committed session transaction
* information with the QE Readers so the SegMate process group can all work
* on the transaction correctly. [We mostly think of QE Writers/Readers being
* on the segments. However, masters have special purpose QE Reader called the
* Entry DB Singleton. So, the SegMate module also works on the master.]
* Each shared snapshot is local only to the segment database. High level
* Writer gang member establishes a local transaction, acquires the slot in
* shared snapshot shmem space and copies the snapshot information into shared
* memory where the other qExecs that are segmates can find it. Following
* section convers details on how shared memory initialization happens, who
* writes the snapshot, how its controlled how/when the readers can read the
* snapshot, locking, etc..
* Shared Memory Initialization: Shared memory is setup by the postmaster. One
* slot for every user connection on the QD is kind of needed to store a data
* structure for a set of segmates to store their snapshot information. In
* each slot QE writer stores information defined by SharedSnapshotSlot.
* PQsendMppStatement: Is the same as PQsendQuery except that it also sends a
* serialized snapshot and xid. postgres.c has been modified to accept this
* new protocol message. It does pretty much the same stuff as it would for a
* 'Q' (normal query) except it unpacks the snapshot and xid from the QD and
* stores it away. All QEs get sent in a QD snapshot during statement
* dispatch.
* Global Session ID: The shared snapshot shared memory is split into slots. A
* set of segmates for a given user requires a single slot. The snapshot
* information and other information is stored within the snapshot. A unique
* session id identifies all the components in the system that are working for
* a single user session. Within a single segment database this essentially
* defines what it means to be "segmates." The shared snapshot slot is
* identified by this unique session id. The unique session id is sent in from
* the QD as a GUC called "mpp_session_id". So the slot's field "slotid" will
* store the "mpp_session_id" that WRITER to the slot will use. Readers of the
* slot will find the correct slot by finding the one that has the slotid
* equal to their own mpp_session_id.
* Single Writer: Mechanism is simplified by introducing the restriction of
* only having a single qExec in a set of segmates capable of writing. Single
* WRITER qExec is the only qExec amongst all of its segmates that will ever
* perform database write operations. Benefits of the approach, Single WRITER
* qExec is the only member of a set of segmates that need to participate in
* global transactions. Also... only this WRITER qExec really has to do
* anything during commit. Assumption seems since they are just reader qExecs
* that this is not a problem. The single WRITER qExec is the only qExec that
* is guaranteed to participate in every dispatched statement for a given user
* (at least to that segdb). Also, it is this WRITER qExec that performs any
* utility statement.
* Coordinating Readers and Writers: The coordination is on when the writer
* has set the snapshot such that the readers can get it and use it. In
* general, we cannot assume that the writer will get to setting it before the
* reader needs it and so we need to build a mechanism for the reader to (1)
* know that its reading the right snapshot and (2) know when it can read.
* The Mpp_session_id stored in the SharedSnapshotSlot is the piece of
* information that lets the reader know it has got the right slot. And it
* knows can read it when the xid and cid in the slot match the transactionid
* and curid sent in from the QD in the SnapshotInfo field. Basically QE
* READERS aren't allowed to read the shared local snapshot until the shared
* local snapshot has the same QD statement id as the QE Reader. i.e. the QE
* WRITER updates the local snapshot and then writes the QD statement id into
* the slot which identifies the "freshness" of that information. Currently QE
* readers check that value and if its not been set they sleep (gasp!) for a
* while. Think this approach is definitely not elegant and robust would be
* great maybe to replace it with latch based approach.
* Cursor handling through SharedSnapshot: Cursors are funny case because they
* read through a snapshot taken when the create cursor command was executed,
* not through the current snapshot. Originally, the SharedSnapshotSlot was
* designed for just the current command. The default transaction isolation
* mode is READ COMMITTED, which cause a new snapshot to be created each
* command. Each command in an explicit transaction started with BEGIN and
* completed with COMMIT, etc. So, cursors would read through the current
* snapshot instead of the create cursor snapshot and see data they shouldn't
* see. The problem turns out to be a little more subtle because of the
* existence of QE Readers and the fact that QE Readers can be created later –
* long after the create cursor command. So, the solution was to serialize the
* current snapshot to a temporary file during create cursor so that
* subsequently created QE Readers could get the right snapshot to use from
* the temporary file and ignore the SharedSnapshotSlot.
* Sub-Transaction handling through SharedSnapshot: QE Readers need to know
* which sub-transactions the QE Writer has committed and which are active so
* QE Readers can see the right data. While a sub-transaction may be committed
* in an active parent transaction, that data is not formally committed until
* the parent commits. And, active sub-transactions are not even
* sub-transaction committed yet. So, other transactions cannot see active or
* committed sub-transaction work yet. Without adding special logic to a QE
* Reader, it would be considered another transaction and not see the
* committed or active sub-transaction work. This is because QE Readers do not
* start their own transaction. We just set a few variables in the xact.c
* module to fake making it look like there is a current transaction,
* including which sub-transactions are active or committed. This is a
* kludge. In order for the QE Reader to fake being part of the QE Writer
* transaction, we put the current transaction id and the values of all active
* and committed sub-transaction ids into the SharedSnapshotSlot shared-memory
* structure. Since shared-memory is not dynamic, poses an arbitrary limit on
* the number of sub-transaction ids we keep in the SharedSnapshotSlot
* in-memory. Once this limit is exceeded the sub-transaction ids are written
* to temp files on disk. See how the TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId
* procedure in xact.c checks to see if the backend executing is a QE Reader
* (or Entry DB Singleton), and if it is, walk through the sub-transaction ids
* in SharedSnapshotSlot.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/distributedlog.h"
#include "access/twophase.h" /*max_prepared_xacts*/
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "cdb/cdbtm.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "funcapi.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
#include "storage/proc.h"
#include "storage/procarray.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/faultinjector.h"
#include "utils/guc.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/resowner.h"
#include "utils/sharedsnapshot.h"
#include "utils/snapmgr.h"
* Distributed Snapshot that gets sent in from the QD to processes running
* in EXECUTE mode.
DtxContext DistributedTransactionContext = DTX_CONTEXT_LOCAL_ONLY;
DtxContextInfo QEDtxContextInfo = DtxContextInfo_StaticInit;
#define DUMP_HASH_SZ 1024
typedef struct DumpEntry
uint32 segmate;
FullTransactionId localXid;
Snapshot snapshot;
} DumpEntry;
/* local hash table to store cursor snapshot dump*/
static HTAB *dumpHtab = NULL;
static bool created_dump = false;
static ResourceOwner DumpResOwner = NULL; /* shared snapshot dump resources */
/* MPP Shared Snapshot. */
typedef struct SharedSnapshotStruct
int numSlots; /* number of valid Snapshot entries */
int maxSlots; /* allocated size of sharedSnapshotArray */
int nextSlot; /* points to the next avail slot. */
* We now allow direct indexing into this array.
* We allocate the XIPS below.
* Be very careful when accessing fields inside here.
SharedSnapshotSlot *slots;
TransactionId *xips; /* VARIABLE LENGTH ARRAY */
} SharedSnapshotStruct;
static volatile SharedSnapshotStruct *sharedSnapshotArray;
volatile SharedSnapshotSlot *SharedLocalSnapshotSlot = NULL;
static Size slotSize = 0;
static Size slotCount = 0;
static Size xipEntryCount = 0;
/* prototypes for internal functions */
static SharedSnapshotSlot *SharedSnapshotAdd(int32 slotId);
static SharedSnapshotSlot *SharedSnapshotLookup(int32 slotId);
* Report shared-memory space needed by CreateSharedSnapshot.
Size size;
/* should be the same as PROCARRAY_MAXPROCS */
xipEntryCount = MaxBackends + max_prepared_xacts;
slotSize = sizeof(SharedSnapshotSlot);
slotSize += mul_size(sizeof(TransactionId), (xipEntryCount));
slotSize = MAXALIGN(slotSize);
* We only really need MaxBackends; but for safety we multiply that by two
* (to account for slow de-allocation on cleanup, for instance).
* MaxBackends is only somewhat right. What we really want here is the
* MaxBackends value from the QD. But this is at least safe since we know
* we dont need *MORE* than MaxBackends. But in general MaxBackends on a
* QE is going to be bigger than on a QE by a good bit. or at least it
* should be.
size = offsetof(SharedSnapshotStruct, xips);
size = add_size(size, mul_size(slotSize, slotCount));
RequestNamedLWLockTranche("SharedSnapshotLocks", slotCount);
return MAXALIGN(size);
* Initialize the sharedSnapshot array. This array is used to communicate
* snapshots between qExecs that are segmates.
bool found;
int i;
TransactionId *xip_base=NULL;
/* Create or attach to the SharedSnapshot shared structure */
sharedSnapshotArray = (SharedSnapshotStruct *)
ShmemInitStruct("Shared Snapshot", SharedSnapshotShmemSize(), &found);
Assert(slotCount != 0);
Assert(xipEntryCount != 0);
if (!found)
* We're the first - initialize.
LWLockPadded *lock_base;
sharedSnapshotArray->numSlots = 0;
/* slotCount is initialized in SharedSnapshotShmemSize(). */
sharedSnapshotArray->maxSlots = slotCount;
sharedSnapshotArray->nextSlot = 0;
* Set slots to point to the next byte beyond what was allocated for
* SharedSnapshotStruct. xips is the last element in the struct but is
* not included in SharedSnapshotShmemSize allocation.
sharedSnapshotArray->slots = (SharedSnapshotSlot *)&sharedSnapshotArray->xips;
/* xips start just after the last slot structure */
xip_base = (TransactionId *)&sharedSnapshotArray->slots[sharedSnapshotArray->maxSlots];
lock_base = GetNamedLWLockTranche("SharedSnapshotLocks");
for (i=0; i < sharedSnapshotArray->maxSlots; i++)
SharedSnapshotSlot *tmpSlot = &sharedSnapshotArray->slots[i];
tmpSlot->slotid = -1;
tmpSlot->slotindex = i;
tmpSlot->slotLock = &lock_base[i].lock;
MemSet(tmpSlot->dump, 0, sizeof(SnapshotDump) * SNAPSHOTDUMPARRAYSZ);
tmpSlot->cur_dump_id = 0;
* Fixup xip array pointer reference space allocated after slot structs:
* Note: xipEntryCount is initialized in SharedSnapshotShmemSize().
* So each slot gets (MaxBackends + max_prepared_xacts) transaction-ids.
tmpSlot->snapshot.xip = &xip_base[0];
xip_base += xipEntryCount;
* Used to dump the internal state of the shared slots for debugging.
char *
StringInfoData str;
volatile SharedSnapshotStruct *arrayP = sharedSnapshotArray;
int index;
appendStringInfo(&str, "Local SharedSnapshot Slot Dump: currSlots: %d maxSlots: %d ",
arrayP->numSlots, arrayP->maxSlots);
for (index=0; index < arrayP->maxSlots; index++)
/* need to do byte addressing to find the right slot */
SharedSnapshotSlot *testSlot = &arrayP->slots[index];
if (testSlot->slotid != -1)
appendStringInfo(&str, "(SLOT index: %d slotid: %d QDxid: "UINT64_FORMAT" pid: %u)",
testSlot->slotindex, testSlot->slotid, testSlot->distributedXid,
testSlot->writer_proc ? testSlot->writer_proc->pid : 0);
/* Acquires an available slot in the sharedSnapshotArray. The slot is then
* marked with the supplied slotId. This slotId is what others will use to
* find this slot. This should only ever be called by the "writer" qExec.
* The slotId should be something that is unique amongst all the possible
* "writer" qExecs active on a segment database at a given moment. It also
* will need to be communicated to the "reader" qExecs so that they can find
* this slot.
static SharedSnapshotSlot *
SharedSnapshotAdd(int32 slotId)
SharedSnapshotSlot *slot;
volatile SharedSnapshotStruct *arrayP = sharedSnapshotArray;
int nextSlot, i;
int retryCount = gp_snapshotadd_timeout * 10; /* .1 s per wait */
LWLockAcquire(SharedSnapshotLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
slot = NULL;
for (i=0; i < arrayP->maxSlots; i++)
SharedSnapshotSlot *testSlot = &arrayP->slots[i];
if (testSlot->slotindex > arrayP->maxSlots)
elog(ERROR, "Shared Local Snapshots Array appears corrupted: %s", SharedSnapshotDump());
if (testSlot->slotid == slotId)
slot = testSlot;
if (slot != NULL)
elog(DEBUG1, "SharedSnapshotAdd: found existing entry for our session-id. id %d retry %d pid %u", slotId, retryCount,
slot->writer_proc ? slot->writer_proc->pid : 0);
if (retryCount > 0)
pg_usleep(100000); /* 100ms, wait gp_snapshotadd_timeout seconds max. */
goto retry;
char *slot_dump = SharedSnapshotDump();
elog(ERROR, "writer segworker group shared snapshot collision on id %d. Slot array dump: %s",
slotId, slot_dump);
if (arrayP->numSlots >= arrayP->maxSlots || arrayP->nextSlot == -1)
* Ooops, no room. this shouldn't happen as something else should have
* complained if we go over MaxBackends.
errmsg("sorry, too many clients already."),
errdetail("There are no more available slots in the sharedSnapshotArray."),
errhint("Another piece of code should have detected that we have too many clients."
" this probably means that someone isn't releasing their slot properly.")));
slot = &arrayP->slots[arrayP->nextSlot];
slot->slotindex = arrayP->nextSlot;
* find the next available slot
nextSlot = -1;
for (i=arrayP->nextSlot+1; i < arrayP->maxSlots; i++)
SharedSnapshotSlot *tmpSlot = &arrayP->slots[i];
if (tmpSlot->slotid == -1)
nextSlot = i;
arrayP->nextSlot = nextSlot;
/* initialize some things */
slot->slotid = slotId;
slot->fullXid = InvalidFullTransactionId;
slot->startTimestamp = 0;
slot->distributedXid = InvalidDistributedTransactionId;
slot->segmateSync = 0;
/* Remember the writer proc for IsCurrentTransactionIdForReader */
slot->writer_proc = MyProc;
slot->writer_xact = MyPgXact;
return slot;
GetSlotTableDebugInfo(void **snapshotArray, int *maxSlots)
*snapshotArray = (void *)sharedSnapshotArray;
*maxSlots = sharedSnapshotArray->maxSlots;
* Used by "reader" qExecs to find the slot in the sharedsnapshotArray with the
* specified slotId. In general, we should always be able to find the specified
* slot unless something unexpected. If the slot is not found, then NULL is
* returned.
* MPP-4599: retry in the same pattern as the writer.
static SharedSnapshotSlot *
SharedSnapshotLookup(int32 slotId)
SharedSnapshotSlot *slot = NULL;
volatile SharedSnapshotStruct *arrayP = sharedSnapshotArray;
int retryCount = gp_snapshotadd_timeout * 10; /* .1 s per wait */
int index;
for (;;)
LWLockAcquire(SharedSnapshotLock, LW_SHARED);
for (index=0; index < arrayP->maxSlots; index++)
SharedSnapshotSlot *testSlot;
testSlot = &arrayP->slots[index];
if (testSlot->slotindex > arrayP->maxSlots)
elog(ERROR, "Shared Local Snapshots Array appears corrupted: %s", SharedSnapshotDump());
if (testSlot->slotid == slotId)
slot = testSlot;
if (slot != NULL)
if (retryCount > 0)
pg_usleep(100000); /* 100ms, wait gp_snapshotadd_timeout seconds max. */
return slot;
* Used by the "writer" qExec to "release" the slot it had been using.
SharedSnapshotRemove(volatile SharedSnapshotSlot *slot, char *creatorDescription)
int slotId = slot->slotid;
LWLockAcquire(SharedSnapshotLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
/* determine if we need to modify the next available slot to use. we
* only do this is our slotindex is lower then the existing one.
if (sharedSnapshotArray->nextSlot == -1 || slot->slotindex < sharedSnapshotArray->nextSlot)
if (slot->slotindex > sharedSnapshotArray->maxSlots)
elog(ERROR, "Shared Local Snapshots slot has a bogus slotindex: %d. slot array dump: %s",
slot->slotindex, SharedSnapshotDump());
sharedSnapshotArray->nextSlot = slot->slotindex;
/* reset the slotid which marks it as being unused. */
slot->slotid = -1;
slot->fullXid = InvalidFullTransactionId;
slot->startTimestamp = 0;
slot->distributedXid = InvalidDistributedTransactionId;
slot->segmateSync = 0;
sharedSnapshotArray->numSlots -= 1;
elog((Debug_print_full_dtm ? LOG : DEBUG5),"SharedSnapshotRemove removed slot for slotId = %d, creator = %s (address %p)",
slotId, creatorDescription, SharedLocalSnapshotSlot);
addSharedSnapshot(char *creatorDescription, int id)
SharedLocalSnapshotSlot = SharedSnapshotAdd(id);
elog((Debug_print_full_dtm ? LOG : DEBUG5),"%s added Shared Local Snapshot slot for gp_session_id = %d (address %p)",
creatorDescription, id, SharedLocalSnapshotSlot);
lookupSharedSnapshot(char *lookerDescription, char *creatorDescription, int id)
SharedSnapshotSlot *slot;
slot = SharedSnapshotLookup(id);
if (slot == NULL)
LWLockAcquire(SharedSnapshotLock, LW_SHARED);
(errmsg("%s could not find Shared Local Snapshot!",
errdetail("Tried to find a shared snapshot slot with id: %d "
"and found none. Shared Local Snapshots dump: %s", id,
errhint("Either this %s was created before the %s or the %s died.",
lookerDescription, creatorDescription, creatorDescription)));
SharedLocalSnapshotSlot = slot;
elog((Debug_print_full_dtm ? LOG : DEBUG5),"%s found Shared Local Snapshot slot for gp_session_id = %d created by %s (address %p)",
lookerDescription, id, creatorDescription, SharedLocalSnapshotSlot);
* Dump the shared local snapshot, so that the readers can pick it up.
ResourceOwner oldowner;
SharedSnapshotSlot *src = NULL;
Assert(Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH || (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE && Gp_is_writer));
Assert(SharedLocalSnapshotSlot != NULL);
if (DumpResOwner== NULL)
DumpResOwner = ResourceOwnerCreate(NULL, "SharedSnapshotDumpResOwner");
LWLockAcquire(SharedLocalSnapshotSlot->slotLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
created_dump = true;
oldowner = CurrentResourceOwner;
CurrentResourceOwner = DumpResOwner;
src = (SharedSnapshotSlot *)SharedLocalSnapshotSlot;
Size sz ;
dsm_segment *segment;
int id = src->cur_dump_id;
volatile SnapshotDump *pDump = &src->dump[id];
sz = EstimateSnapshotSpace(&src->snapshot);
segment = dsm_create(sz, 0);
char *ptr = dsm_segment_address(segment);
SerializeSnapshot(&src->snapshot, ptr);
pDump->segment = segment;
pDump->handle = dsm_segment_handle(segment);
pDump->segmateSync = src->segmateSync;
pDump->distributedXid = src->distributedXid;
pDump->localXid = src->fullXid;
elog(LOG, "Dump syncmate : %u snapshot to slot %d", src->segmateSync, id);
src->cur_dump_id =
(src->cur_dump_id + 1) % SNAPSHOTDUMPARRAYSZ;
CurrentResourceOwner = oldowner;
readSharedLocalSnapshot_forCursor(Snapshot snapshot, DtxContext distributedTransactionContext)
bool found;
SharedSnapshotSlot *src = NULL;
FullTransactionId localXid;
Assert(Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE);
Assert(SharedLocalSnapshotSlot != NULL);
Assert(snapshot->xip != NULL);
if (dumpHtab == NULL)
HASHCTL hash_ctl;
memset(&hash_ctl, 0, sizeof(hash_ctl));
hash_ctl.keysize = sizeof(uint32);
hash_ctl.entrysize = sizeof(DumpEntry);
hash_ctl.hcxt = TopTransactionContext;
dumpHtab = hash_create("snapshot dump",
/* check segmate in local memory, only sync from shared memory once */
DumpEntry *entry = hash_search(dumpHtab, &QEDtxContextInfo.segmateSync, HASH_ENTER, &found);
volatile SnapshotDump *pDump = NULL;
if (!found)
src = (SharedSnapshotSlot *)SharedLocalSnapshotSlot;
LWLockAcquire(src->slotLock, LW_SHARED);
int search_finish_id = src->cur_dump_id;
int search_iter = search_finish_id;
if (search_iter < 0)
search_iter = SNAPSHOTDUMPARRAYSZ - 1;
if (src->dump[search_iter].segmateSync == QEDtxContextInfo.segmateSync &&
src->dump[search_iter].distributedXid == QEDtxContextInfo.distributedXid)
pDump = &src->dump[search_iter];
found = true;
search_iter --;
} while (search_iter != search_finish_id);
if (!found)
LWLockAcquire(SharedSnapshotLock, LW_SHARED); /* For SharedSnapshotDump() */
ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("could not find Shared Local Snapshot!"),
errdetail("Tried to set the shared local snapshot slot with segmate: %u "
"and failed. Shared Local Snapshots dump: %s", QEDtxContextInfo.segmateSync,
Assert(pDump->handle != 0);
dsm_segment* segment = dsm_attach(pDump->handle);
char *ptr = dsm_segment_address(segment);
entry->snapshot = RestoreSnapshot(ptr);
entry->localXid = pDump->localXid;
Snapshot dumpsnapshot = entry->snapshot;
localXid = entry->localXid;
snapshot->xmin = dumpsnapshot->xmin;
snapshot->xmax = dumpsnapshot->xmax;
snapshot->xcnt = dumpsnapshot->xcnt;
memcpy(snapshot->xip, dumpsnapshot->xip, snapshot->xcnt * sizeof(TransactionId));
/* zero out the slack in the xip-array */
memset(snapshot->xip + snapshot->xcnt, 0, (xipEntryCount - snapshot->xcnt)*sizeof(TransactionId));
snapshot->curcid = dumpsnapshot->curcid;
* Free any shared snapshot files.
dumpHtab = NULL;
if (created_dump)
LWLockAcquire(SharedLocalSnapshotSlot->slotLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
/* release dump dsm */
false, /* isCommit */
true); /* isTopLevel */
SharedLocalSnapshotSlot->cur_dump_id = 0;
MemSet(SharedLocalSnapshotSlot->dump, 0, sizeof(SnapshotDump) * SNAPSHOTDUMPARRAYSZ);
created_dump = false;
* LogDistributedSnapshotInfo
* Log the distributed snapshot info in a given snapshot.
* The 'prefix' is used to prefix the log message.
LogDistributedSnapshotInfo(Snapshot snapshot, const char *prefix)
if (!IsMVCCSnapshot(snapshot))
StringInfoData buf;
DistributedSnapshotWithLocalMapping *mapping =
DistributedSnapshot *ds = &mapping->ds;
appendStringInfo(&buf, "%s Distributed snapshot info: "
"xminAllDistributedSnapshots="UINT64_FORMAT", distribSnapshotId=%d"
", xmin="UINT64_FORMAT", xmax="UINT64_FORMAT", count=%d",
appendStringInfoString(&buf, ", In progress array: {");
for (int no = 0; no < ds->count; no++)
if (no != 0)
appendStringInfo(&buf, ", (dx"UINT64_FORMAT")",
appendStringInfo(&buf, " (dx"UINT64_FORMAT")",
appendStringInfoString(&buf, "}");
elog(LOG, "%s",;
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