greenplumn simple_list 源码

  • 2022-08-18
  • 浏览 (364)

greenplumn simple_list 代码


 * Simple list facilities for frontend code
 * Data structures for simple lists of OIDs, strings, and pointers.  The
 * support for these is very primitive compared to the backend's List
 * facilities, but it's all we need in, eg, pg_dump.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * src/include/fe_utils/simple_list.h

typedef struct SimpleOidListCell
	struct SimpleOidListCell *next;
	Oid			val;
} SimpleOidListCell;

typedef struct SimpleOidList
	SimpleOidListCell *head;
	SimpleOidListCell *tail;
} SimpleOidList;

typedef struct SimpleStringListCell
	struct SimpleStringListCell *next;
	bool		touched;		/* true, when this string was searched and
								 * touched */
	char		val[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER]; /* null-terminated string here */
} SimpleStringListCell;

typedef struct SimpleStringList
	SimpleStringListCell *head;
	SimpleStringListCell *tail;
} SimpleStringList;

typedef struct SimplePtrListCell
	struct SimplePtrListCell *next;
	void	   *ptr;
} SimplePtrListCell;

typedef struct SimplePtrList
	SimplePtrListCell *head;
	SimplePtrListCell *tail;
} SimplePtrList;

extern void simple_oid_list_append(SimpleOidList *list, Oid val);
extern bool simple_oid_list_member(SimpleOidList *list, Oid val);

extern void simple_string_list_append(SimpleStringList *list, const char *val);
extern bool simple_string_list_member(SimpleStringList *list, const char *val);

extern const char *simple_string_list_not_touched(SimpleStringList *list);

extern void simple_ptr_list_append(SimplePtrList *list, void *val);

#endif							/* SIMPLE_LIST_H */


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